
Hunter Schafer shared that her newly issued passport incorrectly lists her gender as male, a result of Trump’s executive order requiring federal documents to use sex assigned at birth.

Despite selecting female and having her gender marker changed years ago, the new policy was applied to her application.

Schafer said she wanted to raise awareness rather than cause alarm, emphasizing that trans people will continue to exist regardless of government policies.

“A letter and a passport can’t change that,” she said.

    1 month ago

    I hope everyone feels safer now, and finds their eggs more affordable. Good old small government and freedom.

    • John Doe
      1 month ago

      I know, right! All the illegal tranny immigrants sneaking into women’s restrooms and stealing our American eggs and replacing them with fentanyl and liberal lies and then claiming it’s part of their DEI job description, which, btw, was funded by a fraudulent USAid grant for a left-handed dyslexic lesbian Canadian Eskimo interpretive dance performance art piece featuring the stomping on of unborn babies ripped from their mother’s womb immediately after birth!!! Why do they hate us for our freedom?!?!

      -271 month ago

      After hearing she was still issued a passport at all? Yes, actually. There are quite a few (trans) people who probably feel a little bit safer than they did yesterday when they thought they were trapped in the country.

      • Chozo
        461 month ago

        A passport does not guarantee travel. Especially not a passport that has an erroneously-indicated gender. The purpose of any ID document is to prove who you are and what you look like; contradictions with that document are going to cause problems when traveling.

          • Chozo
            330 days ago

            Exactly, even small inconveniences like this are part of the plan. Death by a thousand cuts.

          1 month ago

          Not as many problems as traveling without one.

          Having traveled before with someone in that exact situation, yes, there will be harassment and TSA may very well intentionally force you miss your flight and end up waiting to fly standby on the next one. But as of now, you generally do get through, which cannot be said for traveling internationally without any passport at all.

          Will that change? Highly likely. Soon? Probably.

          But there are a not insignificant number of people who only recently decided it’s no longer safe, applied for passports, made plans to leave, and saw recent stories about passports not being issued. This type of scare mongering does not help them, and can be actively harmful to their mental health and well-being.

          Edit: Obviously the longer they stay, the higher the chance this changes.

        151 month ago

        After hearing she was still issued a passport at all? Yes, actually. There are quite a few (trans) people who probably feel a little bit safer than they did yesterday when they thought they were trapped in the country.

        How does having the wrong gender on your passport mean you aren’t trapped in the country?

          -31 month ago

          Because they did issue a fully authorized passport… Even with the wrong information, the government has issues it for them to be able to travel

            51 month ago

            Because they did issue a fully authorized passport… Even with the wrong information, the government has issues it for them to be able to travel

            And because the information is inaccurate, it’s pretty likely to not work as a passport.

            51 month ago

            Having traveled before with someone in that exact situation, yes, there will be harassment and TSA may very well intentionally force you miss your flight and end up waiting to fly standby on the next one. But as of now, you generally do get through, which cannot be said for traveling internationally without any passport at all.

            So you were in this exact scenario, TSA prevented the person from flying like we’ve been saying, but then didn’t prevent them from flying on a standby on the next flight?

            Colour me skeptical.

              30 days ago

              Nope, this tracks. Travelling while trans even before the Trump presidency means hastle. Gender markers on passports often mean very little aside from potentially outing passing trans people to asshole agents when they don’t match what you look like.

              Normally it looks like variations of this : You go through the body scanner and a guard makes a determination based on basically vibes and pushes one of two buttons, a pink or a blue. If you have boobs and the blue button is pressed or a dick and the pink button is pressed you get flagged as having something “unexpected” on you and then are subjected to a body search during which they might just stick you in a holding place for as long as they feel like while they figure out who to send to perform a rather humiliating discussion about your medical history while your privates are checked over by strangers.

              Or, someone just looks at you, looks at your passport flags the sex marker or your photo as a “suspicious error” and pulls you out of line. It’s remarkable how poorly the whole bureaucracy suddenly operates when you don’t immediately fit someone’s exact expectations of what a trans person looks like. Most of the time this just wastes a lot of time as you wait around for someone to have a long ass conversation and they run the papers to check them.

              These delays can mean missing a flight but the person who missed the flight could be in a place to sue if they don’t offer a solution hence… Standby flights. So this is more or less just going back to being the old sucky forms of travel discrimination versus an even worse form. The bar is in hell and folk are gunna feel about it based on what the bar was before it was lowered. Whether that’s “oh thank god” or “fucking hell life is shit” is a glass half full/empty reaction. Both are valid.

