Pretty much the title. I’ve been watching more realistic super hero shows like The Boys and Invincible. The reoccurring themes is that with great power comes great immorality.

I think it’s easy for us normies to respect other people and their property because there are clear consequences for violating social norms. But what would the average person do if they had super powers?

    1201 year ago

    Power does not corrupt. It reveals. If you have the power to do whatever you want, it becomes apparent what you wanted to do. If having this power makes you do evil deeds, it means you already wanted to do evil deeds but lacked the power to.

    • DreamButt
      121 year ago

      For anyone who wants to learn more you should read The Power Broker by Robert Caro

    • idunnololz
      31 year ago

      I think the issue is that it’s impossible to have “perfect morals” and morals are subjective. Once you have absolute power there will no longer be someone or something to keep you in check when it comes to more questionable morals. Sure you might not think you are doing anything wrong, but you can still look like an evil villain to everyone else.

    • Honestly. This.

      There is so much that I would want to do that requires time to be “flowing” that the only things I could probably get done would be some cleaning, reading, and some rest.

      Food doesn’t cook without time. Computers and other electronics need time to process inputs. If I want to get anywhere I’m walking.

      The only immoral stuff might be some shoplifting, maybe. But even then I wouldn’t really be motivated if I could afford whatever it was otherwise.

      • _haha_oh_wow_
        1 year ago

        I’d definitely fuck with people who were being shitty, not straight up evil, just mischievous:

        Park in a bike lane? Oh no, all your valve stems have disappeared!

        Attack someone? Your shoelaces are now tied to your belt, which is also now fastened around your arms.

        Steal from a person? Your shoes are now hanging from a lamp post and the stuff you stole got unstolen.

        Be a shady company that screws everyone over? Your infrastructure keeps breaking and funds keep disappearing, how weird!

        Invade Ukraine and commit hundreds of war crimes? Oh no, you fell out of a window and also I have now been “recruited” by the CIA because they found out about my ability to pause time. Now I’m forced to do morally ambiguous things under the guise of national interests.

        Oh shit, OP was right!

        Also, hey Netflix: Hit me up if you wanna do a series, I know you’ll literally hire anyone. I do comedy too.

      • janAkali
        1 year ago

        There is so much that I would want to do that requires time to be “flowing”…

        If we’re talking about physics-accurate superpowers, please add partial blindness - photons are frozen in place, they can’t reach your eyelids, unless you walk into them. And suffocation due to completely still air.

        And … now you can’t even nap in peace 😐.

          51 year ago

          Photons move at the speed of light relative to the observer, regardless of the observer’s speed.

          If we’re going physics-accurate, you wouldn’t be blind, though you’d probably be a black hole (for a very brief time, before you evaporated due to Hawking radiation).

    • _haha_oh_wow_
      61 year ago

      Would be pretty cool for transport too: Arrive anywhere instantly; you’d never be late.

      • You would think so, but once you get used to it, you’d be like, ‘What’s the hurry? I can be there immediately’ and start traveling at the nick of the moment, and then eventually start showing up late, even with the superpower. If you were late to begin with, you’d be late all the way through. I know I would be.

    1 year ago

    This is an awful lot like the idea that the only thing keeping people from raping and murdering is belief in god. It says a lot more about the person claiming it than anyone else.

    • balderdashOP
      21 year ago

      Wups, I meant to reply to a comment about the Mongol/Huns on another post (hence the mention of nomadic tribes). I was wondering why my comment got downvoted lol

  • Ada
    541 year ago

    your morals would go out the window.

    Why would they? I don’t enjoy hurting people, and I wouldn’t start enjoying it if I could magically get away with it.

    • Decoy321
      121 year ago

      The counterargument for this line of thinking is that it’s just theoretical. You don’t have actual experience with the scenario, so you can’t truly know how you’d behave.

      We all like to think we’re paragons of virtue. But when the chips are down, most people behave in ways they never expected to.

      In the words of an eminent poet, “Everybody got a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”

      • Ada
        1 year ago

        Sure, I don’t know how I’d react. I know for sure I’d do dodgy, illegal things. I also know that legal and moral are not synonyms. And I also know that the only person I have no choice but to live with is myself, and I have no intention of doing anything that makes me hate myself. Stopping time doesn’t change that.

