Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, in a private meeting inadvertently broadcast via a hot mic, warned that Donald Trump is seriously considering annexing Canada to secure its critical mineral resources.
Speaking to business and labor leaders, Trudeau claimed Trump’s administration is keenly aware of Canada’s resource wealth and sees annexation as a means to control it.
The comments, cut off after staff realized they were audible, underscore growing economic and political tensions.
He also stressed the need to diversify trade, noting, “Geography means we’re always going to both benefit and be challenged by trade with the United States.”
Nothing Trump says is a joke, unless he realizes he’s getting too much pushback on it for going too far. Then it’s a joke.
Trump has zero sense of humour. He never jokes. Every comment he makes is a serious possibility in his mind.
His best trait is his comedy skills in my honest opinion. He absolutely has a sense of humour. And I’m an angry Canadian who would put a bullet in the guy’s head if I could.
Dude is funny. That’s why he’s in office.
The thing is that there is a truth behind every joke.
Sorry, but no. You might have brain damage if you think he’s funny.
He is funny. In the sense that we’re all laughing AT him, not with him.
If you think about it. Have you ever seen him actually laugh or just smirk?
This is the happiest I’ve ever seen him.
Trumpy only smirks when he’s insulting people.
Still never a joke to him, that’s what his supporters say for cover.
‘I don’t kid’: Trump says he wasn’t joking about slowing coronavirus testing
Administration officials have scrambled in recent days to clean up the president’s remarks from his weekend rally in Oklahoma.
They had said, “Ha! He was making a funny!”
Rumours that the United States, in conjunction with Wile E. Coyote, are going to Nuke North Korea into Next Tuesday are GREATLY EXAGGERATED
Yea, everyone knows it’ll be Monday. The worst day of the week.
I just had this conversation with my boss yesterday. He said he thinks the comments are funny because he thinks he’s joking and just making everyone mad. I said no, he may present it as a joke to test how far he can go, but if there’s not enough pushback, he keeps going.
But also like, what if that was what he’s doing… Why is this funny again? This is the president, why would we want someone who jokes about serious shit like that in charge?
The brain rot in this country runs deep.
We should join the EU, fast
That’s not enough. They should immediately negotiate an agreement with Britain and France to have British and French nuclear weapons stationed on Canadian soil. Have them there long enough until Canada can acquire their own domestic arsenal.
Canada needs the bomb. It sounds insane, but I am not joking. That is the obvious lesson of the Ukraine war. Canada is already an advanced near-nuclear state. They could have a domestic arsenal within a year or two if they wanted. And borrowing a few nukes from London or Paris in the meantime would provide cover to allow that.
And I say this as an American. I know Canadians may be loathe at the idea of a Canadian nuclear arsenal. But be realistic. It is the only way for Canada to ever be able to credibly deter a direct threat from the US. We can no longer be trusted.
Canada needs the bomb.
The fact that that your comment even makes a bit of sense is so completely fucked. Of course I don’t speak for everybody but I think it’s fair to say that most Canadians do not want to be a nuclear power. We do not want to hurt or threaten anyone, particularly our American brothers? When Pearl Harbour was attacked we declared war on Japan before America did ffs… shit is fucked up down there
When Pearl Harbour was attacked we declared war on Japan before America did
Must be nice having allies like that. Those are the kind of friends you should hold on to and not inflict ridiculous tariffs on or anything like that.
Unfortunately, this is not about what Canada wants. This is about what Canada needs. I do not want Canada to have to build a nuclear arsenal either. Realize, I am advocating for the construction of nuclear weapons that will be pointed at my own head. THAT is fucked up. I do not make this recommendation lightly.
Reality check. 90% of the Canadian population lives within 150 miles of the US border. An M1 Abrams tank can drive that distance in an afternoon. The Canadian military is woefully unprepared to resist such an advance. The Canadian military is not designed to resist the might of the US. It’s designed to provide some valuable but niche roles as part of the NATO alliance. And this is not some failure to plan on the part of my Canadian brothers. Frankly, Canada was never going to be able to develop such a capability. Canada has approximately 12% of the population of the US, and a vast territory to defend. Even if Canada become as militaristic as North Korea, Canada simply does not have the resources to develop the capability to militarily resist the US using conventional arms.
Do you think an alliance will save you? NATO membership means nothing in this context. When an outside country invades a NATO member, they can activate Article 5. However, nothing happens automatically. The NATO members then must convene to formulate a response, and any single member can veto the resolution. Greece and Turkey, both NATO members, have fought several armed conflicts while both being NATO members. NATO will not be coming to save you.
The Commonwealth? Could you dust that thing off and appeal to King Charles for aid? I’m sure he’ll send his dearest sympathies, but the redcoats will not be coming to save you this time. Compare the stats of the US Navy to the Royal Navy and let me know how that would go. I’m sure the Royal Navy’s 160 aircraft will be a formidable match for the US Navy’s 2600. We could also look at other military branches. But the disparities would be similar, and the forces of King Charles would have no way to get to Canadian soil. I’m sorry to say, but 1812 was a very long time ago. The forces of King Charles would struggle to resist, with conventional arms, a US invasion of the UK mainland. Realistically, if the UK wanted to offer any meaningful assistance to Canada, it would have to come in the form of thermonuclear weaponry.
What about the EU? Could Canada join the EU? Would that save you? First, it takes years to join the EU. But even if you could waive a magic wand and join tomorrow? The EU does have the population and economy to potentially stand up to the US. But they don’t have the defense sector necessary. There is no vast EU expeditionary army that is going to sail across the Atlantic and go to-to-toe against the US Army and Marines. There is no formidable EU Navy that’s going to serve as a credible threat to the Americans. In time, the EU could build that capability. But we’re talking, extremely optimistically, a decade to spin up that magnitude of a military industrial complex. US army soldiers will be fishing on the northern coast of Nunavut before the EU parliament even passes the budget appropriations.
Could Canadian irregulars resist the advance? Canada is not some war-torn country in the Middle East that has had insurgent fighting going on for decades. There isn’t some vast network of Canadian insurgent groups with the skills and resources to build improvised explosives and knowledgeable of insurgent tactics. There aren’t thousands of guerilla fighters that might credibly slow down a US invasion. How many suicide bombings has Canada had in the last year? Canada is not Iraq or Syria. I have no doubt that a fierce resistance movement would eventually develop after a US invasion. But irregulars would not be able to actually prevent such an invasion.
