“The current obsession with nostalgia and remake culture is easy to understand when you realize that it’s a symptom of a culture that isn’t allowed to imagine a future.”

  • @paultimate14@lemmy.world
    885 months ago

    Or… Maybe for most of human history we re-told the same stories over and over again for thousands of years until the relatively recent concept of “intellectual property” has forbidden us individuals from doing what comes naturally, forming this sort of weird resentment for when corporations do it?

    • @Warl0k3@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      This is a real Im14AndThisIsDeep meme. More people have access to platforms where they can share their creative works than at any other point in human history, if you aren’t seeing it then you’re not really trying to find it. That point would be fair, too; its hard to find original content (even more so with the rise of AI-driven SEO). It’s not the trend in hollywood, but hollywood doesn’t define culture NEARLY as much as they’d like to think they do…)

      • @Semjaza@lemmynsfw.com
        65 months ago

        There is a baseline of quality that is hard for a plucky individual to match outside of mono-medium media.

        While it is possible for good video games to be produced by a single indivudal or very small team, it is a lot of work on their part and hard to do if worried about paying for food, rent, etc.

        Filmic media (is there a good noun that joins movies and fiction TV shows as a unified object?), a solid level of difficulty above that.

        • @Warl0k3@lemmy.world
          35 months ago

          You’ve a winning argument, to be sure! Not sure where I quantified how much I think hollywood influences culture but okay.

          FWIW, obviously popular media both is influential and responds to culture. “Hollywood” really shouldn’t be treated as a singular entity if we’re trying for a semblance of legitimacy. This is really quickly going to fall into a discussion of the role of the audience and how that’s changed in the digital era (vs. when Aristotle first brought it up…), and neither of us care enough to suffer through thay. Suffice to say it’s not cut and dry, and beyond that I dont know any better than you do what specific impact they have (and neither do they).

          • @orrk@lemmy.world
            25 months ago

            fuck is “advancing culture” exactly? honest question, because the idea of culture advancing is a farce, it changes yes, but advancing is some constructionist idea that always draws from some authoritarian colonialist bullshit, example, the “advanced European culture” vs “the primitive non-Europeans”

            • David From Space
              15 months ago

              That’s a pretty good question. I 💯 agree that it can fall into authoritarian colonial bullshit, and in fact that’s probably what I was thinking of in terms of ‘defining’ vs ‘advancing’. I’ll invoke the case of the ‘Sad Puppies’, a bunch of lame ass white men who were super mad that the Hugos were overwhelmingly going to ‘not white men’ (read: interesting BIPOC voices everyone loves and gaspwomen?!).

              I would probably claim the Sad Puppies tried to define culture.

              The rest of the attendees advanced it by telling them to fuck right off.

      • NexyOP
        5 months ago

        I think that lately people are taking refuge in things that made them happy in the past because not being able to see a clear future in their lives. Returning again and again to the things that made them happy in their day. And companies are only taking advantage of that. I’m not saying new thing don’t exist, I’m saying people are not willing to search them because they only want to escape to the past.

        Idk, I see more people that they live is something like pokemon that actually they family, career or they own projects or dreams.

    • Snot Flickerman
      5 months ago

      What are you talking about? George Lucas invented the Hero’s Journey! It’s his birthright! /s

  • @johannesvanderwhales@lemmy.world
    285 months ago

    Or uh maybe old games are still good and it makes sense to provide an easy way for newer generations to play them? If a record label remasters a Beatles album do we get mad over that? Music doesn’t have an expiration date so why should games?

    • @ShinkanTrain@lemmy.ml
      15 months ago

      I don’t think it costs over 200 million and 5 years of labor to remaster a Beatles album, but I’d believe it if you told me that’s what they charge

      • switchboard_pete
        205 months ago
        • absolute population growing
        • share of population with feasible access to pokemon-compatible consoles growing
        • share of population who see video games as a legitimate pastime growing
      • @johannesvanderwhales@lemmy.world
        105 months ago

        Presumably because they are continually picking up new players from younger age groups while retaining many older players, but I don’t really have any interest in those games so I don’t know much about them. I’m not really seeing how this directly relates to my comment, either.