        121 year ago

        If I can’t truly know how I’d behave, then this discussion is pointless.

        I claim that you don’t know how you’d truly behave, and that people are generally decent and wouldn’t harm others if there were no consequences

    1 year ago

    If I had the power to stop time I’d stop it, travel all around the world putting live grenades in the pockets of every type of evil greedy cunt I could find, then start it again and wait for the fireworks to ensue. Every time someone starts making psychopath money again? Suddenly a grenade appears in their pocket. Funding wars, poison and incarceration? Every person with a finger in haliburton or monsanto, turned into red mist at a board meeting. Shareholders, exploding in hot tubs, saudi princes splattered in their shitty lambos. Every jordan belfort wannabe fuckstick exquisitely morphed into charcuterie.

    Grenade morality.

    • balderdashOP
      241 year ago

      I think someone else in this thread said it best. The more power you have the more temptation there is to fulfill your whims. Why do you think billionaires live the way that they do?

      At least, that’s how I see human nature. I made this post because I think there’s room for reasonable debate.

      • WalrusDragonOnABike
        251 year ago

        Why do you think billionaires become billionaires? They were already messed up before the money and had no morals to stop them from doing immoral things to get it.

        If I knew I’d never be caught, I’d hope I would do things that billionaire brown-nosers think is immoral. But it’s things I believe are moral. Like reclaiming stolen wealth from billionaires.

        • bane_killgrind
          21 year ago

          Or they were given money and have zero qualms or repercussions while exploiting it or exploiting people

        111 year ago

        It’s easy to be cynical about human nature when the extreme negatives are so amplified and given so much publicity. You have to remember the vast majority of people do still possess empathy.

      • Reasonable debate about what? That most people would be evil if they had the power because the people who have power are often evil? That inference does not follow. That’s not a logical claim, it’s a self report at worst and a fallacy at best.

        • balderdashOP
          21 year ago

          Not quite what I’m saying. It goes the other way around: people are morally questionable by nature and this comes out when people have the chance to act without facing consequences.

          So the debate essentially boils down to whether you think people are essentially good/bad at heart. That’s something people can reasonably disagree on.

          • Pons_Aelius
            51 year ago

            people are morally questionable by nature

            You keep making sweeping statements about all of humanity.

            Please speak for yourself.

          • Your evidence for the claim that people are evil by nature is: billionaires are often evil and you would make immoral choices if you could stop time. That’s just a self report and a logical fallacy smashed together

            • balderdashOP
              -31 year ago

              You really would prefer to strawman instead of seeing where reasonable people could disagree huh. Maybe the point is too philosophical for your taste.

                1 year ago

                You’re not reasonably debating if you start from an illogical premise.

                If you don’t like debate don’t come complaining about being debated.

                It’s also a bit weird you’re whining about the straw man that you brought up in the first place

      • SharkAttak
        11 year ago

        Yeah but think about it: you could check someone’s ass fully instead of stealing glances, put random dirt smudges on people’s faces… it’s hard to resist such a power.

      101 year ago

      day one: pantsed every pro-life god botherer outside of every planned parenthood, all at the same moment.

      day two: watched the internet take in day one. picked charities to give stacks of drug money and swiss nazi money to.

      day three: etc

    • MacN'Cheezus
      91 year ago

      I feel the same way. Trying to be a moral person is quite time consuming, and people seem to love short circuiting it by relying on various rules of thumb. But once you start investing those, it’s like peeling an onion, there’s always another layer to it that you haven’t considered.

      When is giving money to someone in need helpful and when is it enabling their helplessness?

      How can you tell the difference between someone who needs your help and someone who just wants to take you for a ride?

      Don’t forget that your time is literally the most valuable thing you can choose to give someone. If you had unlimited amounts of it you’d be a billionaire. Then again, perhaps it would just end up making it worthless because you don’t need to ration it anymore.

    • juiceclaws
      11 year ago

      Sure, but given the state of things, I think we’re closer to the boys than we could ever be to the avengers

  • SmokeyDope
    1 year ago

    Those kind of darker ‘realistic’ shows have a very cynical view of human nature where people are inherently bad and the social contract is what keeps us at bay from becoming monsters. I dont agree with that assessment (though I did as an edgy teenager)

    The rich and powerful act the was they do not because they can but because they have nothing to strive for. IMO people require a certain amount of conflict and struggle in order to truly attain happiness and a fulfilling life. You also need to learn new skills to have fresh experiences. See this excellent documentary on the mouse utopia experiments.

