
Hunter Schafer shared that her newly issued passport incorrectly lists her gender as male, a result of Trump’s executive order requiring federal documents to use sex assigned at birth.

Despite selecting female and having her gender marker changed years ago, the new policy was applied to her application.

Schafer said she wanted to raise awareness rather than cause alarm, emphasizing that trans people will continue to exist regardless of government policies.

“A letter and a passport can’t change that,” she said.

  • John Doe
    1 month ago

    I know, right! All the illegal tranny immigrants sneaking into women’s restrooms and stealing our American eggs and replacing them with fentanyl and liberal lies and then claiming it’s part of their DEI job description, which, btw, was funded by a fraudulent USAid grant for a left-handed dyslexic lesbian Canadian Eskimo interpretive dance performance art piece featuring the stomping on of unborn babies ripped from their mother’s womb immediately after birth!!! Why do they hate us for our freedom?!?!