      • @paultimate14@lemmy.world
        65 months ago

        Scarlet and Violet may only run at 10FPS and there are plenty of other flaws, but it’s still a ton of fun. And those are sequels, not remakes. The gameplay is a dramatic shift from everything the mainline series has done before.

        Legends Arceus has performance issues too, but was was critically acclaimed.

        As for the remakes, they’re generally pretty good upgrades. Gen 1 has really aged poorly, but FRLG are fantastic. I never liked Diamond or Pearl, but BDSP were really solid and fixed almost everything they could without making fundamental changes to the game. I’m really hoping they re-make Gen 5 because those are my favorite and they are stuck on the DS- my adult hands can’t handle holding something that small for hours on end.

      • Ð Greıt Þu̇mpkin
        -15 months ago

        Clodsire alone proves your entire premise is incorrect.

        He is a friend shaped ferry fish ðat only knows how to love!

  • Snot Flickerman
    265 months ago

    It’s easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism

    -Frederic Jameson

  • Tedesche
    235 months ago

    Where is there any evidence that such a culture exists? The remake trend is being driven by corporate execs at gaming companies that see remakes as more financially safe than new games.

  • @Mr_Dr_Oink@lemmy.world
    235 months ago

    Say what you like but people have been screaming for a ff7 remake ever since ff10. I think thats too soon to count as nostalgia. We just wanted ff7 to look like ff10.

  • @Semjaza@lemmynsfw.com
    5 months ago

    Or maybe in a post-modern world we use (mostly empty) signifiers to give ourselves meaning and show allegiance to a subculture.

    Its why we pepper our speech with allusions and cultural in-jokes - but where in the past they were tied to more concrete ideology, now they are simply signs that one has consumed the same media as someone. And the existing signifiers have more cultural clout than new ones, except to signify an interest in non-mainstream cultural products.
    For the self has become simply a vessel for consumption. There is nothing beyond the consumption of product.
    Especially as public allegiance to a non-neoliberal ideology is seen as uncivil. Unsurprisingly more peaceful Left-wing ideologies less civil and more incorrect that violent far Right ones, because the Left will always be more critical of consumption as the purpose of life.

    Despite being wrong, Fukuyama’s inflammatory title has polluted the mind of the Anglophone and European cultural zone.

    • @CheesyFox@lemmy.sdf.org
      105 months ago

      damn, i see why you’re posting this from lemmynsfw, your comment is not safe for work, because now i don’t wanna do anything but roll up in a blanket and pose some existential questions to myself. And to think, the day has just began.

  • @Glide@lemmy.ca
    5 months ago

    I feel like people are taking this commentary a little too literally. I don’t think it’s intended to suggest that all remakes are always bad and we should be ashamed of ourselves for enjoying them. Mankind has a habit of romanticising the past, and that’s led to something of a modern obsession with nostalgia. These are fair, and interesting, statements.

    That said, the choice of pairing the statement with an allusion to FF7 is probably not a great choice. The remake is fantastic, and isn’t at all symptomatic of the problem of quick cash-in, nostalgia driven remakes. Hell, the first game specifically tackles themes of pre-determination, which functions as a pretty on-the-nose metaphor for nostalgia. And fascinatingly the meta-analysis of this is critical of exactly the same thing: there are literally spirits of sorts which attack the player and manipulate events to ensure the original story remains untouched, and they become a prominent antagonist of the game as the player works to tell a story that is different from the one told in the original. Perhaps there’s something counterproductive about attaching this message to a remake that’s critical of soullessly telling the same stories we’ve already heard.

    • @Etienne_Dahu@jlai.lu
      25 months ago

      You seem to have liked the remake (and the game in general). I have finished the first one last year but for some reason, it didn’t click with me and the whole commentary you made wooshed over me (unless your whole text is satire). Are there some pointers you could give me to understand FF7 a bit better?

      • @Glide@lemmy.ca
        15 months ago

        No satire here; I genuinely think it’s a great example of a remake done well.