    You cant really appreciate success until you’ve failed miserably and earned it through blood sweat and tears. If you live your whole life being too rich to fail, and get everything you’ve ever wanted without having to work and struggle for it, then you eventually run out of things to want and life becomes hollow. Food looses its taste, drugs no longer get you high, regular and even kinky sex looses its appeal, luxury and convinence becomes meaningless as does social status. The only thing left is the thrill of depravity.

    Time powers wouldn’t make a normal person with proper life goals and average moral values instantly go off the deep end. Only people who think money and power buys happiness.

    251 year ago

    Losing my morals? Goodness no! My morals would be the only thing left, as there would be no one who could stop me. Justice for the wronged, help for the needy, and punishment for the wicked that knows no limits.

    Is there a tyrant that threatens peace? Bound and delivered to the United nations. A disaster trapping civilians? Every injured person into the first hospital bed available, worldwide in a moment. Hell, I could read every medical book ever and become the most studied doctor ever.

      1 year ago

      Lmao yeah but what about when somebody pisses you off? Like that’s kinda the whole point of this question but good job taking some weird moral high ground ig?

      Also, what if your ideas about “wicked” and “good” aren’t the same as mine?

      For example one of us could see Xi Jinping and the Chinese government as quite evil and actively carrying out a genocide, while the other of us might believe that to be western propaganda and that the Chinese government is generally benign.

      What about when the death of the wicked means a power vacuum and strife for a region a la American imperialism?

      Anyway just trying to get some interesting conversation related to the topic at hand.

      1 year ago

      Bound and delivered to…

      Bruh you’re a better person than me. Aint nobody got the time to drag over some weak ass hitler wanna be halfway over the world. Much rather just grenade diplomacy them wherever they are, as another lemming mentioned in this thread.

      EDIT: Just occurred to me that this would actually entail investigating and confirming their crimes beyond all doubt. Now I understand the appeal of just dropping them off somewhere with people qualified and trained to do that.

      -21 year ago

      Yeah but you’d walk through the occasional locker room too. You know, when it makes sense for like, justice and stuff.

  • Gormadt
    241 year ago

    If you’re honest with yourself about your morals, they wouldn’t change

    Mine wouldn’t

    Honestly, I’d primarily use the power to sleep

    • jBlight
      91 year ago

      I’m on the same page as you, dude! My first thought was that I could take naps ANYWHERE at ANY TIME. It’d be a dream to never feel tired and always refreshed. Also to have absolutely no pressure from time commitments. I’d just be a happy guy most of the time.

      31 year ago

      Honestly I’m having trouble imagining what terrible things others here seem to be considering doing if they had the power to stop time. Hopefully it’s not more than stealing money from a bank vault?

      • Gormadt
        31 year ago

        That’s the fun thing about morals, everyone is operating with a different set of morals. Often similar, but some are drastically different.

        And sometimes the things that fit within their moral outlines would shock other people

        Some people need the threat of terrible consequences to not do terrible things

    241 year ago

    I’ve been watching more realistic super hero shows like The Boys and Invincible. The reoccurring themes is that with great power comes great immorality.

    You know that those were still written by humans to tell a story, right? I wouldn’t derive any universal laws from them.

      1 year ago

      Kind of a misunderstanding. Its not “law” they lay down, its archetypes. If it is realistic it means more like it is more relatable.

      Immortality and immense power is meant to give a sandbox view of the world with lowered consequences. Also the naive inheritor in case of Invincible.

      In case of The Boys, Homelander embodies the establishment that is not only more powerful, but hailed as the hero of all mankind.

      Thats lots of peoples vibes. You are not the hero in shining armor. You are an insurgent at best. You dont just get on a suit and start saving lives, but you have to go up aganist THE establishment and fucking prove yourself first. The very thing that is being actively hailed.

        51 year ago

        I think you misunderstand my point. I’m not saying those shows lay down any laws. I’m saying you (the viewer) shouldn’t derive any universal laws from consequences or situations depicted in stories made up specifically for entertainment.