Congratulations and good work! Thanks for all your efforts.
Congratulations and good work! Thanks for all your efforts.
“In Tartarus” - The Night Eternal
In Enderal (an absolutely amazing, totally free game that runs on the Skyrim engine - if you own Skyrim you owe it to yourself to play Enderal), at the end of Esme’s questline, sitting on top of the lighthouse and discussing the events of her story.
If you’ve ever had a loved one who struggled with mental illness or depression, and you just couldn’t help them, it hits like a ton of bricks
Gods yes. What a brilliant piece of writing that DLC was - simultaneously hilarious and deeply poignant.
Yes, from the poster for the movie “Stripes”.
Glib (though truthful) answers aside, I thought this was a good read. Thank you for posting it.
After finishing a playthrough of Baldur’s Gate 3, I’m now on Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands. Fun, but nowhere near as good as the original Tiny Tina DLC for BL2. Still, I’m 26 hours in and I’ll definitely finish it. After that… maybe I’ll go back and do a different run of BG3. I’m looking forward to getting back to CP2077 and picking up Phantom Liberty, but I’m going to wait for that to be on some sort of sale.
There are a few scripts for use with tampermonkey (a user scripting plugin) that I find very helpful. Specifically LemmyTools and lemmy-keyboard-navigation.
Played Outer Worlds earlier this year, and I agree with your assessment. I did play Fallout New Vegas later on, and while New Vegas felt bigger, I think I enjoyed Outer Worlds a bit more. Mainly I think the humor hit more consistently FOR ME in OW, and I really think the humor kind of makes the game. But of course humor is very subjective, so I understand why a lot of people prefer FNV (not to mention it has a certain built-in cachet from all the other Fallout games).
Anyway, I enjoyed it, I’m glad I played it through to the end, but I wouldn’t play it again (e.g. to try different playstyles or run through with different companions). Glad you are also enjoying it!
Still playing BG3. About 120 hours in, still my first playthrough, but I think I’m getting close to the end. Wouldn’t be surprised if it takes me another 15-20 hours to get there though. After that I need to decide if I want to play through again with different characters/choices, or do something else first (recently got Tiny Tina in a bundle and looking forward to playing that).
Saw them perform just a couple months ago after having not seem them in over a decade. They put on an AMAZING show. So much fun, such incredible energy, and they’ve really taken their live performance to the next level. I highly recommend catching them on tour if they ever come near you.
No. And while I will treat those who do with the same level of dignity and respect I grant to everyone, I secretly do think less of them for it (especially when I see them perpetuating the indoctrination with their children).
Good call. Thank you for doing what you need to do to support the site and protect the users as necessary. And as always, the honesty and transparency is appreciated.
I have no idea how many hours I put into WoW or SWTOR back in the day when I was playing them. For now, I’ve got 2,176 hours logged in Battletech.
Thanks for the update!
Current game pet peeve - the delay after each enemy acts in combat in Baldur’s Gate 3. I absolutely love this game, but big combats take longer than they should because after each enemy acts, there seems to be a 5-10 second delay before moving on to the next.
Favorite game pet peeve - The overall poor performance/memory management in HBS’s Battletech game. Again, love the game, have put nearly 2000 hours into it over the years, but damn the performance can just be painful sometimes.
AC/DC - You Shook Me All Night Long
Kiss - God of Thunder (Destroyer was the first album I owned)
ooh, good idea! I had to play that fight 5 or 6 times…
Happy to donate a little bit!