And what game?
Are we counting WoW? Because that’s measured in years.
Your comment made me curious enough to go check my /played, and I regret my decision. Over 500 days of play time.
This is why I never started
oh boy… yeah WoW was around 3 hours a day x 5 days a week for about 4 years. Some days were more, some days were less, and I took a few breaks here and there. That comes out to around 100 days.
I think that’s the low end for wow players as well. I played it excessively for like a whole year (wake up, play, go to bed with very few obligations during that time), I have no idea how much time I spent in that game overall, because I’ve had a few periods like that in my life (though never that crazy)
Roughly 30 000 hours in WoW. I’ve been playing it since 2005 - mostly active, only a couple of 1-6 month breaks.
Quick approximation - let’s just ignore the exact dates:
- 18 years * 365 = 6570 days
- 30000 hours / 6570 days = ~4.57 hours/day
During the last 18 years, I’ve played an average of 4h 34min of WoW every day.
In other words: if I sleep 8 hours a day, during the last 18 years, I’ve spent about 28% of my waking hours playing WoW.
While I’m at it: I’m 34 years old. I have spent roughly 10% of my life playing WoW.
jfc lmao
Other MMOs: Guild Wars 1 & 2, FFXIV, are all between 1000-1500 hours each.
Outside of MMOs, the #1 is probably Trackmania (2020) at ~600 hours.
I think you can use /played in the console it will tell you how much that character has been played. I did it once it came out in years scale too
Yup, that’s what I used to get the number - along with an addon that saves all the data from different characters and sums up the played time of all of them. Last time I checked it showed over 1200 days (=28 800 hours) for me - but it’s been a while since I checked the total, and it doesn’t include characters in Classic (or deleted characters). So I just rounded it to 30k hours, close enough.
My most played character is my shaman, with 450 days (~11k hours) played - it was my main character from TBC to WoD (from 2007 to early 2015). Current main is Druid with ~250 days (6k hours). So these two characters alone are more than half of my total played time. :D
How much of that time was actually spent playing? A huge percentage of my /played is standing around either AFK or using the game as a chat client
Vast majority of it is active playing - I’ve thought about this earlier too, and I really rarely just afk or stand around while in game. Even if I’m just waiting for eg. raid to start, I usually just go do some gathering, pet battles, dailies, something.
Ah, I forgot about raiding
Over 12,000 hours so far on RimWorld. I’ve had the game for just over 6 years so that is roughly 5 1/2 hours a day. I think it takes 10000 hours to be considered an expert at something.
Hey mom look I finally made something of myself. :)
About 3,000 hours of Rimworld for me, easily my most played game.
I started off by pirating the game so I don’t know the exact count, but the game was so incredible I’ve purchased it 4 times now.
After so many hours how is to start a new town? Going through the same motions again, more or less. Or do you pick a totally different setup each time to keep it fresh, but by now you surely have done most starts a few times.
I try different scenarios that players create or create my own. Sometimes I try to limit myself by not doing research or disabling certain options.
And honestly the mods make the game completely different so I’ll try various types of mods and just play with the new or changed features.
I have similar. With mods its hard to put down.
Minecraft. Probably over 15,000 hours playing servers modpacks, developing mods. It’s been 13 years now!?!
I wish I had my Minecraft hours. I’ve been playing since Beta on PC across many PCs. I bought it on Xbox 360, separately for Xbox One, and Android. I think I would compete with some of the WOW players here tbh…
3,545 hrs in Rimworld. Minecraft is probably up there too, but I don’t have an exact number. In both cases, I just keep coming back and starting over with a fresh set of mods.
I passed 520 hours last night in Stardew Valley
That’s a long night there!
It felt like almost a month!
Somehwere between 3000-4000 hours, 23 years of playing persistent worlds on Neverwinter Nights.
Most of that occurred between 2002-2010. It was legit a gaming addiction.
Slay The Spire: 850 hours. I feel like I’ll never get bored at a retirement home because I’ll just keep playing Slay The Spire. It’ll be my mahjong equivalent.
Almost 1000 hours in Rocksmith 2014. Yes, I still suck.
13,027 hours and counting - Final Fantasy XI
That is impressive.
Can you go into details on when you started, how often you play, etc. Really interested in this.
They started playing 18 months ago, paused and haven’t had a chance to jump back in.
Hi! I started back in 2006 and have played off and on over the years. I’ve had periods of time where I unsubbed and didn’t play at all, and other times where it was my only game! I got back in to playing in 2020 during the pandemic lockdowns and I’m still logging in daily even now! No other game has captured me quite like FFXI.
i started playing Final Fantasy with FFII on SNES. when they came out with III, i was a bit reluctant because of the obvious 2nd lie, but the game was so good, i played it more than II. after that, i couldn’t take anymore lying, and completely disconnected from the series. now, theyre on XI‽ is Final Fantasy XI thee actual final fantasy, or are they still peddling their lies??
TFW they find it about FF XVI.
Bahahaa! Yes, the heroes have averted so many apocalyptic and reality-destroying situations that “final” is definitely misleading! Of course, if the heroes never set out on their journeys, then maybe the world doesn’t get saved…
Anyway FFXI is the first MMORPG Final Fantasy (FFXIV being the more recent one) and it’s jam-packed with many different potential “final” fantasies! It’s kept me busy since 2006!
World of Warcraft since 2004. Why measure in hours when you can measure in years?
Same same. It’s something disgusting too like 4+ years.
Other than that one probably football manager at like 2k hours.
3,000 - Oblivion
That’s spread over 40 or so characters, and dating all the way back to 2006.
Oblivion is my most played as well. I “only” had a little over a thousand… Then my Xbox hard drive died.
Ignoring idle games and MMO’s for obvious reasons, ~2k hours in each Factorio and Rimworld, followed by 1k in KSP.
I’d rather not say exactly how many hours, but it’s Factorio so… a lot.
5 figures and counting on Factorio. Do not recommend, gets somewhat repetitive after a while.
I’m over 5,500 hours of efficiency workings.
Mods. Mods are all it is.
Bob Angels is such an amazing modpack to do (expect 120 hours roughly for a full run).
Seablock is the next step up (300 hours to finish).
Then space exploration. That just goes hard for 500 hours easy.
I’ve taken a big break since a SE finish so that I have that 'omg this game is amazing" when the DLC comes out.