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if you honestly believe that’s the future of the us, you should probably leave the country
you should probably have been planning to leave the country for the last three months, since the election never went more than 60% in harris’ favor
being angry at voters who didn’t vote the way you wanted them to isn’t going to actually achieve anything, though
harris didn’t even win the popular vote. it wasn’t even a particularly close election. you can’t not blame the dnc after a defeat like this.
can’t answer for wow but i imagine the change is similar for runescape, where
you’ve been scammed because that’s only 6
the tld is .uk
in that case
just take the L good lord
Hozier’s Moment’s Silence (Common Tongue) references Trump in the first line
Highly Suspect’s Viper Strike is more or less all about him and his ilk
Like, what “leeway” does Kamala have to say anything different than she already has, which she could shift to?
a significant enough chunk of her voter base credibly withholding a vote based on a desired policy change would force a shift toward that desired policy change
i’d say biden’s platform in 2020 was significantly more left-wing than clinton’s in 2016
But that was then, and this is now.
this is the same “it’s too late” or “it’s too unprecedented” or whatever you want to pick that was exactly the justification for biden being kept in as long as he was
I think it really does show voting not for a 3rd party but voting for the other side b/c “bOtH sIdEs ArE tHe SaMe” (the title of the post), specifically wrt genocide.
people the post targets aren’t voting red. they’re just not voting at all, or voting third party. it’s an argument to a position held by an insignificant fraction of the left-anti-harris crowd.
it doesn’t address the core issue they have. they’d say that continuing to vote for the least-bad party is the reason both parties are bad, and that at a certain point you have to attempt to force a more radical change.
they’re not suggesting a third party candidate can win
they’re suggesting that the democratic platform can shift
which is what people said before biden was replaced
which is what people said before biden was replaced
anybody on the left withholding their vote at this point fundamentally disbelieves in a system with exactly two discrete options, so this type of post doesn’t persuade anybody
workers losing their jobs while executives keep theirs is bad
“go off sassy ancap” good lord it’s like talking to a child
have a good one, mate
correct, because they’ll just wriggle off to another company
you know you can just admit you read the title wrong and said something stupid, rather than doubling down? rather than pretending you meant something completely different
note that even in your fantasy the execs aren’t losing out
the quote is literally “developers must get used to not having jobs”
execs aren’t the ones losing jobs with layoffs
it’s not the devs saying it, but it’s the devs who are punished
if whoever suggested the anchovy pizza knew that most people there didn’t like anchovies, and therefore wouldn’t have a preference, allowing shit-sandwich to win, then yeah?