To clear it up I am referring to just the kernel. You can set anything you’d like as PID 1 so we can have a non-unixlike userland. For example, some users set their kernel to boot directly into Emacs, without an init system.

  • mox
    271 month ago



    Sorry, friend, but you’ll have to pick one. Linux is Unix-like.

    • AmonOP
      21 month ago

      Couldn’t we implement a non-unixlike userland though (e.g. it’s all just emacs)

      • mox
        71 month ago

        Couldn’t we implement a non-unixlike userland though

        That’s called systemd. :P

        31 month ago

        Your updated question has given me a rather cursed idea…psychopathic even. Replace the *nix userland with wine…have win32 user space on your Linux. The biggest problem I see with the idea is wine would need a DRM backend so as to not depend on X/Wayland. Ofc the kernel API would still be *nix but your user space would be anything but. There’s only so much you can do to get away from a *nix environment when using a *nix kernel.

        • AmonOP
          31 month ago

          Hey, ReactOS with actually decent hardware support!

          On a serious note why should hobby OS’s reimplement yet another kernel when a custom userland on top of Linux should suffice?

            21 month ago

            Lol, yeah but React isn’t Linux based so doesn’t quite end up so cursed. Last time I played with it it was still really squirrelly.

            Because it’s fun. As someone who is writing a hobbyist kernel(slowly) it isn’t about making a functional OS, it’s about learning how systems work and suffering while you do it =D.

            I wouldn’t classify React as a hobby project per-say. I suppose it is but I put hobby OSes in a category of not having a goal to ever be production ready for anyone outside the developers. Tbh react would have way better compat if they focused on win32 over Linux as opposed to developing NT from scratch but the project is also old enough(1998) to be from a time where Linux wasn’t what it is today in terms of wide spread hardware support.

    1 month ago

    Define what you mean by non-unix like? Android is Unix like, it hides it from the user but the NDK is still a Unix like API, all devices have a POSIX shell /system/bin/sh installed which can be accessed via a terminal emulator app or using adb. The filesystem structure is different than most systems but there’s still a /dev, /etc, /bin, and /proc. Not to mention one of the most unixy designs being the fork() call which android uses as the basis of all app processes. What I mean is Android has a parent process containing all the basic stuff an app needs called zygote which is then forked to become an app processes when an app is launched and then the rest of the app stuff is loaded into that new process, an exec to fully replace the parent is not done. That’s a very unixy design decision that isn’t usually available on other systems.

    Technically speaking if we’re going by the hides it from the user perspective then the steam deck qualifies to the same extent. It’s hidden until a power user doesn’t want it to be

    • AmonOP
      51 month ago

      Sorry, looks like I did not do my research. We can scratch Android off as an example then.

      • Jerkface (any/all)
        21 month ago

        When I think “unix-like” I think, “everything is a file, configurations are human-readable, executables do one simple thing and combine to perform complex operations”

      01 month ago

      me reading your comment: 😪 Can I just get a non-MS win10 alternative that isn’t exactly like moving to a new country requiring I learn a new language and culture?

      • Rikudou_Sage
        91 month ago

        It’s not as hard as moving to a different country, really. What the comment described was quite technical internal working of an OS, neither of which does really concern you as a user.

        If you simply want to switch to Linux, use some beginner friendly distro (Linux Mint, Fedora etc.) and you’re done.

      • Jerkface (any/all)
        41 month ago

        No. Because your vendor has locked you in and conditioned you for so long. They intentionally make this transition difficult. But once you’ve done it once, it’s easy to do it as many times as you need.

  • hendrik
    1 month ago

    I don’t get the quesion either. First of all, Linux is technically the name of a kernel. So you can have that with many different userlands. And if we’re not talking about that: Linux itself is unix-like. So anything based on it would end up being unix-like as well. At least to a degree… We can hide that with a shiny UI like on Android, or the Steam Deck. Maybe you’re looking for (exotic) open-source operating systems that aren’t based on Linux and don’t feel like that? Haiku, Inferno, ReactOS, KolibriOS … We also have the BSDs, Darwin/MacOS, Solaris (on the unix-like side), Windows, DOS, a buch of real-time operating systems and some more exotic projects… But I think the way your question is phrased, such a thing cannot exist. By definition.