If Canada wants to actually deter a US invasion, they need to consider a domestic nuclear arsenal now. They should have considered it the moment Trump started talking about annexation. Canada should negotiate with Britain or France to have British or French weapons stationed on Canadian soil. And that would provide a meaningful deterrent while Canada develops their own arsenal.
Now, the French or UK arsenals cannot come close to matching that of the US. Combined they have 500 warheads, while the US has 5,000. But nuclear weapons are the great equalizer of international politics. Even 50 nuclear warheads on Canadian soil would successfully deter any potential US invasion. It would mean that whatever the US might hope to gain from invading Canada would be dwarfed by what the US would lose in the conflict.
Sorry for the long response. But TLDR, Canada is hopelessly outmatched against the US in conventional military forces, and there is no realistic way its allies will be able to defend it using conventional weapons. A nuclear arsenal is the only way for Canada to ensure its survival as a nation against a US gone mad. And I write this as an American.
An M1 Abrams tank can drive that distance in an afternoon.
Just one thing…
No, it can’t. Took us 16 days to drive a squadron of them from Kuwait to Baghdad. Most of the time they spent on flatbed tractor trucks, because of the a) fuel consumption per mile (Like 15 gallons per mile or so) and b) maintenance. Those things throw tracks bad on asphalt. But, they slow down a lot on dirt.
OK, I just looked up the top speed and divided by the distance, but there may be logistics issues that make that impossible. But really, 2 weeks or an afternoon? It makes little difference.
It would mean that whatever the US might hope to gain from invading Canada would be dwarfed by what the US would lose in the conflict.
The problem is this is already the case. Nuclear weapons may make it even more lopsided, but the country is already losing more than it stands to gain from an invasion purely on the economic results.
So basically, strategically, Canada should get the bomb and become allies with China, since it’s the only country that can match the US military
Countries don’t have brothers, they have interests.
Certainly true for the US.
And domestic politics - moreso than interests, even. Kissinger and the “realists” were kind of full of shit because of that.
deleted by creator
When Pearl Harbour was attacked we declared war on Japan before America did ffs… shit is fucked up down there
I had not heard that.
At the point in history their government was working at least as well as ours (for good or evil), so I don’t know what conclusion to draw.
I’m not an expert in WWII but by that point Canada had been at war in Europe for a few years already, and America was trying to stay out of it. I guess it took a day or two for the sleeping giant to wake up, or something to that effect
Oh, you mean we were already in WWII, not that we specifically responded to Pearl Harbour.
No, after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Canada and Britain declared war on Japan before the US did.
Interestingly, though the United States suffered the most casualties and damage from Japan’s multiple attacks on December 7 (December 8 in Japan and east Asia), the American government wasn’t the first to declare war on the Japanese Empire. Even before President Roosevelt convinced Congress to approve a declaration of war, both Britain and Canada had declared war on the Imperial nation on December 7, 1941.
Oh, you do mean that. TIL, wow.
Wikipedia makes it sound like they basically just decided to do it really fast to make a point. I suppose already being in a state of total war also helps.
Fun fact: we used to have a secret one the Americans gave us.
We could probably whip one up in a month or so. We have all the technology and manufacturing capabilities required. And if CSIS doesn’t have some blueprints squirreled away somewhere, I’m going to be surprised and disappointed.
If we’re talking nukes and their ultimate results, we could just make our reactors go Chernobyl if they invade.
Ironically, with our reactors, it’s actually easier to make weapons materials than it is to make them go boom. It’s one of the reasons why we never sell them to non-nuclear nations.
You should watch Perun’s “All bling, no basics”. Maintaining a nuclear arsenal is expensive.
You’re assuming Canadians will be immediately granted American citizenship and representation. Most likely, Canada would become a US territory like Guam or Puerto Rico, and kept that way for at least a generation.
I really don’t think you can not give 41 million people the vote. Even trump when he says 51 state implies that it’s a merger, to use that word.
Why not? Denying 41 million a right to vote is a minor crime compared to forcefully conquering a peaceful neighbor that had been your closest neighbor. You’re talking about a conflict that would easily kill 10% of the Canadian population, and likely level every major Canadian city, by the time the resistance efforts were finally stomped out.
He’s saying they would make a 51st state eventually. The US’s client state, Israel, denies the right to vote to nearly half of the population of the areas it controls. And we’re their greatest ally. Why can’t we deny the right to vote to 10% of the people in the territory we control? (Canada’s population would represent about 10% of the combined US-Canadian territory’s population.) Hell, we already disenfranchise millions due to felonies. And we disenfranchise millions through voter purges. And it was only in the 1960s that we stopped outright legally disenfranchising people due to skin color. You’re seriously trying to argue that a fascist government would have moral qualms about disenfranchising large numbers of people!
The US could quite easily even go far as to say, “all Canadian citizens in the occupied territories are resident aliens and will not have the right to citizenship. Their kids will have citizenship, but no one who has ever held Canadian citizenship will get US voting rights.” Every Canadian currently alive simply never gets to vote.
This is entirely possible. A right wing authoritarian government is not stupid. They’re not going to immediately grant voting rights to people that will immediately vote them out of office. The only way they would do that is if they were confident that elections were so utterly corrupted that giving Canadian’s American citizenship wouldn’t change the outcome.
Since you seem to be taking this seriously, the only way to do this without becoming THE international pariah on the likes of North Korea is to do it peacefully.
If there is an invasion that comes to blows, the US will become person non grata on the international stage. Everyone will boycott everything from the US and to do with US. This is where you say but but but iraq, and that’s where I say that was different. If the US invades an ally, its finished internationally. I know it’s all rah rah USA number 1 but you need international support/trade/commerce/cooperation. It’s not that people care that much about Canada, it’s that no one will ever want to do or find the need to do business with the US again when there is no trust. They would have just showed that there is no such thing as cooperation with the US. It will be down to Russia and NK (and China will sell things, but China basically thinks they are above having friends/allies). So it you think a right wing authoritarian government is not stupid, they wouldn’t do it, except “peacefully”.
They would try.
I’d consider supporting it, if there was a serious public discussion on the matter.
