The entire battle between Palpatine vs Maul and Savage. Probably my favourite lightsaber battle.
Foul-mouthed trans lesbian punk
The entire battle between Palpatine vs Maul and Savage. Probably my favourite lightsaber battle.
Take away my morning coffee, and you’ll have me becoming a super villain taking over the world.
Well, how else would companies profit off of works they contributed nothing to? /s
Capitalism needs to die. We need a society that works to better and enrich all, not fuckwads who bleed and exploit others and their work for personal gain.
This hits pretty hard. Looking at the bigger picture is depressing: what the fuck is humanity’s end goal? Because it looks like it’s the heat death of the planet, all so a bunch of narcissistic fucks can pretend they’re royalty, and lord it over the rest of us who weren’t as lucky and see stepping on others for your own desires as cruel and morally reprehensible.
Corpo-speak doesn’t mean shit. Actions do.
I worked with a small media company like this. They’d constantly throw new tasks and duties at you like candy with no plan, no resources, and unwritten and unsaid expectations you’d somehow make it all work while they sat back and raked in the cash. Burnout was inevitable, and it’d make them furious and vindictive with you when you dare to ask for less work or more pay or people to do the job.
Enough is enough. If treating your employees like spare parts is what’s needed to succeed in a capitalist society, then not only do these companies deserve to die out for their inhumane treatment of workers, but the whole system needs to be upended.
Puberty takes years, and not everyone goes at the same rate. Be kind to yourself, you’ll get there 💜
Assassination Classroom - Just finished watching this series and it’s one of the most heartwarming meditations on teaching and education wrapped in a batshit crazy premise of junior high kids being forced to kill their teacher before he destroys the world at the end of their school year. Made me cry a few times.
If you’re a fan of Star Trek, they have quite a few excellent titles. Personal favs are Armada II (RTS), Bridge Commander (Ship Sim, even better with mods!), and Elite Force (you’re a Security officer on Voyager, FPS made by the Quake developers.
Yar, there be a shitstorm a brewin’ on the horizon. With a flood of bots, not only is the content quality going to drop further on Reddit, but we’ll see more disinformation, phishing attempts, and other crap of the same ilk too. This is how big sites die off, not all at once, but in waves.
The story and the roleplaying were boilerplate, not something you want in a series known for being rich in both. Could tell you about 5 minutes after the prologue who the main antagonist really was. It was the kind of twist Vince Russo would pull in the old WCW days. The heavy focus on crafting and the pain of having to defend places throughout the wasteland was also a big turnoff for me. Felt like a lot of busywork and fluff to pad the game out. I avoid and drop games that don’t feel like they respect my time.
All in all, it wasn’t a good game for me, but I’m glad some folks enjoyed it.
Skies of Arcadia. Two words: sky pirates. Coupled together with a beautiful overworld filled with hidden discoveries, charming characters, fun ship combat, and excellent music. You can’t go wrong with either the original Dreamcast version (higher quality music, VMU minigames) or the Legends remastering on the Gamecube (an additional story quest, less frequent random encounters - the original is somewhat relentless with these).
Still is. We keep seeing it in our PCs at our workplace.
Jade Empire - a little older Bioware action RPG, originally for the Xbox, but can be found on GOG. Runs between 12 to 20 hours.
Undertale - my favourite game of all time, easy to play, excellent story, and incredible soundtrack.
I’ve got my appointment with a specialist tomorrow. They’re probably going to want blood tests before they prescribe anything, but more than any other changes, I’m just looking forward to having peace of mind. I can wait 5 years for the rest to grow in, but mentally I feel like a battery hovering at 1-5%. Looking forward to changing that 💜