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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 24th, 2023

  • I don’t think that would be the general case with humans under these kinds of circumstances. For most of history, women had many more children on average than we see in most of the world today. It was expected that many wouldn’t live past three years old in much of known, recorded history. I can only imagine in circumstances even more primitive than what we know of, something like this wouldn’t be as unthinkable as you’re describing.

  • This is important to bring up. If we want to stop being subjected to this kind of fuckery, we need to unite and vote with our dollars. I love making egg-based dishes, but there are other options. The real problem is most people struggle with the idea of making sacrifices to get what they want later. Just don’t buy eggs as an average consumer if they are that unaffordable.

    In the United States, we are spoiled for choice when we shop. We’re used to being able to get what we want when we want it, and that’s led to a sense of entitlement. Eat other things, get creative. Look up effective substitutions for eggs in baking.

    We don’t have to take this. So don’t.

  • Yes, let’s reward that behavior with a treat in front of other people.

    This is a situation that’s a one-off where someone not used to the normal customer experience reacted unreasonably. If you give in and allow their behavior to override the rules of doing business with that establishment, you not only encourage that person to continue acting out to get their way, but you also send a problematic message to the customers watching this interaction.

  • I’m glad it was helpful! Staying zen in the face of an irate or confrontational customer isn’t easy, but it’s the most effective way I have found to manage these types of situations. Rules and policies are in place for a reason, and I’m not going to be bullied into unfairly breaking rules for an asshole. If people are nice and respectful I will do everything in my power to assist however I can, but entitled people need to stop being catered to. The fact that their behavior gets them what they want is exactly why they treat people this way.

  • I’ve been in customer service in various roles for over twenty years. I’ve spent the last six in different positions in animal shelters, veterinary clinics, and am currently at a pet food manufacturer. Anything involving people’s pets leads to highly emotional situations, especially when things don’t go the way pet owners are hoping. I’ve dealt with people on some of the worst days of their lives. This leads to a lot of heated interactions.

    You’re absolutely right, your coworker’s choice to give in to this man’s tantrum is not how that should have been handled. It rewards Karen’s nasty behavior, and it sends the wrong message to other customers. Staying calm, explaining policies simply, and not becoming defensive or arguing points that don’t matter is important. My golden rule is to avoid letting a customer get a reaction out of me by all means necessary. I usually tire them out with calm kindness and repetition, because they’re used to making people uncomfortable to get their way. I’ve got all day, Karen. At least I’m getting paid for this, while they’re wasting their own time.

  • I’m having similar feelings. ICE is building an “office building” near me that conveniently has underground tunnels to transport office workers and high fences to keep these workers from leaving. I can’t tolerate this.

    The protesters in Hong Kong years ago inspired me to look into supportive tactics. Putting yourself in a position to help others helped me, and it may help you. Learning resistive tactics like combatting crowd suppression tactics was especially inspiring. We have to be ready to resist however we can.