The one argument against it - besides the lame “that’s violent” or “we couldn’t actually need one” - is that saving this one nation isn’t worth the increased risk of a nuclear exchange.
saving this one nation isn’t worth the increased risk of a nuclear exchange.
If a nuclear exchange happens anywhere, I imagine every country on the planet is going to be affected by it, so you might as well protect yourself.
Risk as in risk of it happening, not risk if it does happen.
Nuclear proliferation is what we’re talking about, and the basic idea is that if you have n nuclear powers, that’s O(n2) potential conflicts that could start at any moment.
I don’t think you have time for “serious public discussion on the matter”.
Once all the 2025 assholes are in place it’s go time.
Hmm… I’m actually not sure if the government could do this without passing a bill. If they have to pass a bill, you bet there will be public discussion during the debate period, and probably before as well.
The the government of the day could just do it, I guess it’s not impossible, although they’d have to be a Doug Ford-level blowhard.
I feel it would kinda be a :
wink wink nudge nudge
Holy shit! 3 UK and 2 French nukes just appeared in our arsenal! Would you look at that!! They even have the keys and everything!! Guess we didn’t even know we had them this entire time! What were you saying now, you orange colored sack of shit?
Yes, absolutely, you are an American. Nobody needs a damn atomic bomb. Not even the USA in WWII. If Trump tries to take Canada by force, it’s the end for him. The enemies of the USA will find all the wholes they need in USA’s northern and southern borders. For the first time in a long time, war would be fought in USA territory, and everyone would know who caused it.
This is delusional. Who is going to intervene? With what military? What country has an expeditionary force that can best the US Navy, sail across an ocean, and then confront the US Army and Air Force on America’s home turf? China? They’ve been building up for years with the hope of being able to stand up to the US, in the waters directly off the Chinese coast.
The idea that anyone could invade the US is delusional. Also, the US has 5000 thermonuclear weapons. No one is invading the US mainland. No one is invading mainland China. No one is invading Russia. Big nuclear powers are immune to invasion on their core territory.
Again, it’s easy to tut tut about nuclear bombs. But they sure have done a good job at preventing more world wars between the great powers.
Not in that kind of war, of course. You’ll be getting little hits one day and the other too. Domestic enemies will also be there, and all propaganda in the world won’t cut them down. It will be from the inside. Chinese, Russians, Canadians, Mexicans, Americans too. Do you think Elon Musk will stop it?
The UK does have the bomb but doesn’t have missiles to launch it. They are “renting” missiles from the US.
So France is the only country left, but I’m sure France will be extremely happy to help against the US!
Somewhere, the ghost of de Gaulle is laughing…
You must be smoking some good shit.
The US did not allow nukes in Cuba in the 60s. We very nearly had a nuclear war over it. You think the US will roll over and allow a second tier power like France to do it now?
The difference here is that we’re not in a cold war with Canada or France.
Russia was a peer adversary and we had a very intelligent and calm president at the time.
Today France can’t project power into Africa without the US providing logistical support and our President is nuttier than a fruitcake and is itching to let the military off the chain with any pretext to annex Canada.
Dream on.
I cannot stress enough how bad of an idea it would be to allow nuclear proliferation at this point
Nuclear proliferation is always bad. I don’t give a damn about the second cold war.
No one said it was good. I said you’re too late. The proliferation is happening regardless.
I used to be like you, but then I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb
Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here! This is the war room!
If i were Taiwan or Iran or Ukraine it would be my top priority.
I cannot agree with you more, and i’m very sad to see so much upvotes in favor of nuclear intensification Bombs do not protect from bombs, guns do not protect from guns
That’s a nice and noble idealism, but what evidence do you have for it? Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons, and look how that turned out for them. There is a reason Zelensky has been pushing so hard for NATO membership. It’s easy to idealistically reject nuclear weapons when you’re a nation that is comfortably protected by the nuclear umbrella of a friendly allied superpower. It’s easy to tut-tut, scoff, and say “bombs do not protect from bombs.” But I have yet to see a nuclear-armed nation ever face an existential threat of invasion from a hostile outside power. Despite how much you might claim they are useless, nuclear-armed countries sure do tend not to get invaded. Notice how Trump routinely talks about invading Iran, but no one talks about toppling the North Korean regime anymore? Or why haven’t the Western powers come riding to Ukraine’s aid like they did Poland in World War Two? Despite your idealism, as a practical matter, it is not possible to invade and annex a nation that has a nuclear arsenal.
Nuclear weapons, despite how distasteful they are, are the international relations equivalent of “high fences make good neighbors.” Canada has been protected by a nuclear arsenal for generations. But they’ve had the luxury until now of pretending they aren’t.
Canada needs the bomb.
Youre talking about countries. I do not care abouy contries. Bombs do not protect people, guns do not protect people.
Killing peoples with guns in third world country to avoid killing with bombs in eu/na is not a win. Getting bombs or guns just temporarily deflects the violence on someone else. The day everyone has bombs, wars wont stop.
You cannot want a safe world for people and want bombs at the same time. It is only viable if you think abouy nations instead of people, but who cares?
Bombs do not protect from bombs
So, why are we letting Russia run roughshod over Europe?
guns do not protect from guns
Dead nazis agree.
Weren’t around for the Cold War?
War is just another game
Tailor made for the insane
But make a threat of their annihilation
And nobody wants to play
If that’s the only thing that keeps the peace
Then thank God for the bomb
American here: yep. NATO is going to become effectively useless in short order, and it’ll be all our fault. Save yourselves; hopefully we can get our shit together at some point, but I’m not counting on it tbh.
there’s a reason France maintains a second, non-NATO, arsenal. there’s also a reason Poland is buying what France is selling
Um it’s still NATO. It’s just under their command.
there’s also a reason Poland is buying what France is selling
Oooh. What’s the story there? Like literally buying equipment, or just suggesting some kind of new defence pact (that Canada should definitely join).
no longer trust their sources for USA licensed designs so drawing on the NATO compliant, but not NATO standard, French weapons. France has maintained those since the founding of NATO because they side eye us in all things. a behavior i bet they’re feeling pretty good about right now
France has maintained those since the founding of NATO because they side eye us in all things
Historically, the US shat on France every time we got the chance. Started about 2 years after they financed our revolution.
we’re the worst friends to have
Oh cool. Sweden also has some stuff.
