If she needs to exclude someone just put everyone is welcome, except fascists. That should meet the requirements?
No it’s the only reason they are coming back, if they cared they wouldn’t have got ridden of the buttons in the first place
Remember COVID? Do that
I had a router that I converted to a access point with openwrt, couldn’t get vlan trunking to work, so I ran 3 separate network cables back to the switch and assigned each one to its own WiFi network
I agree that single HDDs are terrible, but once you raid multiple of them together, it becomes much better. And now with zfs even better still
To Santa!
This with remote transmission on your phone to control it
You know the greatest part of this seeing a Canadian get angry, I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before.
Well it depends where you sit on the bell curve, 1/8 of the population thinks the other 1/8 are fucking stupid, whilst been completely oblivious to the fact that they are in fact also fucking stupid
It’s Unix all the way down I’m afraid
Who needs align right when you can just hold the space-bar till it’s there, or if you are a pro tab then space for perfect alignment
Databases basically built inside excel 😐
I forced it on our office over maybe 15 years ago, I’ve finally just about stopped receiving complaints. The vast majority of the push back was document compatibility, but not in the way you think. The problem was the original document was created by a fucktard or opened by one, so many people don’t know how to correctly format a document using styles, know how to use page breaks, line breaks, etc etc. that’s us recieving documents and creating documents. To be fair I didn’t initially fully understand this as well, but it literally took me 4 hours to read the manual.
Other problems include Microsoft’s fuckery using a supposedly open standard and allow proprietary code/content within the same open standard.
It’s going to be measles or some other preventable disease
Ok I did the work 👍 the US and russian have been in a proxy cold war over Ukraine’s future, until shit hit the fan and Russian first annexed Crimea then did a 3 day special military operation that has lasted almost 3 years now.
Also who the fuck reads yahoo news?
It not that common, or even uncommon, i think you may be wrong
I think the licence type he is looking for is shareware
Only when used correctly