It is wild how quickly the US is trying to erase any references to how it was formed or how it has conducted itself since it’s land mass was found by Europe almost 600 years ago
It is wild how quickly the US is trying to erase any references to how it was formed or how it has conducted itself since it’s land mass was found by Europe almost 600 years ago
Lol still got censored
For 99% of Americans the authoritarian part means “I’m poor as fuck and live in a cardboard box on a rural dirt road but at least I can freely say ‘removed!’ and wont get arrested! GERD BLERSSS MERRIKER!!”
Hey yall remember when the US imported a bunch of rocket scientists from this country in Europe when their gumming got taken over by drug-addled nationalists?
That was great
Only black people. White people are using fentanyl, so they’re attacking the dealers now
I also want to point out that when whites are addicts, they go after the dealers. When blacks are addicted, they go after the users
What does Russia export other than prostitutes?
Wait, I thought it was today? Or maybe yesterday? Or whatever
Every bunker needs an air intake and exhaust
He really thinks that cyberpunk is cool and does not understand any of the philosophy or ideology behind it.
More milquetoast pussy-aased doormatterie
No, they weren’t… because they never made any effort to stop authoritarianism, and now are begging for it. The GOP will be coming for their guns.
Because people say stupid shit like “but they have laser-guided drones and you have a rifle!”
Fucking idiots do not understand how revolution works and dont know that the US military has failed every invasion.
Removed by mod
How bout the fact that the Biden/Harris admin absolutely refused under any circumstances whatsoever to do their number one job of defending the country against domestic threats and a criminal regime? …and even used notorious opposition party members are their mascots?
Is it by reaching across the aisle to work with your fellow Americans in the opposition party in a bipartisan spirit of aloha to reach an acceptable compromise and pass legislation to help improve the lives of everyday Americans?
…because GOP says to go fuck yourself with a red hot poker.
Harris Democrats saw their constituents mad at them and they responded by telling them to go fuck themselves, so I find your analysis questionable.
You ARE the contrarian. All the time.
We know that at least ten Democrats are GOP-slurping trump cucks