We make armoured troop carriers… and that’s it AFAIK.
My question is: when push comes to shove, what are you gonna do if Trump declares war on Canada?
another American here: i’m gonna do my best to be a hindrance to my government. i fundamentally disagree with wars of expansionism
Thanks. I’m happy to see we stand united across frontiers.
donald trump is right our border is arbitrary. his conclusion of what to do about it is derranged. our people should be united, not in subjugation, but in resistance. our music, food, and culture all influence each other. we likewise should all be free from these fucking losers
Yes. Standing united can mean also that we recognize that right to self-rule is beneficial to all.
I’ll oppose my own government then. With force, if required.
We’ll just rebrand as United Earth and welcome you with open arms.
We have a land border with denmark and a martime border with france.
The head of our government is a a European king.
Hans Island and Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, respectively, for anyone head-scratching on this one.
Well, by that account… There’s a bridge linking France and Brazil.
Hans Island isn’t a colony.
St. Pierre and Miquelon has more direct ties to the French government.
Guyana is not a colony, it’s an overseas department, part of France as the Normandie or whatever, just happens to be across the Atlantic. They quite recently voted against more autonomy.
You’re in NATO, if the USA betrays NATO and attacks NATO, they will presumably trigger the famous Article 5 and be at war with all of NATO.
Besides that, you’re also in the Commonwealth, and as such I expect the UK and her allies to come to your aid. Our government is spineless shite these days, but I expect we won’t shirk our most solemn of obligations.
Either way, if the fascist US invades Canada, it’ll be all out war between the US and all of NATO. Won’t end well for anybody, but it definitely won’t end with the US annexing Canada.
Might end with the Western world being an atomic crater (including the USA) with nations like Russia and China picking over our corpses to establish a new world order, but won’t end with Canada being annexed.
The US government would have to be suicidal to do this. Utterly suicidal, to the point of actually being traitors to their own nation.
if the USA betrays NATO and attacks NATO, they will presumably trigger the famous Article 5 and be at war with all of NATO.
If the US used military force (unlikely), they’d just do what the Russians did in 2014. They’d little green men in who were obviously American soldiers, but where there was (barely) plausible deniability.
No sane country wants to actually go to war with the US, so that would give the NATO allies the excuse they needed not to declare war on the US. They’d just lament the tragic incident, and demand an investigation into who these soldiers actually were, and then it would all be over.
Most likely, the next thing to happen would be negotiations with the US like the negotiations with Germany after the Anchluss, with European leaders playing the role of Neville Chamberlain, attempting to appease Trump.
Utterly suicidal, to the point of actually being traitors to their own nation.
Well boy do I have news for you
Please do. Like, yesterday.
I fucking wish man. I have wanted to live in Iceland for my entire adult life and I finally could. I know they aren’t EU but they are Schengen before someone says “well actualyl”
I would kill and die in a war with Americans if they tried to force us into becoming Americans. I would rather die and take as many of you with me as possible than become an american
Guarantee I’d be sabotaging shit on this side to help you guys win. Every sensible American loves our Canadian neighbors and respects their sovereignty.
make no mistake, that line gets crossed. its over for everyone.
The US will enter a civil war. And it probably wont end for decades Canada will be destroyed. Gobbled up in the same civil war south. NATO will cease to exist. Europe will be in peices. The war with Russia will expand, many of europes countries will refuse to honor treaties and end up fighting each other until some vague lines are drawn between Russia and the resistance.
As as US citizens here i will join your side
Yeah I was gonna say let me cross over real quick. I’m American, so I’ll bring my own guns as long as you can provide some healthcare.
Violence in exchange for healthcare is celebrated by a lot of people.
As a Wisconsinite, I will cheerfully defend Canadian sovereignty. Come for us, you fascist fucks.
And as an american I applaud you for it. This is the dumbest timeline.
How would that even work. It’s an an entire country made up of provinces. We have our own provincial governments. Canada is fucking huge. How would they enter? The border spans the whole width of the continent. Do they even have a big enough military to even do that?
None of this even makes sense, it sounds like the biggest dumbest joke any president has ever came up with, besides building a wall along the opposite border, which may have started but never even finished, or turned out way too expensice to be realistic or something like that, what ever the fuck happened.
For Canada’s population they are a remarkable country, but even so, for Canada to win a war they don’t need to fight, they only need to walk backwards and wait for winter.
and go where? tens of millions of people running into the woods. means tens of millions of dead people.
Northern people Live in cold climates, but you know where we sleep at night? in bed under blankets in insulated buildings
Minnesota will likely join you. And if you don’t know our state history, don’t fuck with Minnesota.
Can we get a hint?
Well, starting with the civil war Hancock would, if I remember correctly, go on to credit MN for essentially winning the battle that turned the war. Here’s another good write up.
They lost 82 percent of the fighting force in a day. Biggest lose for a unit in American history.
We can start going more modern from there, however, in terms of straight state pride, fuck the slaveowners. Fuck unjust governments. That battle is everything a Minnesotan needs to know when it comes to fighting for what’s right.
We also took a confederate battle flag that day(Virginia’s?) and every couple years or so they ask for it back and get told to pound sand. The full embodiment of being Minnesotan
I’d say you guys are already honorary Canadians, but I’m told I shouldn’t fuck with Minnesota, so I’ll just do a friendly nod as I hold the door and wish you a nice day neighbour and please give my best to yours and if your kids are up for it my kids wanted to do that playdate, so would pizza be ok, let us know if there are any allergies we should know about.
Eh, with current events, most of us would take that title with open arms. However, title only, our work of undermining the current administration is just getting started. Most of us would rather be Canadian, but think about the chaos we will sew from the inside out.
Anyway, sounds great, only allergies are fascists, thanks.
We fucking love Minnesota. You guys are awesome.
I’m American and I’d be 100% on your side, there is every reason to not be in the US, you don’t deserve our fate.
I like your fighting spirit. I look forward to calling you my countryman.
Yep, I would bear arms against any who cross that border with ill intentions. They step foot across, and they’re pulling a stump back.
If they try it they will hear the snow banks talking like the trees used to in Vietnam
No you wouldn’t.
