I think you’ve got Gen Z and Millennials backwards.
It’s millennials trying to fit in with Gen Z to prove to themselves they’re not old.
And the Gen Z is… reading a newspaper? Nah fam, I don’t think that’s what’s going on.
You think millennials read newspapers? We are the first digital native generation. In fact, we saw the internet growing up while we grew up ourselves
Remember the internet before Facebook and Instagram? Good times. It was all Flash Games and p… Uhm, videos
I still know my ICQ number. Back when all instant messagers had open protocols and you could use one open source client for all of them.
I’m still slightly mad that everyone wanted to use AIM instead of ICQ, even though icq was better. It had offline messaging and you could change your display name, neither of which aim supported.
Anyone younger than like 30 probably has no idea that those were noteworthy features at one time. You could only send someone a message if they were actively connected at the same time as you.
I regret forgetting mine. I know it was 3965… Something. But that’s as far as I know for sure.
No I don’t think we do. I sure as hell don’t. Yes indeed, we are, and we did. That’s why I think the whole comic is bullshit, like wtf is this whole thing? Feels like some Gen X or earlier is trying out this web comic thing. I don’t even know.
Growing up? I think you mean “getting drained of any creativity or energy with age.”
Point to the panel with a Millenial reading a newspaper
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No, I responded to the wrong comment, but neither one is two paragraphs
I know i’m old, i just found a new hobby: messing woth the younger generation by messing with their slang.
You know, like how grandpa called every pokeman pikachu…but on purpose.
Grandpa knew what he was doing when he called all the pokemen pikachu
I… I think I’m having a panic attack.
Right? Everyone knows the correct plural form of “pokemon” is “pokemons”.
Nah, it’s 2020s, the proper term is pokepersons.
I spit out my drink.
No, no, it’s okay. It’s just a stroke.
I mess with my zoomer children all the time: bruh, no cap, on god, sus/sussy, my guy.
They mostly roll their eyes, but I do enjoy it.
My favorite is on cap, no god.
Fr no cap ong
Oh, (there is) no god?
This is the way
I definitely enjoyed that xD
Yeah no millennial is doing that to fit in/not feel old (okay there are probably some but they’re a minority for sure), at best they’re doing that to be annoying/make fun of the crazy slang.
It’s very incredibly lit, fam.
On Satan, for real no caps
We used to make fun of comic books for making up slang that hilariously no one would ever use, then gen z came along.
Right? We used to be like “this is written like how some 60 year old executive thinks kids these days talk … nobody talks like this we just talk normally…”
Like the boomers were better with saying grok. No I dont care that it comes from a Heinlein book.
Used to make fun mullets and mustaches too.
Looks pedo to me, not gonna change.
Used to make fun mullets
Definitely used to do this. I still do, but I also used to.
I have updated the comic for fairness.
Lmao Fuck an a that’s radical man.
Did you mean “Fuckin’ A” ?
Bone apple teeth moment
Bone apple teeth
Any hole’s a goal, right?
Even the A hole?
especially the A hole.
It’s where you start. It’s the first one. That’s why it’s called the A hole.
Tubular, even.
Like, a really gnarly take!
Ugh, as if!
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I thought it was overly exaggerated but then I saw the generation before me, blame my generation for the problems of the world and the "decadence of society " and then I saw my generation blame the next for those exact same things. Nothing new under the sun I guess.
Idk, from my perspective gen Z, Millenials, and gen X are all united in hating boomers.
Yah really what’s with this lolzoomer this millennial this BS. Let’s just all hate boomers together in peace.
Then you are lost!
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Very true! I love thinking about ancient greeks complaining about “kids these days.”
Every generation thinks they’re smarter than the one before them and wiser than the one after them.
I think the millennial generation’s biggest sin is the sheer volume of “Live laugh wine” and “Rose all day” content and decor.
Well can blamethe state of big tech on Gen X, right?
Girls just wanna have wine
That edit made my day.
one of gen Z’s favorite hobbies is making up fictional versions of the rest of gen Z to get mad at
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GenZ is sitting quietly reading a printed newspaper and only speaks in a universally recognizable lexicon with no cohort specific affectations?
Only as performance art
Uh that performance is cultural appropriation
What do you mean that’s my daily routine.
I feel like this comic is mislabeled. Gen z should be boomer, or Gen Z should be saying something to a millennial, but not millennial to Gen z.
No cap.
He should be rizzin that W in Ohio, boomer 💀💀
What he said.
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On cap, no god.
Right guys?
Yeah that was fleek I think
France France
Very hip, groovy even
That’s so fetch.
Those are certainly words.
If all words weren’t made up, I’d call bullshit on that.
