I’m honestly surprised that Slack doesn’t have some kind of steganographic watermarking so that leaked screenshots can be traced back to the original user, given how many big companies use it for all their internal comms.
These companies can barely make the basics work on their apps, let alone all of this
Even so, they’re going find this person fast. ABK staff just has to cross reference all the participants of leaked meetings
I see you don’t use slack at work. Everyone is in every channel all the time for no reason. It’s madness.
I did use slack; we had general channels with tons of people and smaller channels/meeting rooms with 5-30 people. If it was a 5-30 channel they can be found.
Only if that channel was private. You don’t have to join a channel to be able to read its contents.
Oh what the fuck. I don’t believe Teams is that way.
There are public and private channels, simple as.
Just one of the reasons that Teams is horrible to use!
The reason is that it’s great for collaboration and sharing info
If this person is like every other online chud they’ll find him before they finish cross referencing chat attendees.
Christ I got added to this for college, such a mess of an app. Really difficult to follow what is what on it.
It’s really not. Depends on how your structure it I suppose
deleted by creator
Ok well Im not an idiot, I have plenty of comms apps and that one died really quickly presumably because everyone’s experience was as boring and disjointed as mine
The techniques you’re thinking of are for documents sent by email or some such. You add innocuous whitespace or typos that are unique to each one, and send them individually. If one leaks, you can match it to the employee who received it. That doesn’t work for screenshots of Slack.
Well you could make it work, for example some random pattern in chat backgrounds that trace back to whoever is the user. That would still show up in a screenshot.
Slack or the OS would need to support it directly, and I don’t think either of those have it.
True, but that’s why the original comment seemed surprised, that a service like Slack doesn’t have this given how many corporations use it.
Gee these men-children are going to be awfully sad when there’s no one left to make their games for them anymore and they have nothing left to do but face the shitty reality they’ve created.
Um… The gaming industry did much, MUCH better before it was filled with activists.
Sounds like a “I liked Star Trek before it was woke” take.
Oh god, I “love” those people. Same as the guy who was pissed about how woke Rage Against the Machine had become. Like bruh… Seriously?!?
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Um… The gaming industry did much, MUCH better before it was filled with
activists.Capitalists. The word you’re looking for is capitalists.
There’s only one maybe two good video games not made by capitalists (Tetris and Disco Elysium).
You REALLY need to look up what happened with disco Elysium then come back and use it as an example.
That’s why it is “one or two”. The guys that made DE weren’t capitalists. The guys that published and sold DE were capitalists.
Regardless it’s an incredibly silly claim to suggest capitalism ruined video games when so few examples of good non-capitalist games exist
Sorry I misunderstood your stance; yes you’re absolutely right
Wrong. Gaming industry was doing fantastic before.
Capitalism broke gaming twice already. Once in the 80s.
Ah yeah! Games have been free since the 80s, I completely forgot!
Such a moronic take based on absolutely nothing.
Great counter argument, lmaooo
It’s the only response required when you don’t even have any evidence, empirical or otherwise, to back up your moroinc claim.
Go away pigeon, you can’t play chess.
Lmao, coming from a neckbeard, that’s a positive.
You don’t even know how to speak in social gatherings yet feel powerful behind a keyboard.
By what metric? Business is booming.
Yeah all those layoffs, mass studio closures, and over 15k game jobs lost(just in 24) sure do mean business is going great!
All of those are due to the drastic increase in jobs during covid. This is happening in many, many tech related careers. It is not because of inclusivity. Get your head out of your ass.
That’s a factor, but it’s not the only reason, jackass. Look at the games that failed and how they were backed by activists, which led to studio closures.
Ubisoft is mostly subsidized in Quebec by taxpayers, and they have their lowest profits ever because of activists as well.
Or maybe it’s because we’re sick of assassin’s creed n², you numpty. Go seek to confirm your biases elsewhere
Lmaooo Nothing to do with AC.
Star wars flopped as well.
before it was filled with activists.
and exactly when was this? lol
when did all the activists take over. Pong?