Yo, this won’t be an annex. It will be an invasion if he really wants it, same with Greenland. You think Canada will just roll over? Imagine if fucking Mexico decided to take back Texas. (At this point, please do, I could use some new leadership here)
I’m so sorry Canadians, yall just up there doing your thing and these assholes just trying to fuck your shit up.
I’m in the GTA. I’m ready to die for my country. Are Americans ready to say the same when their president gives them the order?
Rest assured you do not want to fuck with us Canadians. We are deeply embedded in your country. You would see terrorism the likes of which you have only seen in your nightmares. 9/11 will seem like happier times.
Seriously as a Canadian I want them to try.
A lot of Americans would come fight right alongside you. People are pissed.
Let’s go Canada!
I’m in Minnesota, I’d take up arms against people trying to invade Canada. Fuck those fascists.
This is the main reason I’m sure that a hot war is not going to happen.
Picture how chaotic and dysfunctional the US was in the latter years of the Vietnam war, and that was at least theoretically a war against the great evil “Communism”, when the people being killed were “Gooks”, who were barely human (at least according to racist propaganda).
Any war on Canada would probably start with maybe 30% support, and only go down from there. Could you even trust American soldiers to follow orders and kill Canadians? Probably some would obey, definitely not all. At a minimum, many would be shooting to miss, rather than carefully aiming.
As soon as Canada was attacked, you’d have Canadians streaming across the largest land border in the world into the US to engage in guerilla warfare – think the “Troubles” in Northern Ireland, except with much less of a difference in accent. They’d probably be joined by plenty of Americans too.
And, while the US military is very experienced, the US public hasn’t had to deal with war on their territory since the Civil War, generations ago.
I won’t discount the possibility that the US drums up support for a war by staging a false flag attack or something. But, even with that, I think a majority of the US wouldn’t want to risk American lives trying to kill Canadians.
Fun, totally unrelated to absolutely anything fact:
Three of the top ten longest confirmed sniper kills were Canadian.
It’s basically our military specialization
Everywhere snipers are a thing, the best ones are always the ones that grew up hunting. There’s a lot of really wild areas with really big game in Canada, it makes sense that some people are going to be very good with a rifle and scope.
A lot of us grow up around long guns. Handguns are relatively rare.
You have my understanding and support. Canadians please take care of yourselves.
You had our back in Afghan/Iraq, you have brothers and sisters in the US that will help.
It will take the unity to sabotage any Nazi/maga plans.
you have brothers and sisters in the US that will help.
They’ll intern and deport them
That’s something that’s been on my mind lately. I wouldn’t be able to hide anyone in my home or lay low because I’ve been vocal about my beliefs my whole life. I’ve been to more than enough protests to know there’s some sort of facial recognition on me, and I’ve been vocal enough online in recorded social media. The state of surveillance and tech advances in this age is going to make it difficult for anyone to organize and support each other. There’s almost no way to stay off the radar and everyone has a cell phone and smart speaker at home listening to their every word.
Absolutely… Then there’s the chilling effect that comes with it. People not even attempting to organize because they know what can happen if they do.
Fuck yeah brother, I’m with you
I’m building explosive filled toques.
As an Australian, I have no idea how my country would respond to this officially. The US alliance is basically our entire defence strategy, and we have fostered that by supporting the US in every conflict they’re involved in. On the other hand, we could never go against another Commonwealth nation. The cultural weight is too great.
Perhaps the best we could offer is assurance that any Canadian visitors (refugees) to Australia can probably overstay your visas for as long as necessary. For some reason we only care when immigrants arrive by boat. Just follow all the Aussies when they start leaving your ski fields.
Greater Toronto Area? 🙅♂️❌️
Grand Theft Auto? 😄👌✅️
One of those GTAs prepares you for war much better than the other one.
I’d rather come up there and die for Canada
If y’all ask, our economically developed states will fight on your side. Just promise us you’ll adopt us afterwards. We’ll do it for Tim’s
No worries folks, any infiltration violence in resistance isn’t likely to be directed at random civilians.
A lot of vandalism, though. And some judicious sniping would be likely.
No need to invade. The US can just tamper with our elections enough to get people in power that’ll just roll over and give them everything
I don’t know who downvoted you, but whomever did go check out Danielle Smith in Alberta. She sure likes Trump, and Ford over in Ontario used Roger Stone as a campaign advisor.
Trump has created a problem for the Cons, though:
“The start of a tariff war with the United States is changing voters’ moods. It’s harder to talk about a broken Canada when there’s a growing sense of patriotism,” another Conservative source said.
Our Cons need bogeymen to rile up our Centrist voters. They rail about borderguards or evil carbon taxes (that are given back to the vast majority of Canadians) or whatever, only now we’re getting Nationalist Cons rising up, despite their favourite leader Harper being a vanguard of International Conservatism.
We have an absolute issue up here with our Con voters, (when Léger asked Canadians about the Biden-Trump match up in the fall of 2020, 41 per cent of Conservative voters sided with Trump.) and they are extremely susceptible to Russian propaganda:
From the recent polls I’ve been seeing, Trump has apparently reminded a lot of conservative voters that they are Canadian. When asked how we should respond to Trump’s tariffs, “equal retaliation” and “escalation” combined for like 80%.
This whole thing seems to have poked that button we have where we can watch a hockey game, see someone start a fistfight over a perceived slight, and consider that a perfectly reasonable response.
Yeah, a reminder to Canadians that our blueshirts (equivalent to brownshirts etc) were rounded up and interned during WW2. They got back to work somewhat right after because the country was still freakin racist, but it took until recently for actual fascism-with-Skippy to pop up again.
Currently, Trumps team is just trying to get something boiling so that if/when polievre gets in power, the situation can be “resolved” without bloodshed.
I’m definitely curious to see what happens in the polls when we find out who the Liberals choose. I don’t get the impression that people really trust Poilievre to handle Trump.
It just reminds me of being bullied at school when I was young. Same shit different day.
Canadians are not as pathetic as us Americans, who’ve been rolling over for 50 years.
They will fight.
