@NineMileTower @SendMePhotos I learned of the fairly hard to find apple cinnamon variety of Cheerios. Total game changer
@NineMileTower @SendMePhotos I learned of the fairly hard to find apple cinnamon variety of Cheerios. Total game changer
@MGN22 One can always try to justify using information control tactics as a way to manipulate in favor of what is right, correct or just. But using manipulative tactics for ‘doing good’ cannot guarantee that they will not be used, in return, for ‘doing evil’. It just means someone else decides for you what the narrative is, gets to decide what is right or wrong, and gets to decide how you think, rather than you being able to get ahold of all the information and making that decision for yourself.
@kratoz29 @skulblaka I hate to be that guy but your double negative threw me for a loop.
I think “I hardly agree” fits better here?
@cosmicrookie since Google decided that aaaallllllll of their apps look basically the same with the same set of colors, do they also show up under those colors too? Or just blue?
And then slightly more effort but bigger payoff is making combos of the big 3 - carb, protein, veg.
-Rice, gravy, canned peas
- Pasta, sauce (pesto?), Chicken (frozen/precooked) and (steamed bag)broccoli.
- 1 pot ‘gumbo’: rice sausage peppers onions tomatoes seasonings.
- instant noodles with an egg and some leafy veg tossed in
- frozen dumplings or ravioli
Mix and match
With some of these I feel like you’re in danger of entering the higher effort territory so take your pick
Some effort
- tortilla wraps with anything, basically, to make food portable. Bananas and Nutella? Cold cuts and cheese? Half a can of beans and a chunk of that leftover chicken?
- veg sticks and dip/ranch. Always taste better than I expect (which is not much). “Some effort” bc I cut em myself and mix my own dip (sour cream and mayo as a base and any seasonings you have around are usually a good mix. I go garlic powder, olive oil, salt, pepper, lemon juice.)
Least effort: essentially snacks, but somewhat filling and can get the job done
- string cheese (proteiny, and fun to pull apart like you’re still a kid. Why can’t adults have fun too?)
- cut up fruit
- those seaweed snacks
@NoIWontPickaName @toomanypancakes @ptz @phillaholic @GONADS125
I understand the message here (great idea btw. Or electric kettle works too) but misreading this wording is great… “Water press button” 😜
@i_have_no_enemies I don’t blame people for having an inherent aversion to being governed by what is essentially a computer program (hello Matrix and every other robot-run dystopia).
Maybe maintain a Leader Panel of people from different ethnicities, backgrounds, socioeconomic statuses, etc who can bring a unique perspective to the table, to vote on or dictate which policies or systems actually get put in place? But, again, introduces the problem of people voting for their own personal gain 🤷♀️
@i_have_no_enemies Possible Alternatives? I suggest something like an AI government, or at least something based on statistical models and systems developed from social science research. Something data driven, or rather, data that is derived from the population as a whole, rather than a single individual who only has had a single, particular view of the human experience and can only truly understand and relate to other humans with similar experiences. In essence, the masses govern the masses.
@i_have_no_enemies I wasn’t very popular at the dinner party where I suggested this, but my hunch: removing People from positions of authority, where we repeatedly see aspects of greed/corruption/nepotism furthering systems that benefit that person in power at the cost of the masses, may be key. Its apparent that it is nigh impossible to put a human in charge where they will always choose to benefit the masses over themselves.
@MiraLazine also there’s the possibility – you may be at risk of getting flooded with submissions :p
@MiraLazine love this!! any chance you can add a submission box? (With a section for source cited ofc :p). I’m sure there’s a bunch out there that people might think of and want to add.
@ElderWendigo @MiraLazine agree to disagree, a lot of those things I was definitely taught - if not in school then at least by adults who thought it common knowledge. Especially the nosebleeds (I had them all the time as a kid, and the amount of blood I ended up swallowing is… A lot.) and knuckle cracking (my guess - started by teachers annoyed by kids making knuckle-noises during class)
Christopher columbus was definitely taught as an “American hero” up until he wasn’t.
@pexavc A manager at my workplace reprimanded an employee for making decisions outside of their role/overstepping boundaries, during which the manager threw in the “because I’m your manager and you
need to respect my authority”.
To me, this immediately makes the person in charge not worthy of respect - if a misstep occurred, there should be an explanation as to why it was a problem, how to improve and handle similar cases in the future. Demanding respect just proves you don’t deserve it.
👌👌👌thanks for the tip!
Is there like a list of all the secret formatting stuff that’s available?
@Infernal_pizza 😳 #TIL bugs called cochineal are almost 1/4 carminic acid! The main component used in red dye. That’s nuts!
Wait but how did you do the > without the quote?
> Add a space?
@UsernameLost aiiyeeeee exploding wood does not sound like a good time. Or losing skin 🙃
The worst I’ve had so far is a splinter or some chafed skin. 👀🤞
@enjoytemple @Cybermonk_Taiji if it’s a toddler swimming class and there’s a bunch of babies wearing diapers, does it make it a dumpling soup?