        There are some major breaks from the original plot, which in itself would be neat, but they introduce an entire plot element that interacts with this derivation. The spirits I was talking about, “Whispers” (had to look up the official name, tbh), appear whenever the story attempts to break from the original story from the original release. In universe, this is explained as pre-determination, or destiny. Thanks to our meta knowledge, we know in reality that these spirits are attempting to maintain the timeline from the original release.

        As an early example, after the events at the first Mako reactor, Cloud decides to collect his pay and go his own way, which is not the original intended path of the game. To correct this, a group of Whispers attack the party, and ultimately injure Jessie, preventing her from going on the mission. Needing another body, Barrett is forced to rehire Cloud for Avalanche’s mission to the next reactor. Without spoiling specific details, the whispers slowly become a form of antagonist as the characters try harder to get away from the original plot of FFVII.

        This is interesting in a few ways. First, we’ve introduced a new major conflict in the form of the characters fighting against a physical embodiment of destiny. They do not want the outcome of their struggles to be predetermined, particularly as that predetermination involved the death and suffering of some specific characters. This is, in my opinion, an interesting new plot element beyond being “the same game again.”

        Second, stepping back, and examining this with a wider lens, we can look at the Whispers for what they are to us, the players, rather than what they are to the characters. We know they are not maintaining “destiny,” but instead trying to reestablish the original story we loved. As a result, I see the Whispers as the collective voice of the “change nothing” remake ideology. When a community asks for new content of IPs they love, there will always be diehard essentialists who want their loved stories to remain untouched; the Whispers, then, are these people.

        So if the Whispers are a physical representation of the “change nothing” remake ideology, then what is there to make of the fact that they’re largely an antagonist? This seems to me that the writers were critical of this culture, so much so that they ask you to fight it to earn the different take on the story. Of course, it’s far from the only derivation from the original game, but that’s exactly my point: FFVII remake was so far divorced from the conceptual, soulless “let’s pump out the same game again” remake that they literally wrote that culture into a new antagonist.

        • @Etienne_Dahu@jlai.lu
          25 months ago

          Wow, I went in on the remake blind (having never played the original before) and shrugged off the whole Whisper thing as another element of the world that makes little sense to me yet. That’s actually a very interesting idea and I wish I had played the original first to get to appreciate it.

          Thanks for the explanation!

  • @JASN_DE@lemmy.world
    95 months ago

    Nah. It’s just a management decision to ensure shareholder satisfaction by reusing proven bestsellers.

    • @Ashtear@lemm.ee
      15 months ago

      Still need market demand. People want these products.

      You can’t just chase a trend and throw out a game and expect it to print money. Ask Sony how that went for their run at a hero shooter.

      • @chicken@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        35 months ago

        But I think the point is, the OP meme is wrong to try painting this as some kind of society-wide psychological pathology, when it’s rather business people coming up with simple reliable formulas to make money. The space of possible products people could want is large, and this choice isn’t only about what people want, but what will get attention. People will readily pay attention to and discuss with others something they already have a connection to in a way they wouldn’t with some new thing, even if they would rather have something new.

  • Dariusmiles2123
    45 months ago

    I have no problem with remakes as long as they aren’t just trying to grab some cash from you without any work.

    I’ve really enjoyed the Final Fantasy VII remakes or the Planet of the Apes remakes. Yes they aren’t perfect, but it feels like some passion was put into these projects.

    As long as we aren’t just getting remakes, I have nothing against it. And sometimes remakes even have more originality than another generic game.

  • @Auster@lemm.ee
    -35 months ago

    Alternatively, it could be a way to kill what people look up to by fatigue through fatigue and disappointment through less than ideal re-imaginings.

  • Ð Greıt Þu̇mpkin
    5 months ago

    Retelling stories is such an ancient tradition we literally can trace certain myþs genealogically þrough ð millennia.

    Cloud being sad in an Action RPG format ðis time isn’t some deep revelation of ð deaþ of creativity because capitalism exists.

    And I hate capitalism and what it does to artistic expression!

    • @Semjaza@lemmynsfw.com
      95 months ago

      Do you plan to do all digraphs, or just th?