After 20 million scared civilians are neutralized and pacified… it will look like a fait accompli.
and then will come the car bombs, the mass shootings, the assassination’s.The only thing stupider than Russia invading Ukraine and expecting not to deal with a massive insurgency. Two countries that are culturally very close but had extremely bad history with each other as a cycle of abuse, is America trying to do the same thing with Canada,
Treachery is according to the divine comedy, the worst sin of all. Canada doesn’t have the boon of bordering other allies trying to help them in an imperialist war from their supposed brothers. but being stabbed in the back will sure motivate people to do things they wouldnt dream of against people they used to call friends. Yes, I’m referring to the “T” word.
also. theres no way Canada gets attacked, and it doesn’t cause a revolution or coup in the US. The first moves into Canada, would effectively be the first moves of a 2nd Civil War.
Trump is using Putins playbook. Constantly threaten to annex your neighbors. Neighbors take those threats seriously and start to build up a standing army at the border. Convince populous that the neighbors are threatening the nation and are preparing for an invasion. Yada yada yada. Start a “special military op“ and invade neighbor.
I mean Trump has literally forced both Canada and Mexico to move a standing army in the thousands to the borders now, so I see he is not wasting time with this casus belli.
Mexico already had 10k troops on the border.
Putins playbook wasn’t exactly that.
he already had control of Ukraine, the problem was his capos were idiots, pissed off the people. and the people kicked out his capo with torches and pitchforks.
he then declared all future ukrainian governments illigetimate. and his actions have been based on a vague idea of “It all used to be one country 300 years ago because of imperialism, and the current government is not legitimate”
That argument doesn’t work with Canada and the US. Yes, the US tried multiple times to take British North America, but failed.
Effectively, America already does control Canada through influence and assertion. but Canada is still a sovereign country. Smooth brained fascist and imperialist Chuds, just want America to look bigger on a map. they think that if there is ever a war with China, they’ll need Unfettered access to all materials in grasp. (which doesnt make sense based on their tariffs against taiwan, those tariffs imply they’re going to let China take taiwan, therfore no war with China)
at the end of the day, its dumb chuds who treat world politics and the hundreds of millions of peoples lives affected by it, like its a game. and they’re angry with canada because america has believed for decades that they’re in a culture war, and canadians are the opposition because they’re on average, much more liberal than american liberals.
He is Putin’s pawn
Wrote up a summary months ago (with reputable sources!) and warned about Nazis too and was permabanned from Lemmy news and politics for it.
Idk man, you can tell people stuff, but it’s so hard for them to access what’s real right now. There’s a concerted online effort to suppress factual info.
Can Americans just own their own dictator and expanding philosophy, please? Americans have been invading nonstop since they started to exist, Putin wasn’t even a spermatozoid. If there is an encyclopedia on this, it is written in English.
at least they recognize the gravity of this insanity.
USA here. I believe (but I dont know for sure) that any “hot” attempt on Canada will bring forth blood on american streets.
just hang in there and defend yourselves by any means you can while we try to get hands on this beast and strangle it.
I am sorry.
edit: clarity
Doubt there will be anything “hot”; it’ll be threats of violence, being met with rational, thoughtful responses that will aim to save as many lives as possible.
I hope you are right. at this moment in time I put nothing past the cabal and the “official acts” empowered degenerative orange sack in the wh.
just 8 short years ago, could you have seriously contemplated that we would be engaged in this way on this thread?
But I’ve been told by American lemmy users that it’s not serious and that it’s just a distraction, and that I’m a moron for taking it seriously
An American calling you a moron isn’t the insult they think it is.
Hey now! … Well, yeah.
Agreed, it carries very little weight
According to people on Lemmy, everything Trump does is a distraction. When he starts loading people into box cars and sticking them in ovens, it will still be a distraction.
People give the moron too much credit as a strategic manipulator. He’s not that coy. If he says something, it is because he has no filter and he was genuinely thinking it. His people might talk him out of it (or distract him away from it after the fact), or his aging addled mind wanders off to other things, and only then will it have been a “masterful ploy” to misdirect, or rile up the libs, or gain compliance through threats, etc. Every stupid and evil thing he has said aloud, he meant wholeheartedly at that moment. The problem is he may or may not decide to have follow through on it later, so you don’t know if you should react to it. But if he said something threatening, it is a threat. It isn’t necessarily a threat that will be acted upon. But it absolutely is still a meaningful and serious threat.
Exactly. He has no concept of what a joke is. Or of humor in any way. Have you ever heard him laugh? I sure haven’t.
As his fans always tell us- he says what he thinks.
Sure, most of what he thinks is stupid and/or wrong, but he says what he thinks and it’s only “a joke” when it’s so embarrassing that even he realizes it on some level.
Most Americans don’t realize the scale at which their empire works tirelessly to oppress or subsume all other nations. Telling them about CIA interference in the '70s and '80s blows their fucking minds, let alone what’s going on today across the world. It goes against the narrative that they’re tough but fair stewards of the planet and not schoolyard bullies with nukes who have transformed the global economic landscape to benefit themselves, so it doesn’t make sense to them.
it’s a distraction, but it’s also very real. everything is a disraction from everything else. they’ll get away with whatever they’re allowed. use what power you have to sabotage the things you can and do your best to have faith that someone is doing the same for the things you can’t help. i with there was more to do. i really do. but right now the biggest, most dangerous force in the battle between good, evil, and indifferent are the indifferent. we’re stuck out here desperately trying to convince the indifferent that the news media is fully captured and that the onslaught minorities say is happening is really happening
American here. You’re definitely not a moron. Too many of our own people are for not taking the orange idiot seriously. He may be tremendously stupid, but he has more than enough malice and greed to make up for it. And the people staffing his regime are honestly worse.
There’s a lot of gaslighting on Lemmy, specially because of the nature of by and whom it was founded for. Troll factories play both sides:
Well a lot of what he does is distraction. But yeah I think he wants Canada (even though it would shift things left, which he hasn’t thought about and likely won’t acknowledge) and Greenland, cuz big land.
It’s not going to shift things left if Canada was annexed. Even if they were given voting rights (which is doubtful), their population is both a magnitude smaller, and Alberta exists.
How much was the election won by? Pretty sure it was less than 41 million.
They can influence the popular vote, but that legitimately means nothing as far as presidential elections are concerned. For example, if they give the entire country 2 electoral college votes as a state, it’s voter base is effectively irrelevant to the outcome of any future election.