    • AmonOP
      11 month ago

      Im talking about the kernel without GNU or Systemd or anything

      • hendrik
        1 month ago

        My LG TV runs Linux. And I’m pretty sure I had the GPL in some other home appliances as well. You’d also find the Linux kernel running in a lot of other embedded devices as well. Roombas… Sometimes they boot straight to custom software. TomTom GPS devices do (or did) that AFAIK. Other car entertainment devices as well. And I think there is some design pattern in which you run your microservices without a full Linux in the container on a server.

  • Sort of. Like everyone else, I’m not quite sure what you’re looking for. However, some free operating system/distributions that are different in various ways:

    • Haiku. Already mentioned, it’s the least like what you’d expect from Linux. It’s a clone of BeOS, an also-ran from the 90’s. Actively developed.
    • Redox OS, a micro kernel written in Rust. Very early, probably rough around the edges.
    • 9front. Bravely carrying the Plan9 torch, probably the most actively developed Plan9-ish variant.
    • Chimera Linux. The Linux kernel, but without Poetteringware (no systemd, no pulseaudio), and using the BSD userspace instead of GNU. Not to be confused with Chimera, a Linux distribution targeting the gaming crowd.
    • MINIX3. One of the most famous micro kernels, and famously related to Linux by the fact that its inventor and maintainer is a professor who Linus Torvalds studied under, before Linus went and created Linux.
    • BSD (Free…, Open…, there are, like, a half dozen variations. Not Linux; derived from a Unix. Also not GNU userspace - I think they’ve got a sysv userspace?

    These are all open source and free, and actively developed. Some are young; some are old and perpetually never finished; some are stubbornly standing still. Most are probably usable as daily drivers, with some constraints.

    Where the Linux kernel leads the pack, by a mile, is the vast amount of hardware or supports, and except for the Linux kernel distributions like Chimera Linux (the only one in my list that uses the Linux kernel), hardware support is likely where you’ll find the most challenges.

    Of these, the first three are the only ones that don’t use X11 or Wayland, much less the Linux kernel. The last three use X. None use the GNU user space.

    There are a bunch of other projects, several based on the L4 microkernel, but these are the ones I think you could boot onto from a USB stick and actually use. 9Front might have the steepest initial learning curve; Haiku is probably the most new-user friendly. MINIX and 9Front are the most geeky.

    • I highly recommend giving Haiku OS a try. It’s a lovely system.

      An operating system with a simple clear design and some powerful features.

      The community is also very friendly.

    31 month ago

    What exactly do you mean by a “non-unixlike OS”? Like, do you just want an OS that does not require any knowledge of Unix from the start?

    If you’d list a few “unixlike” features you’d like to avoid I’m sure we’d be able to find something that fits you.

  • kbal
    31 month ago

    I assume you mean things that you’d never guess were linux or unix-like just by looking at the UI as it’s visible to normal users. Car infotainment systems and “smart” TVs (e.g. Roku) come to mind.

    21 month ago

    You won’t really find anything since the kernel dictates a huge amount about how the OS behaves. If you look at the differences of Linux to other OSes, most of them are in the kernel.

    Android is still very Unix-like in its userspace. I think probably the biggest thing you can change is to ditch the archaic /bin, /usr, etc. filesystem. Android and NixOS both sort of do that.

  • Possibly linux
    11 month ago

    There are a ton. It is used heavily in all sorts of places. Everything from your fridge to your car has Linux.

    -11 month ago

    Now that others got all the technicalities out of the way, maybe ChromeOS/ChromiumOS would be something along the lines of what you’re looking for? not that anyone should choose to daily-drive it.