                129 days ago

                I’m gonna go with “fucking god” with a sprinkle of “oh thank hell life is shit”.

                This is half the reason I’m never taking the plane again.

              30 days ago

              Trans rights are under attack, maybe let someone be happy if the found something to be happy about, why can’t you let them enjoy it?

              And if you think that’s not something to be happy about maybe you need to get a look at what’s going on and reasess how bad it is

                330 days ago

                Trans rights are under attack, maybe let someone be happy if the found something to be happy about, why can’t you let them enjoy it?

                I mean cool appeal to emotion but that isn’t what we were talking about. The government is attacking the rights of people who are trans, including their passports, and pretending they aren’t isn’t helping anyone. When people were under threat from the Nazi’s in the 30’s would it have helped to tell people to just ‘let them be happy’ when the Nazi’s weren’t yet able to put them in camps?

  • Leraje
    1001 month ago

    “My initial reaction to this, because our president is a lot of talk, was like ‘I’ll believe it when I see it’ … and today I saw it on my new passport,” Schafer said."

    The disconnect between what American’s thought Trump would do and what he and his team repeatedly and unambiguously said he was going to do is genuinely dismaying.

    I’m not sure this is quite at a face-eating leopard level of denial of the obvious, but its approaching it.

      1 month ago

      For me it was more a belief of what they’d be able to do, not try to do. I had faith in the system to stop certain things but the lack of pushback from anyone else in power despite everything going on right now is proving that believe to be very misguided and naive

        1 month ago

        he lack of pushback from anyone else in power

        The people are in power. The elected officials are there at your will. They only have power because you give it to them to work on your behalf. Now the time has come that they’re not doing that. At all. The people need to reclaim that power and use it themselves. It’s time for mass protests and marches and strikes.

        The longer you wait the more rights you’ll lose and the more difficult it will be.

          1 month ago

          Totally. People are in power.

          The problem is that people are DUMB. Their stupidity is continuously used against them. So even though they are in power, they have no idea how to wield that power and instead their weak minds are manipulated by smart people.

          Which ultimately means it’s the smart people who are in power because they are the ones that know how to make moves and change the world. The people are their tool to do so.

          It’s like saying a chisel is in power. It’s really the guy using the chisel that’s in power. The chisel is just a tool.

          The people are just too dumb to ever be more than a tool.

      281 month ago

      he just says so much bullshit it’s hard for people to register all of it as relevant at all. it’s part of his trick.

      here’s a quick way to differentiate between his lies and true statements: if it’s something that benefits you it’s a lie. if it’s something that’s gonna hurt you it’s a promise. easy.

        1 month ago

        Part of the problem is most of these people have the memory of a goldfish. They don’t recollect his first term. If they did, then they would know everything he says is bullshit. If they remembered his first term then his agenda should be obvious.

        Stupid people doing stupid things. We live in a world full of dummies and they are ruining the world for everyone else that has a functioning brain.

      511 month ago

      Kind of an outdated view of biological development, I think the more accurate modern one is that tissues start out undifferentiated then either default to differentiating to female or are triggered to differentiate to male. So if anything everyone’s intersex now.

        11 month ago

        Thank you! This idea that “everyone starts out female” has been blowing my mind. Roughly 50% of the population is quite explicitly not female at any time and never could be.

          221 month ago

          I mean, it’s not a huge difference, were talking about early fetal development, the gonads all develop from the same tissue, pretty much every part of the penis and vagina and broader reproductive system maps directly to corresponding similar features. It was just a question of how and when exactly that process takes place.

      1230 days ago

      I don’t think I realized until I was part-way through season 1 of Euphoria. Definitely took at least 3 episodes, maybe 4.

    3130 days ago

    Prior to this news, I had no idea who she was. And now, thanks to all the cowardly conservatives- I’m hoping that like me, others are being made aware of- and have been given additional reason to support the LGBTQ+ more than ever before.

    Let’s do what we can to ensure this shit backfires fabulously in their smug faces.

    2730 days ago

    IMO, we need a bunch of extra manly-looking trans men to protest in women’s restrooms everywhere (if they’re up for it).

    Assigned female at birth, after all…

      2230 days ago

      I’m game once bathroom laws take effect. I think we need t-shirts that say something like “Trump wants me in the women’s bathroom” to really get the point across. Probably gonna get shot, but fuck it.

    -130 days ago

    No one here is pretending that, if you think that’s what i said, let me assure you that you read that wrong