Should Canada be turned into a state and not just controlled as a puppet, they would more likely be given one vote per province, which is 13 votes. With a couple of their provinces being heavily conservative already, as far as shifting things left goes, that would be more like 10 votes. And for context, the state of Florida has 30.
If it were to happen the way it’s “supposed” to, if Canada were admitted as one state it would instantly become the largest state and gain FIFTY electoral votes, as a state gets the same number as they do Senators and Representatives combined. Again, barring the very shenanigans that would likely be the only way this could happen, those fifty votes would be Democratic-leaning for at least a generation. Alberta and the Prairies combined don’t have many more people than the GTA.
You could mitigate the presidential-electoral hit by letting them in as 13 provinces, but then you’re probably adding 16-18 Dem Senators versus 8-10 Republican. The only real hope is to get the Canadians to vote against their interests and split their Electoral votes when almost no other states (and no other large states at all) do so.
That’s assuming it happens aboveboard, of course, which naturally it wouldn’t, and would instead plunge the entire continent into violent misery if not outright war.
Thank you for adding more detail.
Yeah, I’m running under the pessimistic assumption here that incorporating Canada into the United States would not be done fairly or reasonably if it happened. I suspect that they would get a pittance in terms of political representation, justified by the xenophobic and nationalistic guise that “all those Canadian immigrants shouldn’t be influencing American politics.” Probably using talking points like,
- They haven’t been here the whole time.
- They don’t understand our politics.
- They have a different (read: socialist) culture.
- They’re the newest State(s)
Administratively it wouldn’t be one state, it would be 10 states because of the 10 provinces. You have 10 provincial governments that run pretty much the same as state governments. If you didn’t do that you’d have “state” level for the country, and then a second State level for the province, before you get into counties and lower. Canada can not run as one state, as states are set up.
If anything it would be 10 US territories. It would take years before it was ever allowed to become a state even if peacefully annexed which would not be how this would happen.
Trump says it himself when he says 51st state.
even though it would shift things left, which he hasn’t thought about and likely won’t acknowledge
I keep hearing this and, ignoring the fact that it annoys me that we’re even entertaining the idea of annexation, it doesn’t make much sense. For one, there’s no way we’d be given the right to vote; And two, Canada will be a bombed out warzone for the far foreseeable future. It’s more likely the USA will break apart before Canadians accept being American. Even if we pretended that we wouldn’t call on NATO for help, Canadians would go guerrilla until the last Canadian is standing
I think Americans underestimate the level of pride Canadians take in not being American.
~rural Alberta is a different story though~
I think you are underestimating the might of a military that has 1 Trillion dollars a year spent on it and has over 1 million active duty members. Trump is also dumb enough to authorize the use of nuclear weapons.
Don’t get me wrong, I’d expect the US to occupy us very quickly, but it would take a very long time for things to calm down
Edit: also its incredibly insane that this is a conversation we’re even having?
you’re right. On both points I feel a little like I got transported into one of the bad twilight zone episodes. The ones with out a moral that just say “damn wouldn’t that suck”
Well I’m talked out about this, so what I said to other people: I really don’t think you can not give 41 million people the vote. Even trump when he says 51 state implies that it’s a merger, to use that word.
The only way to do this without becoming THE international pariah on the likes of North Korea is to do it peacefully.
If there is an invasion that comes to blows, the US will become person non grata on the international stage. Everyone will boycott everything from the US and to do with US. This is where you say but but but iraq, and that’s where I say that was different. If the US invades an ally, its finished internationally. I know it’s all rah rah USA number 1 but you need international support/trade/commerce/cooperation. It’s not that people care that much about Canada, it’s that no one will ever want to do or find the need to do business with the US again when there is no trust. They would have just showed that there is no such thing as cooperation with the US. It will be down to Russia and NK (and China will sell things, but China basically thinks they are above having friends/allies). So it you think a right wing authoritarian government is not stupid, they wouldn’t do it, except “peacefully”.
It’s sad that all I can do as an Aussie is buy some real maple syrup. It also says a lot about what Canada gives to the world. There’s a damn good reason that Americans put the Canadian flag on their backpacks. We say here that New Zealand is to Australia what Canada is to America. They are our better, kinder sibling, the ones who didn’t join the war, the ons with more honour and integrity. Go Canada.
Pump the breaks there buddy. Canada has done plenty of fucked up shit that mirrors America and in some cases were actualy worse. They’ve just got better PR.
Trump is clearly a fucking asshole facist but ask the First Nations how much better and kinder Canadians are.
Yeah we aussies know how badly we treated our indigenuos people too, the new zealanders were better, as I said. I’m still going to shill for anyone who stands up to trump. We live in the prrsent.
Americans genocided the indigenous people and created a whole genre of entertainment, cowboys and indians.
Not sure if that’s the best example to make.
In my opinion the most similar country to Canada is actually Australia.
- our colonial past
- our continued colonialism
- we all live in one area and the rest of the country is uninhabitable
- our wildlife kills us regularly
- bogans and rednecks are basically the same thing
- drinking culture
- housing crisis, but precisely that you are brainwashed like us into thinking that owning a house is literally all that matters in life. I think our two countries are the most extreme version of ‘success is literally owning a detached house’. Our societies both are in on the exact same pyramid scheme
- funny accents with funny dialogue options
I don’t think we are kinder than you guys. I have a theory that our kindness is actually just a lack of honesty or directness, or in harsher words, spineless. That said my experience with Australians has been universally good. I should visit straya, never been…
I have a theory that our kindness is actually just a lack of honesty or directness, or in harsher words, spineless.
Sounds like the US Midwest
The primary reason for the annexation were Canada’s natural resources, considered vital to the American military effort in the Sino-American War.
The tipping point came in 2072. As the U.S. escalated its exploitation of Canada’s resources, her people took to the streets. Protests and riots erupted in several Canadian cities and an attempt to sabotage the Alaskan pipeline by unknown forces was foiled, but provided the U.S. Government an excuse to officially annex Canada.
When pictures of the atrocities committed in the name of the United States made it over the border, they sparked unrest and protests from the American public. Both sides thoroughly armed, it had little impact on history, as former Canadian land provided much-needed resources for maintaining the war effort, and the country was overrun.[Non-game 5][Non-game 6]
In a statement to the press, Buzz Babcock, commander of U.S. forces in Canada, cited security concerns as the primary reason for the annexation. He also stated that “Little America” was always the property of the United States and the U.S. military announced the official annexation of Canada on June 3, 2072.
