You mean Vietnam? Why are you mentioning it?
You mean Vietnam? Why are you mentioning it?
Yeah. It’s becoming clear and obvious that no side in any controversial situation has any morals or virtues.
Essentially, it all boils down to just looking good in front of your peers. If someone goes against the crowd but isn’t breaking any rules, the crowd will legit batter and berate the people in charge until that person is punished for something.
and surges support to Ukraine to force Russia to stop their invasion.
How? Ukraine will need troops from additional armies in order to win against Russia.
This shouldn’t have been removed, even if I disagree with it.
“Everyone who ignores herd mentality is a troll.”
That’s legitimately how bad things have gotten. Glad I don’t take kids like you seriously anymore.
Oh my god.
The propaganda machine has gotten to you.
You mean… both of them do it?
Wow, the power of truth!
Something tells me you’ve never said that about people cherrypicking information that’s beneficial to Ukraine.
My biggest advice when learning Rust is to use it the way you would use any other language. Learning about its advanced and unique features will likely distort how often you will be using or coming across them.
Rust is a very powerful and friendly language without using complicated things like boxes, dyns, refcells, rcs, arcs, etc. When you come across the need to use those features, they will make a lot more sense because you will see how they are relevant to your specific task at hand.
Oh boy. Sorry I’m not going to read all that because I’ve been there before.
You people will legit stop at nothing to avoid admitting how you’re part of the problem. Once the snowball effect has taken hold and you’re just trying to fit in with your peers, it’s an unstoppable force.
My time on the internet has really taught me a lot about human psychology. I’m glad I can see you people and your tactics for what they are and give you the respect you deserve.
Goodbye. You may have the last word (because you will not stop until you get it.)
I’m not mad, so that’s another thing you’re wrong about.
I’m telling you people why he’s not a good guy because you clearly can’t figure it out for yourselves. You’re getting mad at me because you want to fit in with your peers and refuse to acknowledge how you’re supporting the disparity in wealth.
Now go ahead and block me for calling you out.
I’ll just block you because you people are insufferable and will not stop until I give you the last word.
If you think I’m being an asshole then it’s simply because you don’t want to recognize how you’re contributing to the problem. Look at all the other baseless insults people are throwing at me to avoid acknowledging it.
I guess they get a free pass because they’re supporting a culture you’re proud to be a part of?
I know what I’ll put my money on.
Gonna block ya now.
You are completely missing the fact that poverty is a relative concept.
poor people whose lives could’ve been saved with this money perish.
Saving lives isn’t a “relative concept.” I said nobody will be brought out of poverty from this, which is true. I also said no lives would be saved from this, which is also true.
You only focused on the poverty aspect of my argument because it was easier to argue against, and you still failed to debunk it because nobody was brought out of poverty from this.
What are you going to say next to defend passing a bunch of money around at the top? Anything to avoid admitting you’re supporting the problem.
definitely no issue with rape in French society.
This is your preconception.
I guess you don’t have statistics to support it. Let me fix your comment for you:
It’s not my job to fish up statistics to support
you or anyone else’smy shitty preconceptions.
Why do you think his neighbors don’t need the money?
They will survive without it. There are plenty of other people who have to survive with less, and plenty more who have even less and don’t survive.
How do you know he isn’t also donating to people in real need?
That’s not what he’s getting praised for.
And why exactly shouldn’t he have money?
Watch your wording. I never said he shouldn’t have money. He shouldn’t have the excess that he has, though. Good job trying to change my argument with something that’s easier to argue against. It’s a tried-and-true tactic among the willful ignorance crowd.
He shouldn’t have that much money because the only reason why he, or anyone else, has those excesses is because others do not have enough. It really is that simple. But here you are praising him for “giving back” a minuscule amount of what he shouldn’t have in the first place.
This money is also going to end up in the hands of people who shouldn’t have it in the first place and the only reason others don’t have enough is because they have too much.
Did you personally determine the correct amount he’s allowed to have?
Sounds like a lot of certainty for someone who probably doesn’t have all the facts.
Sounds more like you don’t want to understand how you’re supporting the problem and want to fit in with your peers. I know what I’ll put my money on.
Wow, you’re really upset because I dared criticize how we’re passing a bunch of money around at the top.
It’s to be expected. You’ve been conditioned to support this system and get angry at any ideas that goes against it.
Gonna block you too. You should really consider why you’re getting so mad over someone on the internet saying that a rich person could’ve spent his money to save lives but he chose not to.
The reason is because you don’t want to realize how you’re part of the problem and other people need money way more than you or your peers.
Funny how much energy you people put into defending passing a bunch of money around at the top.
rich people get to stay rich while the poor people whose lives could’ve been saved with this money perish.
Gonna block ya now. Arguing with you people is exhausting because you will never give up despite how much you’re proven wrong. If you don’t want to accept something is true, you never will.
That’s how cognitive dissonance works. You’re pretty much arguing with yourself.
Literally the fact that Ukraine still exists means he’s doing a spectacular job.
I think you have, in fact, fallen for the widespread propaganda…or are trying to spread it.
I said they were wealthy, and globally speaking they are.
I said the money was going to end up in the hands of rich people, which it did.
You don’t like these harsh realities because they go against what you and your peers been indoctrinated to believe. This is causing your cognitive dissonance to flare up.
It’s easier to fool ya’ll than to convince you that you’ve been fooled.
Could be someone excited to add content to peertube, which desperately needs it.