Awesome, thanks a lot!
Awesome, thanks a lot!
I recently got an MRI and wondered about 3D printing my brain as well. Is there any kind of standard conversion software to get an .stl file out of my MRI data or how did you go about it?
That shortcut is real as well though.
LinkedIn was bought by Microsoft in 2016
At the latest after decarbonization of the power grid (yes I am laughing as I write this), we will want to remove CO2 from the air which was emitted 50 years ago. Also I would like to point out that the IPCC scenarios about reducing global warming already include carbon capture. Plans to remove CO2 from energy production till 2035 already only work under the premise that we actively start removing CO2 from the atmosphere simultaneously.
Tardigrade? Bear animal
It is still stupid, if it is incredibly inefficient and super wasteful of limited resources.
Sounds like one of those people who prefer standing in a 20 minute traffic jam instead of giving a chance to public transit. If you actually use the german trains from time to time, you will notice how well used they are. They are admittedly often late though.
Wow, I didn’t even notice the displayed values
Totally legit response in regards to resource exhaustion and climate change, but IMO not regarding the degradation of democracy. In a larger scale this could easily lead to a demographic shift towards regressive political views.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not gonna put into a kid into this world, especially not for reasons of ideological puppeteering, but to conclude my too serious take on the meme and your comment, I do not quite see how they are related.
The standard Arduino platform is essentially C, just with some standard hardware-near procedures hidden away as far as I know. You can just write standard C code in two blocks: init and loop. Then the loop block will be repeated for ever. For controlling voltage pins you have easy commands similatlr to like pinState(PinNumber, on/off). I do not know about the others you mentioned, but there definetely is also some implementations for Raspberry Pi control by drag&drop. There is no need to limit yourself with those though.
Does Emudeck work flawlessly out of the box for you or did you need further settings? I set up a Gameboy Advanced Emulator on my Deck two times, the second time via Emudeck. Both times it worked the first time I started it but afterwards not even a window popped up.
If only they managed to actually meet each other through one
It’s not the different places and times your body parts stop that kill you. It is the inflexibility of your connecting body parts inbetween?
Googling ‘screen share, Windows’ takes longer than asking the people you are in a call with already though
In the original post a person asks to learn and OP makes fun of them. It is totally ok to not be able to do everything right away, even if it is as simple as screen sharing or setting up an Outlook meeting. And if someone wants to learn it helps to show them instead of mocking. That is for the first five times they ask, after that they really need to visit a note taking seminar first.
There is also this particular tone of light brownish green which is on so many industrial tools like drill presses, table top saws and so on. I kinda dig it
I’m looking forward to LLMs copying the gibberish german communities like to use. It is very common there to translate things word for word without any regard for correct german grammar or understandibility.
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