Even among the military, the annexation was met with mixed reactions. For some, the act was considered criminal.[5] Open warfare between the opposing armies across the former nation commenced, with the Yukon becoming one of the many fronts alongside Anchorage in the Resource Wars.[6] Despite the outcry, the military initiative forged ahead. Propaganda portrayed the annexation as a “liberation”, with comic series such as Tales from the Front and cartoons such as Armor Ace and the Power Patrol championing U.S. occupation forces while vilifying Canadian resistance; for instance, the villainous “rogue robots” of the Yukon Five in the Armor Ace board game Cold Steel were explicitly described as part of the “Yukon Uprising.” Vault-Tec in particular sought to bank on the annexation as they began building and advertising available Vaults in “newly-annexed Canada.”
Fallout is supposed to be over-the-top dystopian parody, but here we are.
Just… don’t show any of this to the administration, hm?
Turns out people were pretty good at guessing what the end of America would look like.
I’m pretty sure this is just the playbook now.
I remember playing that one FO3 dlc where you’re fighting in Alaska (in a simulator maybe?)… I always thought that was one of the more plausible plot lines in the series.
Okay not to downplay the fucked up reality of this situation, but does it bother anyone else that the Orange Idiot thinks Canada should be just one State? And one hostile to him and his party at that, out of spite if nothing else.
i knoe Alberta is probably red, what about the other providences? Any Canadians want to chime in? What would the hypothetical blue/red breakdown be?
Our conservatives are left of your democrats. We don’t have any red.
PPC is our political party similar to republicans and they didn’t get any seats last election.
The problem is that the PPC is politically a nonstarter, so they hitchhike on the Conservative party.
the whole reason the PPC exists is because Maxime Bernier threw a hissy fit that he wasn’t selected to lead the Conservative party. and it was instead given to Erin Otoole or Andrew Scheer, (I honestly forget which one)
PPC has effectively re-integrated with the conservative party as other factions of the CPC have effectively embraced MAGA/Trumpism/Quisling Collaborationism. making PPC irrelevant and redundant.
AB would join before ANSCHLUSS.
SK red.
ON swing state, it’s rust belt all over again.
Maritimes votes along with New England.
MB is dealing with mosquitoes.
BC blue.
NL swing but mostly blue.
PQ 3rd party, but generally very strong blue. I don’t see PQ annexation happening though. It’d sooner fight for independence from either.
You must be in the East if you think like this.
You must be in the East if you think
The BQ would change their slogan to “nous autres, on l’a l’affaire!”
I live in rural AB and I’d be surprised if 1 person in 10 had anything good to say about trump. Most people know that he’s a lying shitbird, and want nothing to do with him. And frankly Danielle Smith is sliding fast since her toadying reaction to his tariff threats.
Probably would end up with 11 blue states and 2 red states, if the current borders remain.
I accidentally got caught on a hot mic saying what every Canadian is thinking in the back of their minds. Myyyyyy baaaaaaad.
Oh good, I’m not the only one that caught that.
This feels like an intentional “oopsie”
I don’t think he’s necessarily wrong, and I still think that we need to vote with that in mind but…….
This is an intentional “oopsie”
Leaks and hot mics are the best official channels today, lol.
CBC source for the audio in question:
I’m an outsider.
Do you think the military will comply with an order to invade Canada? Usually the higher ups are pretty sane people (in the West).
Even if the higher ups somehow agree (which would be insane), the actual troops are the ground are 50% POC or minorities. I can’t imagine them going through this hatred by the whitehouse and still continuing to follow orders. There will be a break in chain of command at some point.
Also peep the military subreddit on Reddit they are talking about breaking chain a lot, whether they will it’s still to be tested but it’s definitely indication of where things lie.
Member when this was just a south park joke?
Legally. Trump is Commander in Chief. the readers digest version of most people’s understandings is they’re supposed to follow his orders to the letter.
practically. who fucking knows. I would predict military bases start shooting at themselves as factions fight for dominance in towns, cities, bases, and states. it would effectively be a civil war. there would absolutely be a coup attempt by a faction of the military.
The amount of chaos this decision would cause would be on the same scale as World War III officially breaking out. America would be in total chaos while it tries to launch an invasion of Canada, (Whether it be the Little green men method of just rolling troops in and the defenders choose not to shoot at them. or it be the Feb 2022 method where Canada formally declares itself to be in a war state and the state attempts to resist, IE a shooting war then insurgenct)
this would absolutely cause a civil war in the states, like I said, but Im not even gonna attempt to theorize how it would turn out. the only thing I know is the world would be in flames.
The higher priority, according to the oath, is to protect the US Constitution from foreign and domestic enemies. Yes, domestic too.
They’ll just make up some “logistical difficulties” as an excuse to refuse the order.
This quite a historic geopolitical paradigm shift. It’s been implicitly assumed that the two countries are forever allied out of mutual interest.
Trump is trying to speedrun the destruction of the US
It’s been implicitly assumed that
Society seems to be built on a lot of obviously untrue assumptions.
Thwre is never a permanent ally or permanent enemy in the context of countries and alliances.
USSR was an “ally” until the the axis lost, then immediately became an enemy overnight. Japan then went through the occupation and changed from an enemy into an "ally of the US.
China (ROC), was once an ally of the us, then CCP took over and became an enemy, then the “Opening Up and Economic reforms” happened and now the US and China are sort of “frienemies”, but now with trump’s tariffs, its enemies again.
Heck, the US revolted against UK, and now they are sort of allies all the way throught the world wars until now with trump’s isolationism.
There is no “allies” or “enemies”, just temporary co-operations and competitions
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Our dedicated boys keep the peace in newly annexed Canada
can we skip to the part where america and china nuke each other, (and hit russia too for good measure). and the rest of the world can go about its business not being treated like pawns by imperialistic savages
I wish Canada would start an immigration program for Americans who don’t want to be a part of this shit.
I voted, I’m politically active, and I don’t want to be on this ride. While I don’t have a sought-after degree, I want to work for and contribute to my community. I have skills that I would be glad to contribute. I would pounce on the chance to get out of this shit hole.