Are you delusional? Or just naive? Open your eyes.
so you can’t tell me when.
because you know, it’s always been that way.
what a fucking sad life that must be to lead, to know, yet deny it with every fiber of your being because you can’t accept.
Hey I’m going to have a discussion with you because honestly she’s kind of unhinged and needs to be back on the pole.
Hey did you know that revenue from the gaming industry for the past 40-ish years went from 15 billion to 183 billion since 2022?
I do wonder where on that timeline woke took down the industry.
Hey did you know baldur’s Gate 3, full of inclusion, sold 15 million copies? They went woke and made a shit ton of money making a great game.
Did you also know that marvel rivals, that somehow idiots think it’s woke earned 130 million in it’s first month. I mean that’s a whole other capitalism conversation but still.
I don’t know, I know pigeons can’t play and shouldn’t play chess but can they pole dance?
you can see the publishers just going out of business because of all that woke money. oh wait. $184.3 billion. nevermind lol
Just down vote and move on. She’s just a troll with no facts or figures, she just wants your attention that Daddy never gave her growing up. It was either the pole or the troll for her.
yeah, you’re right, they’re just a chud.
Your bubble is about to pop, thanks to trump.
I mean, goddamn… chudtastic take
I provided plenty of examples and you stick your fingers in your ears to ignore it all.
Lmao, typical. Your bubble is about to pop, thanks to trump. I’m here to watch.
You don’t even want to look. You think games are failing just because or capitalism which is the dumbest, leftist excuse that you always all give when you don’t have the knowledge to see what’s truly happening.
Enjoy living in your angry little leftist bubble echo chamber.
There are plenty of record breaking games that have released while the industry has been “filled with activists.” Many of them are even about politics, like Helldivers 2.
Yes, there are good studios, when did I say there weren’t?
Stellar blade did amazingly. Good game, and no woke bs activists = profits
Stellar Blade had a stripper as a player character, and that itself created a meta dialogue about how every other video game doesn’t
Have you even played the game? No, because you’re still crying that your activist games didn’t sell well.
Play stellar blade and realize that it’s a fantastic game, combat wise and design wise.
I’d love to. If it was released on PC.
Yeah, having a poc or queer character in your shitty video games is the biggest example activism since the Civil Rights Movement.
It’s more about the messaging. The mere presence of a POC or trans character isn’t bothersome to most people. But when that character comes with dialogue lines that make the political messaging obvious, then they’re no longer a character that happens to be non-White or trans; they’re a political prop inserted into a game to send a political message, and that can be quite irksome when all you’re trying to do is play a fantasy RPG and escape from the world for a bit, even if you actually agree with the message.
The mere presence of a POC or trans character isn’t bothersome to most people.
but some people LOSE THEIR ABSOLUTE SHIT over it lol.
fuck em, let them die angry.
A bad written character is a bad written character, their dialogue could be about candies and is still a bad written character. This argument is bullshit, bad case of confirmatory bias.
No, it’s not about the writing. It’s when’s a game feels like it’s preaching at you. Not the same problem at all.
Exactly. Don’t lecture us about being trans or etc.
We honestly don’t care. (Yes, a small percentage of people are actually bigots and hate gays/trans for being who they are). The rest of us just don’t want it shoved down our throats.
It’s like making a game and having the main character proclaiming: “look how straight I am! Wow I sure do love women! I’m so straight and anyone who isn’t should do pushups”.
The rest of us just don’t want it shoved down our throats.
and when you put storytelling of any kind that way, it tells me who you really are.
no one is shoving anything down your throat sweetie, you paid your money for a game before checking it out. that’s your mistake, not the devs.
You completely missed the point just so you can keep your ears and eyes closed.
Keep living in your bubble and being angry at the world, it sounds fun!
Keep living in your bubble and being angry at the world, it sounds fun!
lol you’re so isolated from reality you can’t even tell
And yet, from the downvoting here and everywhere else this comes up, it’s clear: some people can’t take nuanced opinions on topics like this. If you object in any capacity, you’re the worst possible objector.
