More communities for making friends, casual discussions, and local Lemmy meetups.
More communities for making friends, casual discussions, and local Lemmy meetups.
World history in high school. My teacher made learning fun. My teacher occasionally brought replica artifacts and such to class.
Absolutely! I’ve noticed some unprovoked snide remarks and mean comments. That’s something that I do not miss from Reddit.
Near the end of elementary school and the beginning of middle school. It also didn’t help that my parents would swear often as well. I’m glad my little brother is calling out the hypocrisy.
Pay off my debt, some credit card debt and an auto loan.
Communities for making friends and meeting up irl.
Instead of using terms like normal or crazy, I’ll instead use terms like stability. Things are pretty unstable where I live right now. The economy is unstable; high gas prices, high rent and home prices, high mortgage rates, high homeowners insurance rates with some leaving the state, the closure of small and local businesses are increasing, etc. My state also has a political crisis, a restrictions of rights and extremism from the far right.
I’m here. I left reddit for good, I don’t even lurk it anymore.
Nearly got strangled to death by my own dad for saying that the family name didn’t mean much to me. He pushed me against the wall. My stepmom and stepbrother had to get him off of me. That was years ago. I no longer speak to or see him.
Yes, I mostly pirate anime and some live action. I was saddened by the closure of RARBG, I used to torrent from there daily. Nowadays I mostly use Nyaa and 1337x, Nyaa for anime and 1337x for live action and other animation. I pay for Spotify premium, YT Premium, and Amazon Prime. I use Steam to purchase video games.
Piracy via torrenting is my preferred way for watching series or movies, I just want the mkv files, I don’t care for the BD menus, UI, bloopers & extras, buffering, etc. I remember trying Netflix a few years back and noticed that some content wasn’t available for offline viewing. I also don’t have to worry about things like licenses expiring meaning the streaming service no longer has the right to have it in their catalog or the drm in Blu-ray discs.
I think piracy exists in a gray area like “illicit” drugs among other things and labeling or moralizing it as either good or bad paints it with a broad brush traps and confines it to a dichotomy that we really should look beyond. Heck, even services like Crunchyroll and Napster(Rhapsody) started off as piracy sites before they legitimized. Piracy also has benefits like preserving content from being lost due to it being out of print or licensing issues that limit sale or access. Old games can be played again by using emulators and roms.
Personally, I’ve become more technologically literate through piracy. I started off with apps like PopcornTime and sites like Kissanime, 9anime, and Putlocker. I used to exclusively stream or use direct downloads until I discovered torrenting. I used to use UTorrent until I discovered Fosshub and Qbitorrent. Most of content I’ve torrented I’ve yet to watch so I’m more of a data hoarder. I have multiple external hard drives filled with data. I don’t thinking purchasing would’ve made me more likely to watch the content I’ve watched as I’ve purchased many physical books that I have yet to read.
Imo the term piracy means the unauthorized tampering/modification, access, and distribution of a product or service. That also poses the question whether or not consumers actually own what they buy. Piracy fights back against anti-consumer practices such as DRM which has been around since 1983. Also I’d say that corpos have gone way overboard with their anti-piracy measures when they can prosecute and extradite individuals.
I’ll end with this video, "Why We Should Get Rid Of Intellectual Property.
I used to until Infinity implemented subscriptions.
I already have the app, but thanks.
I’m here to stay. I was using Infinity to lurk Reddit, but I stopped using it when it went towards the subscription model.
My family drops mothballs which isn’t an environmentally friendly solution, but it’s more humane than what my stepdad wanted to do.
Haven’t used Discord in a while actually.
I live in South Florida.
My little brother has been glued to his tablet since he was 3. He goes to the same elementary school I used to go to, but they no longer use Windows desktop pc and instead they use Chromebooks. I remember learned how to use computers back in 4th and 5th grade, I learned how to use a browser, how to use a search engine, how to use a database, and how to use Microsoft Word and PowerPoint.
Disease carrying mosquito species