Yup, GTA 5 has a very weird community, only encountered either no interaction at all, either killing players on sight
Yup, GTA 5 has a very weird community, only encountered either no interaction at all, either killing players on sight
I’ve heard a bunch of people complaining about Valorant, but from my experience it was mostly okay (1-2 years ago at least)
De la seule vidéo de présentation, la particularité de Manus semble être d’avoir accès à une machine virtuelle pour donner des résultats. Je m’y connais que de très loin, mais je pense pas que ce soit fondamentalement différent d’une IA qu’on “brancherait” dans d’autres logiciels pour créer les même résultats, la différence est sans doute que c’est plus clef-en-main, il doit y avoir moins de mise en place et ça doit être plus accessible pour des personnes moins versées dans la technique. Par contre j’imagine aussi que ça peut vite être un enfer en matière de sécurité, si jamais l’IA comprend mal la requête elle pourrrait théoriquement écraser un site en prod avec une version buguée, divulguer des infos confidentielles, etc. Et j’imagine que ce serait plus dur à encadrer qu’avec une IA qu’on câblerait soi-même pour produire ces résultats.
Two trips each week. One to the local farmers shop, for whatever is available there (mostly vegetables, eggs and bread, but sometimes fish, meat, ice cream, etc), and another to a supermarket for the common things (pasta for my gf and couscous for me, rice, flour, some dairy (fresh cream or cheese), sandwich bread and chocolate spread, sometimes stuff that needs to be refilled like oil, soap, toilet paper, etc and usually an extra meal : either rice and fish for sushi-like thingy, chickpea for nugetts-ich fried stuff, or a can of smthg like chili con carne).
We try to do lists for the supermarket, otherwise we always forget something. For the local shop, what’s available varies greatly so there’s no sense making a list.
If I’m correct, the linux foundation took up development of the Servo engine when Mozilla dropped it. So they don’t focus entirely on Chromium, and may be the ones to take back after Mozilla for Firefox/Gecko engine if needed (you did not said that ofc, but i think it’s important to mention). There’s still a long way to go with new engines such as Servo and Ladybird, but that may be good alternatives in the future.
I would feel okay i think. I only use it when it ends up in my search engine answers, and i think it’s okay, it has both a larger userbase and older history, so for niche subjects and specific questions it makes sense to use it.
But if you feel bad about it, maybe consider creating the communities you would like to see on Lemmy, as others said ! It may be not as hard and time consuming as you think, especially if you find some people to help you or even to entirely transfer the moderation part.
I’d say you’re no asshole at all, cause 1) generally speaking, you can have your reasons for being distant with people, it’s not a duty or anything, 2) from the bits of context, you may be experiencing a difficult/complex/unsettling situation, which would be a good reason to keep to your personal space to my eyes and 3) i find that, paradoxically, it feels more ok to have a “negative” or “not positive” or “neutral” behavior towards people who are more or less comprehensive/supporting, which seems to be the case here. On one hand we could feel like, since they make move towards us, we should thank them or they should be rewarded with extra attention, but on the other end, it’s the ideal situation to be reserved or less considerate without hurting people.
Not answering on the ‘all nazis’ point that just seems to be a wide misunderstanding and was already answered by others.
On the ‘left wing’ profiling though, I do think that there definitely exists something of the kind, at least in France. I experienced it multiple times, when being controlled on the streets. Each time, only people arrested were ‘alternative’ people (like with a punk look, tracksuits, looking homeless, or just fucked up clothes and long hairs like me). Most of us where white. And all people around with nice clothes and huge baggages were not even looked at. Maybe you don’t see this as ‘left wing’ but that is kinda the only concept i see that could encompass all those groups.
And of course it is not such a problem as racial profiling, in impact on people and society as well as in numbers, but I really do think it exists.
Hey, i’m sorry someone asked for it a few hours before you, and i was sleeping so i did not update the message. My bad !
It is available, I sent you a DM
Ah sorry, I only have one and someone claimed it already :'(
If i get it again somehow, I’ll try to remember and contact you again !
I sent you both in DM :D
Sent in DM !
Seems promising indeed, I’ll add it to the list. Thanks for sharing !
Nope, i live in France, and here the use of the term is more rare, I do not know anyone using it.
I think it is mostly used by AfroAmerican people, and i believe it is relatively common thing to see groups of people calling themselves with a pejorative word used by other groups (i think punk and queer evolved this way too, though the n-word is a much stronger instance, i see the same pattern)
I don’t know for the “all used” part, but yeah, responsibility of wars to come will partly lay on weapons makers, both enterprises and countries. They can say “I admit that I increase risk of wars and war casualties, but I think it’s the best bet for country/nation”., it’s not necessarily exclusive, but weapons are made to be used (especially dissuasion weapons, they only work if it’s well known they are ready to use).
It is indeed, my bad! Thanks for pointing it out, I’ll edit the table.
I don’t get what happened here. Did you really said “electoralism is not the root cause of fascism”, meaning that power would end up corrupted no matter what, and people actually downvoted you on .world, meaning they would think that electoralism IS a problem ? That’s not at all the cliché I have for either .ml and .world folks.
Or, since your original comment was edited later than its reply, did you edit it to make it say something else ?