I’m now truly grateful I was never cool. I’m no more lost now when teenagers talk than I was when I was a teenager.
Fr bro
New W? Or last month’s. We’ve been having a few lately and it ain’t something we’re used to
It’s the newspaper that is off-putting
For me the joke just doesn’t work reversed. The younger generation grows up hearing the older generations slang, so even if the younger generation doesn’t use that slang they know it. Older generations don’t tend to keep up with younger generations slang so, at least to me, the joke really only works with the older not understanding the younger.
My favorite part about generations is how the cut off changes with every source I look at. Like, technically I’m a millennial, but I was born in '81 which is only sometimes part of the millennial age range and never part of the gen x age range. It’s almost as if generations are entirely fabricated and not real.
Y’know, it’s almost exactly as if generations are entirely fabricated and not real. Good point, friend-o.
Whose Generation Is It Anyway?
Were the labels are made up and none of it matters.
Typical Xillenial comment.
The line between generations isn’t a date, it is collective experience. For example, the split between Gen X and Millennials is digital technology. And whether one’s experience more closely aligns to either generation is entirely down to the individual - and thus, not a rigid date.
One: Hello, fellow Xennial. I’m just a couple of years older than you.
Two: I find we sort of sort ourselves based on life experience, family structure, etc. I have an brother 7 years older than me, so I skew Gen-X. My wife is less than a year younger than me, but she’s the oldest and her parents are a touch younger a d fair bit less traditional than mine, so she skews Millenial.
The generations are a convenient shorthand to discuss broad trends about how certain cultural and economic factors affect the shared experiences of certain cohorts, but they’re pretty silly, especially on the edges. Chronological astrology, really.
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Maybe how angsty you were feeling when the internet arrived in your town? I dunno. It feels very appropriate though, that the forgotten gen X would spawn its own even more liminal sub/pseudo group.
I’m a 1995 kid and I think of myself as being right at the tail-end of what can reasonably be called a millenial
Yeah, my GF and I were born in 96 but both in fairly rural areas so our experience aligns more with being millennial. I think it depends a lot on the context of your personal upbringing, but I definitely agree with your sentiment.
If you were old enough to grasp how 9/11 changed the world as we know it and have clear memories from that day, you’re a millennial. If you had to be taught about it then you’re not.
Everyone has their own definition but that’s always been the cutoff that’s stuck with me.
I very clearly remember the day and am pretty right down the middle millenial but no way in hell did I understand the ultimate consequences of it.
'94, I grew up being told I was a millenial, now people scoff and inform me that I am actually a ZILLENIAL
it’s all made up
Generations are as real as genres.
Or genders. Tee-hee.
(Yes, I do like to start some shit.)
Pretty good analogy, IMHO.
It was never a hard cutoff, nor was it universal. Technology has long been a big factor, which means people in rural/poor areas were a decade+ later in experiencing the same generational norms.
Even cultural cornerstones are variable. For instance, you might remember the Challenger, or you might not, depending on your early childhood schools and your memory. The news about Magic Johnson or Kurt Cobain may have shattered your worldview, or you may not have even noticed.
But even in the best case, these are only useful as a rough guide. You should not be trying to do anything specific with these generalizations.
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I prefer the term Oregon Trail Generation.
I put myself in the elder millennial window too. I think the divider for elder and not is that I remember when we got a computer and Internet. Younger millennials don’t remember not having it, or at least not having Internet
But it’s all just Hokum trying to pigeonhole everyone into neat uniform experiences
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I think for that age range it kinda depends on when you entered the work force. Straight out of high school? Probably identity more with Gen X
In college for a while and graduated into the Great Recession? Probably more Millenial. That’s my uninformed take anyway
I fucked around for 10 years before working. Born in 85 LOL. I don’t feel like the younger generation at all. The only thing is that I am shocked when colleagues actually watch traditional TV stuff like that . Other than that I am very detoxed from the typical social media nonsense maybe that’s why.
The oldest millenials are in their 40s. Who is drawing these things?
Boomers, or millennials with boomer energy. Really anyone that wants to shit on “the youth”
As a “Millennial” in the 40s, myself and others my similar age don’t ever seem to fit into the millennial category well. The start should be in the mid 1980’s not the beginning. Gen x seems more fitting for the early 80s. But the generation thing is kind of silly anyway.
People born around 1980 are Xennials or the Oregon Trail generation. We’re kind of a blend of gen X and millennials.
the Oregon Trail generation
This is the one.
Hm I thought this whole time it was the mid decade like 85-94, 65-84. It is silly though, nobody has the exact same upbringing just because they’re born in a certain year.
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Wait, does Gen Z even read newspapers? Totally blew away my suspension of disbelief.
