Gives me strong vibes of that Japanese baseball game where the devs just invented English names
Gives me strong vibes of that Japanese baseball game where the devs just invented English names
I think this track ball setup would be better suited for more 3d games involving flight, underwater exploration, space travel, etc. At the end of the day, shoulder+wrist will always beat thumb when it comes to aiming in shooters, but this seems like it would really open up dynamic movement in a way standard controllers and mice can’t. Id love to hear feedback after playing something like subnautica.
Best of luck! It really sucks, and the worst part is it’s hard to notice at first, and easily written off as working too much or something until you realize you’re doing it to yourself. I’ve heard good things about pea protein but sadly it’s not really a thing in my country yet so I haven’t had a chance to try it.
Anyway, whey powder can be pretty cheap these days (they have cheese so dairy isn’t a restriction), and there are enough duplicates in this picture that they could cut a couple things and keep the same price point if the budget is tight.
Take it from someone who knows vegetarian eating, this is a dangerously low amount of protein, and no those cheese slices do not cover it. I’d wager your daily protein macro is a single digit percentage (most sources suggest around 15-35% depending on exercise and lifestyle and all that). If this haul is your entire diet for the week and you’re not leaving out stuff you already have at home or something, I would strongly advise looking for more protein dense foods before protein deficiency starts to affect your well being. I’ve been there and it’s really not good.
The current state of capitalism will ensure the second line never sees the light of day
Yeah lemme get a hit of what you’re smoking… I would argue modern games have a heavy over saturation of ridiculously colorful games. Look at the popular titles of like every major genre within the last few years and tell me that’s not the case.
Shooters- Fortnite, Valorant, Apex, The finals, Splatoon (cod being the only major shooter with a drab palette)
Car/Racing- Mario kart, Forza, rocket league, that one game everyone overlays on TikTok videos with the crazy winding tracks
Fighting- Street fighter, Tekken, MK, Smash, Guilty gear (all very colorful or at least significantly more colorful than the previous iterations)
Indies- Hades, hollow knight, cult of the lamb, pizza tower, stardew valley, undertale, subnautica, vampire survivors, ori
Pandemic hits everyone obsessed over, among us and fall guys.
Marvel snap is the biggest entry into the card game market, which has been dominated by none other than Hearthstone for a while now.
The only genre I can think of that doesn’t have an excess of color is rpg’s, with the new Zeldas, baldur’s gate 3, starfield, elden ring, last of us, etc being a bit neutral, (still not dull by any means) but even with that being said things like spider man, palworld, and cyberpunk exist.
Anyway, yeah this list got a lot longer than I planned but I think it illustrates my point.
Saddest day of my childhood was halfway through middle school when they switched from the classic red waffles you see here to these sponge “safety” dodgeballs, because the school board was afraid of kids getting injured. They were so light you couldn’t get any speed behind your throws and when they hit you if felt like nothing more than a sharp gust of wind. I’ve never been the same since
When playing with friends/alone? Great! Customization is never a bad thing, and it enables groups with varied skill levels to still enjoy the game. Online multiplayer? Hate it hate it hate it.
One example: a lot of fps games are cross-platform these days, and I’ve never felt good about the things they do to balance mouse vs controller. I get why they attempt it, but it feels less like “balance” and more like they’ve created two different classes of players, controller being the close quarter players and mouse being the mid/long range flick shooters.
Another is any game that adjusts comeback mechanics during the course of a match, because I’ve never understood punishing someone for playing well
A lot of countries have tax treaties with each other as long as they’re in good standing with each other, so that people only need to pay tax in one country (in the case where one maintains citizenship in one country while working in another). Unless you’re making a shit ton of money to the point you’re subject to different rules, it’s highly unlikely you’ll be double taxed
Fwiw I think rampage did a pretty solid job as BA, especially considering the pressure and expectations of having to replace mister t
Beware of spiders though
I’ve talked about it with people who are not rich themselves but who are around the mega rich because of their jobs… Apparently at a certain point, “things” lose their meaning and experiences become their new materialism. Hence why so many rich people get caught up in depraved shit that makes it on the news, because theyre down the rabbit hole of collecting wild experiences as opposed to cars or jewelry or whatever other entry level rich person stuff. Flexing becomes more about “have you been to x, have you done y” etc
Sure, but given the state of things, I think we’re closer to the boys than we could ever be to the avengers
So… Do you often just stand in the middle of rooms while looking at your phone? That’s pretty damn weird not gonna lie
Problem for me is phones are uncomfortable to use for gaming in so many ways. My hands aren’t even that big, and my thumbs cover a lot of the screen. Then phones get hot when using them a lot. Not to mention staring that long at a mobile screen makes my eyes feel like raisins. Plus it’s really shit posture to sit with your neck bent at a 90° angle looking straight down into your lap. None of these are very enjoyable for a gaming experience.
I won’t even talk about the crazy predatory nature of most phone games being aggressive dopamine hijackers, cause that’s covered in the thread already, but that too.
If anyone is actually curious they’re just salt&black pepper, with kinda black carbon to make the chips look black
The fly has maxed out linguistic stats and can understand all languages… But it still has normal fly senses so all you can hear is air vibrations
Would you say bastion is the best supergiant title pre-Hades? I’ve been eyeing both that and transistor for a while
I don’t mean any offense, but if you’re saying traditional mobas are too fast paced for you, how do you expect to keep up in a moba style arena shooter? I’ve got tons of experience in both Dota and overwatch and without a doubt, overwatch is so much more taxing. As I get older, I’ve had to stray away from shooters altogether because I simply can’t operate fast enough, yet I still have no issues with the most hectic Dota teamfights. It doesn’t seem to be in the same ballpark to me