      Will you split out the different vowel phonemes to their IPA?

      I’m just intrigued by the thought process behind your choice of typed characters.

      • @Zahille7@lemmy.world
        105 months ago

        Ya, like wtf? I got what they were saying based on context clues, but I swear I’ve been seeing more and more profiles that are trying to do a “thing.”

        Like this person with the typed characters, I’ve seen another user in comment threads who posts in the third person and refers to themselves as their fursona (scale-sona?), and of course the trolls.

        I guess I just don’t get it.

        • @Semjaza@lemmynsfw.com
          5 months ago

          It’s certainly simpler, I’ll give you that.
          It takes too much mental energy to read that document.

          May I ask why at all?

          • Dremor
            5 months ago

            I’d also like to know why he uses those characters. I’m not the most fluent in English, and never saw those characters used.

            • @Semjaza@lemmynsfw.com
              35 months ago

              They’re old English letters used for writing the two different “th” sounds English has, which are fairly rare phonemes.

              • DremorM
                15 months ago

                I’m gonna be honest with you, as a non-english speakers, this is unreadable, and kinda obnoxious.

                Please take into consideration that this is an international website, that people from many different countries go to in order to talk to each other. If someone suddenly decide to use his local letters to write, most readers will just not understand what you write. At best it makes you look pedantic, at worst intentionally trying to exclude others from talking with you.

                I can understand why others may be irritated by your behavior, albeit I’d condemn any attempt at brigading to harass you over it.
                If you feel like it, you can ask for a brigading check to see if some accounts are following you to downvote every ones of your posts, admins can see votes and got some tools to help detect such behavior.

          • Ð Greıt Þu̇mpkin
            -55 months ago

            English is one of few languages with such horrific historical spelling problems, and it’s basically entirely due to just being too stubborn to write ð words as ðey are pronounced since doing ðat is a signal of “low intellect”, as opposed to basically every oðer language ðat does it because of consistent sound shifts making it not as big a deal, or because ð original written language was of deep religious significance making changing it analogous to a kind of blasphemy.

            Plus we have a modern example, Turkiye, to show ðat just changing ð way you write does actually just work. Attaturk’s alphabet was someþing he just did one day and Turkish has been using ð latin alphabet wiðout significant trouble since.

            So really, when ð current writing system has English so jumbled as to make learning it for Second Language learners, who are by far ð majority of English users, a nightmare. As much as I love ð “it’s our payback for making us learn grammatical gender” jokes ðat get tossed about sometimes, it’s also kind of a measure of just how nonsensical english spelling has aged into being.

            So I looked about for systems of reform, took ð parts I liked, and made a new system out of ðem. Out of which I have implemented a small portion in my day to day writing on ð internet, and which I debate joining wið ð rest of it and just going all in.

            • @Semjaza@lemmynsfw.com
              25 months ago

              Fair enough.
              Be the change you want to see and all that.

              I personally love the mad spelling, but I can understand that other folks don’t.

              • Ð Greıt Þu̇mpkin
                -75 months ago

                Þſ f eŋgeıdjıŋ ƿiðaut bııŋg rud, ðæt’ſ rılı a ðæt kėnſṙnz M.


                Þanks for engaging wiðout being rude, ðat’s really all ðat concerns me.

      • Ð Greıt Þu̇mpkin
        -35 months ago

        Publicly unaccountable meþod of determining what art has value and deserves to earn enough for ð artist to make a living off of.

        • @deafboy@lemmy.world
          05 months ago

          The value of an art piece is always subjective. The price (closest thing we have to the objective value) is determined by the buyers.

          What other mechanism would there be? A committee? That’s a bit nazi for my taste. A popular vote? Look at the election results to see why that might be a bad idea.

          The theme is a bit touchy these days, especially in certain small country in eastern europe, where the new minister started to cut subsidies to the art she considers unworthy, obscene and politicized, in favor of art reflecting so called traditional values and national identity. The mere existence of the ministry of culture, established with the most noble goal of supporting art, creates this kind of potential vulnerability.