Is it because I’m slightly overweight and was before hrt, is it my chin fat. I’m just so dysphonic I don’t even feel like girl moding cause I’ll feel awful.

  • Don’t worry mate, everyone has different hormone levels and needs. Maybe you were naturally higher test than some. Maybe your height and weight means you need longer to adjust. Maybe you started at a different age and have to fight off more initial changes.Most likely, you just have body dysmorphia that’s not allowing you to see the changes. If it’s what you really want, just keep at it. Others will notice the changes before you do.

  • Polar
    82 years ago

    This popped up on my front page. I have zero knowledge about any transitioning stuff, but one thing I can say, is that it’s definitely not your fault.

    Everyone is different. Don’t blame yourself.

  • Stop looking at other people’s timelines. They’re toxic and some have even been raided by 4chan and gender critical ghouls. Yes, fat can be masculinizing however, it’s what gives us tits and hips. It took me until very recently to stop comparing myself to others. I’ve been on HRT nearly 4 years now. Would I have love to ride that thin femboy-to-OnlyFans timeline? Absolutely. But guess what? That’s not me. I am a tough muscle mommy. I get out on that derby track and cause jammers pain. This will be a beautiful, challenging time for you. You’ll come to know yourself better than you ever have if you just give yourself the time and grace.

  • stephfinitely
    62 years ago

    Always remember other people might have resources you do not. If they are a trans influencor they have money and money can buy looks.

  • Delilah (She/Her)
    52 years ago

    Of course it’s not your fault. You just lost the genetic lottery (at least so far. There’s still a chance you wake up one day so curvy you cant stand up). Sometimes you do everything right and it’s not enough, meanwhile the girl next to you gets everything handed to her without even trying. Life is cruel like that.

  • Corvus Nyx
    42 years ago

    Puberty takes years, and not everyone goes at the same rate. Be kind to yourself, you’ll get there 💜

  • nikki
    22 years ago

    Obviously everyone else is right when they say that clearly this isn’t your fault, and add the most of the visual feminization comes from fat distribution, so it’s going to need to be there anyway.

    I also want to mention that changes only really happen once your hormone levels get to where they should be. For some people, it takes a while to work with their doctor to get T suppressed and E elevated enough to start seeing changes. Just keep up with your labs and don’t be afraid to talk with your doctor about hormone levels that aren’t where you think they should be.