Eating sounds.
I could strangle a person who eats like a pig…
Just any sounds of eating. Especially on a scripted show or movie, because that’s a choice that sound engineers made. A choice to be obnoxious.
I can kinda bear chewing noises from Mukbangs but i recently stumbled over one that had such insane chewing noises that i got mad over it. Turns out i do have a limit for chewing noises after all.
The video i saw sounded like someone fed the sarlacc monster with a gallon of slime and a gallon of cornflakes. It’s like they made foleys of the monster from Alien eating a human and needed to find another video to use this on.
My family gets mad when I don’t want to have meals with them but this is why and it kills my appetite too so I have to also explain why I’m not hungry
When I’m in a discord channel and hear someone begin eating because they’re on voice activated…
Or they’re talking while also eating…
I feel the urge to strangle through my computer screen.
most ridiculous thing in the music industry ever. there’s just NO proper use case for autotune.
so much so, there’s only one song that I think utilized autotune in a somewhat OK way, and it’s a flippin’ track from Sims 2’s Pop radio station
Lonely Island’s I’m on a Boat gets a pass too.
It was fun when Cher did it, twenty three years ago.
Now it just serves to enable people who can’t sing to save their lives (but look good while doing it).
Feels a bit reductive, even if you’re a bad singer the use of auto tune alone shouldn’t discount you as a musician. These days it should be looked at like just another instrument. Some artists that would otherwise sound poor a cappella might use a guitar to accompany their voice. What’s the difference?
@tictac2 as someone with sensitive teeth, seeing anyone take a BITE out of their ice cream instead of licking it. 🙈
@maksymizeFor me it’s hearing someone bite an apple.
@spittingimage interesting! I find that ‘snick’ sound actually satisfying lol
It’s because I immediately imagine biting an apple myself. My sensitive teeth make it feel like chewing tinfoil.
@spittingimage oof just reading that sentence sent a chill down my neck lol tin foil bite no bueno
I can happily crunch on ice cubes. I still do lick soft serve ice-cream though because that’s just how it should be.
Wet or soggy bread. No idea why.
Why was that my first thought too lol
I wonder if anyone likes beer the first time they try it. I thought it was nasty but drank it for years because I was a student and it was the cheapest way to get drunk. I eventually acquired a taste for it and now genuinely enjoy it.
I love dipping bread into water. Yum.
The smell and taste of beer.
I will never understand why people all around the world like it.
Personally, I like it for the smell and taste. But also the mouthfeel.
Wet bathroom and toilet floors
And stepping onto said wet floors with socks on…
OP said irrationally disgust
Pantyhose is even worse!
Public restrooms.
You’d hate a lot of bathrooms in Asia, the majority of them are wet baths.
Mustard touching cheese. I want both on every sandwich, but they cannot touch.
But mustard and cheese sandwiches are some of my favorite
Do they not touch in your mouth?
Everything touches in my mouth. I don’t like when they touch on the sandwich.
Remember that I put this forward as something I know is irrational.
Is this purely visual? I mean would you be able to taste them touching or not?
Would you accept sandwich containing both cheese and mustard and eating it unseen, or would you have to check for touching?
I mean your affliction is interesting and so particular that I kind of want to know a bit more. When did you aquire this aversion?
It’s conceptual. I don’t like to think about them touching.
Wow. Most of these I can kind of fathom, but this is delightfully different. Thnx for sharing.
Sometimes I’ll just take a slice a cheese put some mustard on it, maybe a couple sweet pickle chips if I’m feelin’ adventurous.
Trypophobia, something about those kinds of holes… *shudder*
Toothpaste that foams too much. Which is most toothpaste.
Do you wet your toothbrush first, or just use it dry? I don’t like how much toothpaste foams up when I wet it first, but using it dry is fine (for me, anyway)
I hadn’t even considered that. I usually wet it first. I’ll try not doing that and see if i have a better experience.
Kraft Parmesean Cheese. I can’t stant even thinking about it. I’ve never smelled a dead body but I’m assuming that’s what it smells like
Any unexpected texture when I eat chicken. I literally only eat white meat because I can’t stand anything chewy, hard, stringy, etc when I chew.
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Gotta rinse that shit aaaaaaaaaaaaaaalll the way off. You don’t want dish soap from your dish in your food. And you don’t want to leave any soap on your skin. So you rinse and rinse and rinse. Think you got it all off? Better rinse again just to make sure. Rub your fingers together. Does it still feel slicker than it did before you washed your hands? Better rinse some more.
This means you have soft water. Hard water washes away the soap immediately
Can relate. Even worse when someone’s food tastes soapy. I’ve taken to rinsing my family’s dishes for them if we’re cooking together.
@WetAndFlummoxed @TootSweet drives me nuts at self serve places when you take a glass, put it under the water dispenser, then see bubbles still floating around after the cup is full. Tap water bubbles last like less than half a second. If I see what I think could be soap bubbles, I dump, rinse, repeat til no more bubbles.
Roasted or fried chicken. Something about the strong smell just whips my brain into anger and disgust. I can’t think, talk or smile once I smell it. Especially in a enclosed space.
Mouth breathers, but only when you can hear the airflow.