I personally do have the capabilities I’m just pointing out this is unrealistic for 99% of TV watchers.
I see this thrown around a lot.
90% of us watch Netflix, Plex, YT TV or some other streaming service, how do I watch these with 4k quality without connecting to the Internet? That’s just an unrealistic request for 90% of TV users.
Pathetic. Weak. Spineless. Complicit.
You’re actually right they are decentralized and your account would continue existing if you had your own PDS and either you or someone else was running a relay.
The OP above is essentially saying what if the relay goes down, but anyone can run a relay it just costs a few hundred a month and there’s little reason to do so (right now).
Usually people on this side of the Fediverse aren’t in the know on the AT Proto inner workings.
One thing you can point out is protocol ownership, Bluesky owns the AT Proto protocol and can change it however they like while ActivityPub is a W3C ownership so a lot more resilient (albeit slower changes)
They are decentralized, the architecture is just more complicated and harder to run, but they are in fact decentralized.
You can run your own pds(data host), relay (pulls data from all pds), app view (app frontend), moderation (still in progress albeit), and even algorithms.
We have to stop saying they aren’t decentralized just because it’s more complicated and restrictive, large social media platforms will inherently be complicated and expensive in order to be reliant and fast.
Who would’ve thought that when you raze neighborhoods to the ground, force the dislocation of tens of thousands of people, and systematically detonate their schools and healthcare institutions there would be repercussions from them?
Not me that’s forsure.
I spent a lot of time trying to find an open source self hosted tool to replace mint and ended up just moving to Monarch and paying. Honestly it’s been a really great experience as if long as you don’t mind the annual $50.
I swapped my gaming PC from Windows to PopOS a few months ago and it’s been a seamless experience with driver installation with an Nvidia GPU / AMD CPU
Installed and played Civ 7 perfectly yesterday.
One of Trump’s biggest issues with Canada is supposably US banks not being allowed access. I would not put it past him to attempt to deny the reverse on a whim leaving you high and dry.
I know it’s very hated but this is precisely why crypto was created, just keep it in a stablecoin (USDT, DAI) instead of a variable price coin. Obviously it’s not usable as a payment system yet, I typically use credit cards for everything then pay them off monthly.
Definitely wasn’t just you, I’ve noticed Reddit actively feeds me content from subs I’m subscribed to that will bait me to argue with less than 100 upvotes, meanwhile it won’t show me major posts from the same sub that I actually wish to see.
I hope your head rots on a pike.
A leaked memo from the DOJ has them approving the death penalty for people without papers and that’s a positive direction to you?
Even if the higher ups somehow agree (which would be insane), the actual troops are the ground are 50% POC or minorities. I can’t imagine them going through this hatred by the whitehouse and still continuing to follow orders. There will be a break in chain of command at some point.
Also peep the military subreddit on Reddit they are talking about breaking chain a lot, whether they will it’s still to be tested but it’s definitely indication of where things lie.
Trump and Netanyahu are going to absolutely wipe out Gaza
The fact that it’s already been entirely demolished from the Biden admin kindve nullifies this talking point though.
Ultimately yes, its the fault of the voters (and non voters) who let their emotions cloud their judgement.
Just curious, why place blame on the voters? In my opinion we should be placing blame on the party / candidates. It is the parties and candidates job to ensure they are running on a winnable platform with a powerful message. Even outside of the Gaza issue Kamala did not back any popular policies and instead shifted to a very right (circa 2014/2016) platform. Particularly on taxation of billionaires, oil drilling, and healthcare for all, she walked all these policies to the right in the latter half of her campaign. There ultimately no reason to vote for her except so she would beat Trump, which makes sense for a lot of people, but I can also see many who weren’t inspired to vote and just assumed she’d win.
Edit: also just saw a guy below said a very similar thing so sorry if this feels like an attack from this perspective.
your republican goons
What are you even talking about man? I’m about as far away from Republican as it gets. Try having a conversation before lobbing insults, I know it’s hard nowadays but it can be done.
I agree and would love to work towards a world where that is true, unfortunately people love their infighting.
Doing anything is far better than arguing about what and where the blame is placed infinitely.
-The people failed, not the government. We had a free and fair election, saw what at stake, and still people decided to sit it out or throw their vote away.
Insane take and that’s all I have left to say 😂. Feel free to continue supporting democrats on your hedonic treadmill instead of moving towards a better world for everyone.
Your argument is only valid to an EXTREMELY small selection of people in 4 battleground states, but you project it to every leftist who criticized the Biden Kamala admin for allowing Gaza to be destroyed.
It’s much easier to place blame on made up people who have no power than it is to place the blame on the fact that our government systems have allowed this to happen. Why did the Democrats maintain full control of congress and yet nothing was done. They are the ones who held the power to stop this, yet nothing was done. Do not blame 10,000 individuals some with family who have been killed in Gaza when the blame should be placed on our government systems and Democratic parties.
We should instead be uniting on solutions to these problems not shoving blame down leftists throats who the vast majority of are not responsible for the problem at hand.
We need to ban all money from all elections state wide.