That’s cool but where is your 2023 wishlist?
I wouldn’t bother reading it. It’s the same as 2022’s list with only one more game added to it.
And none purchased.
I wishlist every game that looks like it has potential; check it every couple weeks to see if there’s any 90% off deals. Pretty much don’t bat an eye at anything below that.
Don’t you get emails when something on your wishlist is on sale?
Alternatively you can set up alerts with
I should get paid for how much I’ve promoted that incredible website. I check it minimum weekly.
I have that disabled or blocked. I don’t check my email all that often, and most of the alerts I did get were below the purchase-worthy discount, so it wound up just being a lot of spam.
You can set percentages in ITAD for notifications.
You can set it for “regular price”, then in the “percentage offset” setting, you can put 90% or whatever.
Just a thought.
The steam mobile app also gives you a notification when a game in your wish list goes on offer
ITAD checks all the legitimate sites that sell steam games as well, often saving you way more money.
You can’t possibly have an interest over so many games, it’s not practical either. Even if you finish 100 games every year 2000 games would take 20 years.
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I’m the same. I use it to basically bookmark upcoming or early access games so that I can receive updates about them on my news feed.
I don’t tend to buy early access games unless it meets very specific criteria: the developer is one person or just a few people, they have been posting frequent substantial updates (patch notes and such count, but if it has a ton of devlogs that are devoid of anything but fluff, I tend to stay clear), and the project speaks to me. Like if it’s a type of game I’ve always wanted to see made, or something.
All that to say, I have accumulated a large wishlist as well. Not as big as OP’s, but almost 150 games.
Yours is so big it’s caused a black hole and sent us back in time.
Thanks babe
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I dont remember mine but i believe you have a bit of an issue with prioritization
I think I just have one game in my wishlist. I play games since childhood and I don’t think I’d be able to name 2022, even 1000.
About 20 something games. I usually go through whenever I add new things and delete things I’m not interested in anymore. Most of my wishlist is either early access stuff I’m watching reviews on, or stuff not out yet.
Pretty much what I do too. If the game goes on sale, and I still find it hard to pull the trigger I just take it off my list.
Same, if I don’t want it when it’s 5 bucks, I won’t want it when it’s 30. If I for some reason change my mind, then I’ll just go back and find it again.
I have 183; 71 of them aren’t out yet.
Mine’s a little out of control at 446 games on the wishlist.
My Steam library is already a little out of control at 547 games.
[Edit] 152 games never played.
To be honest, I’d probably call it “awesome” and be a bit envious. That must pretty much be a state where whatever mood you’re in, there’s always going to be something you want to play, like someone with an amazing collection of vinyl records, or bookcases full of literature & poetry.
Those are some pretty big numbers on hours played too, so it’s not like you’ve just played each thing for an hour and then chucked it.
I only feel mine’s out of control because of the relatively small amount of time I have to play these days, and the amount of unplayed games - I can play a new game every week for about three years, but actually I just stick another ten hours into “Crusader Truck Manager Fortress Rally Tactics III”, on average.
Ha ha ha, you fool! All this massive library does is give me something to doom scroll before going back to short burst YouTube videos! (Depression is a hell of a drug.) I mostly end up playing a lot of the same games over and over (see my hours on New Vegas) and don’t end up playing the games I bought that look really fun.
Aww mate, sorry to hear that. I’ve been in those pits before. I hope life, the world, or yourself gives you the break you need, or the support you need to get through it.
The more you have the harder it is to choose
46, I find it too much
Damn, I got ~300 and think it’s too much
I use isthereanydeal for buying any game and my list is HUGE. I don’t buy anything until it’s massively discounted but my library is way bigger than anyone I know because they buy everything for $60+.
Was 92 last night until I saw Mass Effect:A was on sale for dirt cheap.
I’ve got so many Bill’s hats on it