Each generation does something to spite the previous. Gen Z reads the papers ironically.
Eh I don’t mind if they do that?
The problem: it’s The Sun (take your pick of regional version), the only newspaper that Gen Z can afford.
I didn’t say its a bad thing. It’s just a constant across generations.
I’m gen z
I have never read them except out of Boredom
Most news I read online, but even the news gets boring sometimes
I wish the news was boring more often
I have never read them except out of Boredom
Fun Fact: this has always been true. That and avoiding the children. In the days of outhouses, sitting on the toilet for hours was not great. So they read newspapers.
Edit: I was more being funny about wasting time in the bathroom too avoid child responsibility. People have often needed long times to make things work. The person that responded to me had some great points.
There was a whole genre of books called “bathroom readers”.
You are right. Thank you
Reader’s Digest was literal!
I’m not sure if I could manage to get a paper newspaper nowadays if I went out looking for it.
I signed up with my local paper. Got the cheapest yearly subscription they offered that gave me full access to their articles online.
It came with delivery of the Sunday paper every week. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Before me, an elderly lady lived in my place. I still get her newspaper every week. Maybe one day I’ll remember to cancel it.
Hipsters brought back vinyl records, I could see them doing the same for papers
They would have the Pennysaver, the WSJ, that local paper made by someone with a trust fund who practices “real” journalism, or some anti-government conspiracy “paper” made at Kinko’s.
Newspapers are going the way of the dodo.
How is this millennial lingo?
Proper millennial lingo:
More of a motto, really.
Because everyone under 25 is a millennial. There is no other generation between or after genX and millennials.
> 50 = boomer < 25 = millennial
For everything else, there’s MasterCard
Aren’t millennials in their 30’s?
Closer to 40 than 30, at this point
Time keeps on slippin
Because everyone under 25 is a millennial
(I advise to check e.g. Wikipedia on this matter)
I know sarcasm is hard to detect on the internet but come on. Do I really have to add the /s to my post for you to get that I was being facetious?
It’s not.
As a millennial I have no idea what that person is saying.
On God. Fr fr, no cap on the rizz with a lizz until I jizz. Yeet!
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Groovy has a certain ironic twang to it these days that makes it work. Like Rad.
Nice mullet bro. Reminds me of my rad dad in the early 90s.
I would assume big spicy boi is a big shit. I am a millennial. Guess this makes no sense.
If someone said there is a spicy boy in the kitchen, I would assume there is a live grenade or an angry feral cat there
I’m a Gen Z with a millennial girlfriend, and she doesn’t talk anything like that. In fact- I have never heard anyone talk like that.
As a millennial I’ve never heard any millennial talk like that either.
I’m a millennial… I use some of these words…
She was referring to poo clogging the toilet. I have no clue why the last frame is a house fire.
So is this intentionally mislabeled? Only the youngest millennials would be like 5% that bad, while gen z would actually be like that at times.
Reddit millennials are like this. The rest of us are relatively normal… except for the despondency and chronic depression
Millennials are split into the older and the younger ones. I am one of the older ones, and I don’t know what the heck is going on with the younger ones.
Can GenX adopt me please?
Hello fellow “Oregon Trail Generation” person.
TIL, I’m a xennial. Thx for sharing.
Anna Garvey has described these individuals as having "both a healthy portion of Gen X grunge cynicism, and a dash of the unbridled optimism of Millennials"
I’m sorry?
Well, before everything happened.
As a younger one, we grew up with social media becoming available to us right at the worst age. Like seriously imagine if you and your parents were allowed on Facebook right as you hit puberty and nobody understood what it could do to you.
That and also growing up not remembering 9/11 but remembering adults mocking al gore for caring if we all die of ecocide.
We’re basically the prototype for gen z. You merely adopted hopelessness. We were born into it, molded by it, we didn’t see a chance until we were adults.
I hate to break it to you, but memory of 9/11 is kind of a litmus test for the Millennial/Gen Z border. If you don’t remember it you’re likely Gen Z or right on the border where generational definitions get really fuzzy.
I’m 29 so yeah fair
Well that still puts you pretty safely in the range, actually. The typical cutoff year is 1996. I’m 30. You were 7 (or almost 7) but you don’t remember 9/11?
Not really, maybe I had more important shit happening at the time.
Might as well. GenX is trying to keep a roof over its brainwashed parents’ heads while its own kids rack up student loan debt. What difference would one more mouth make?
I’m on the cusp between X and Millennial but my moon is in Z.
He should have mentioned the other room looks like the “this is fine” meme. Rookie mistake smh
Young zoomers communicate in memes. Tamarian, but with pictures.
Drake, his brow furrowed, his palm exposed.
Cat, his expression neutral, eating salad.