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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: January 21st, 2025


  • I think it’s a valid criticism that should be welcomed. You could make this argument for any company when they make a bad decision.

    “Oh well you trusted this company blindly so why are you upset and criticizing this design choice you don’t agree with.”

    I also am not convinced a criticism is less meaningful if it’s the minority opinion. Many such cases in the world where the minority opinion is proven to be better for the majority.

  • Maybe I’m the outlier but I have always failed to see chat history being very important. Realistically when is the last time you’ve combed through chat histories and why? If it’s to look for important information you can just write down the important parts and the rest is useless. I’m not trying to be elitist or anything I’m just genuinely curious hoping someone can explain this to me.

  • You’re missing the point of what I said. Concord and Dustborn did not try to send a message, they tried to get the profits they thought would come from associating with the message, and implemented it horribly. This is not activism. That would be like saying Instagram changing their logo to rainbow for a month is activism.

    As for true activism, video games are both entertainment and an art form. Saying to “leave that shit at home” is missing the point of artistic mediums in their entirety.

  • You’re telling me that a bland and generic Overwatch clone with character designs that were reductive to the groups they were supposed to represent failed because of activists? The games you listed didn’t fail because of activism, they failed because their “activism” was a marketing stunt instead of being actually progressive. There are plenty of games developed by people that care about those issues where they’re represented accurately and appropriately. Those games usually do well and win awards. Making a game where you meaninglessly and inaccurately pander to minority groups is not the result of activism, it’s trying to leech off of actual activism.

  • Not at all what I’m saying, of course actions have consequences.

    What the commenter was saying is that all Americans deserve what’s happening, even those who voted for Harris. I think it’s pretty disingenuous to say that the people who are impacted by what’s going on right now deserve what’s happening.

    You may have spread as much information as you could and pushed for change and tried to warn as many people as you could, but it doesn’t matter and we all deserve this because a portion of people stayed home and Trump ended up winning the election.

    Incredibly defeatist claim.

  • I think most people agree with you, and I don’t really think anyone would say that hiring illegal workers to lower prices and pay them lower wages is a solution.

    People are upset not because they can’t exploit illegal immigrants anymore, but because the solution should’ve been to provide the working immigrants with worker protections and easier paths to citizenship (which you suggested something similar). Instead they’re attempting to suddenly and forcefully deport all of them.