The German name Ameisenbär translates to ants bear. Because it’s in league with the ants!
And because every animal in German is described in relation to bears.
Raccoon? Wash bear
Ant eater? Ant bear
Slug? Homeless bear
Turtle? Shield bear
Close, slugs are ‘naked snails’ and turtles are ‘shield toads’.
Nope, it’s bears all the way down.
Grizzly? You guessed right, brown bear!
Tardigrade? Bear animal
Everything is a bear to Germans.
Guess what my first name means!
Not Termineater
Dont hide the second e
Fun fact I learned just now is that termites and ants first come together at “insecta” but are otherwise entirely different. Also I was checking because I knew that ants are basically wasps and wanted to see about termites, so that’s also a cool fact.
Yeah, and termites are basically cockroaches.
Doesn’t look like many people got the Foamy reference.
I used to like Foamy
Termite Terminator.
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