Because they’re all leftists/activists. They don’t know what sells games yet they scream and shout that it’s our fault that the games didn’t sell well
shrug The Right does pretty much the same thing. It’s all fucked.
Hope they catch them and I hope those individuals lose their jobs.
Not good ennough. Doxxing should carry criminal charges.
I’m surprised that people feel safe to discuss those things in a Slack of a company that creates American Imperialistic propaganda. It’s a certainty that crypto-fascists are among them, no matter how progressive the companies policies are. The stuff they make attracts right wingers.
As depressing as it is to ask, I feel I should kick off the brainstorm: Given that this personal information has been doxxed, is there anything that individuals could do to help the affected developers in any way?
Send them a check? Money always helps.
Something something hilter youth
So customers are now informed? And this is a bad thing?
“This employee took screenshots of ABK wide discussions about the safety of our protected information (like name changes and visa statuses) and sent them to an an extremely racist, sexist, and transphobic individual on Twitter who has over a 100 thousand followers,” they added.
Fuck off; this is doxxing and mass harassment. If you want social change go ahead but do it peacefully.
^ This right here, what happened to their rallying call “Go Woke, Go Broke” ? I guess it’s not working, so they’re going to harass people instead.
No one will stop them from not buying something. But forcing people out of jobs via threats is another level of fucked up.
deleted by creator
Like really? Concord went bust because of woke? It can’t be an overused genre and a bad game? It has to be “wokeism”?
Like, please think.
And ask for marvel rivals I think you’re confusing that with multiverse.
Edit: like I’m not even against a game that is just trad wives and big tits or whatever, it’s up to the customer if they want to buy that. And if they do there will be a market for it.
Edit 2: didn’t notice the poster deleted his comment, here it is:
“What happened to Concord? And what happened to Marvel Rivals?”
There is. Plenty of giant titties on trad wives in the Steam category for porn games. Oddly that seems to overlap with this audience strongly…
Seems to me like names were censored in the released slack screenshots (except the CEO). Were there uncensored screenshots that I missed or that were deleted?
The Jan 20 tweet linked in the article is uncensored
Ah, right. Thanks.
Informed of what? The next target of right wing shitheads on youtube and twitter? Use your brain.
Edit: see you’re a right winger yourself. So using your brain will be difficult. Asshole.
Come on, she’s too Republican to ever admit she’s wrong. Just down here, block and move on since she just craves attention that Daddy never have her.
That it’s a lefty company with a lefty culture?
Stop buying their shit then. Leave the people who make it the fuck alone.
“Go woke go broke” vote with your dollars and let their “wokeness” fail in the free market. Don’t fucking harass people.
Easy there, I’m already planning on not buying it, just like I’m sure plenty of others are planning not to. Just need to get the word out that the company isn’t one to buy from.
With any luck, it’ll be the next Veilguard.
Good, now you just have to avoid buying from…
checks staff lists
Every single major publisher.
Good luck. Don’t play that woke Call of Duty or that DEI Fortnite while you’re at it. And avoid the mind virus of Elden Ring and Bandai Namco.
I was already not playing AAA, if only because of MTX. I’ve been playing games like Mullet Madjack lately.
They are not doing anything wrong, dipshit. What is the horrific thing they are doing? Protecting trans colleagues? Protecting people of color they work with? Just because your fuhrer wants a white straight male environment, does not mean everyone else does. Go outside for once in your life. Maybe you will gain some empathy for your fellow humans.
Being left wing is not wrong, just like being right wing isn’t wrong. Further more, nothing wrong with customers being more informed about the company they’re buying from.
What, are you upset that the multinational corporation might lose out on a few sales?
being right wing isn’t wrong
Lol, yes it is, you brainrotted simpleton. Your continued attempts at normalizing psychotic behavior under the auspices of consumer protection proves as much.
Go do a few cartwheels through a busy intersection, chud.
Give us your name and address so we can be informed. That’s not a bad thing, we’ll be better informed.
Donald. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500
(Hint, we already know who works where, via LinkedIn.)
Stupid take