GiveSendGo stands firmly behind its decision to host content related to Mangione.

“We believe every person is entitled to due process in a court of law — not in the court of public opinion,” Alex Shipley, GiveSendGo’s communications director, said in a statement. “To be absolutely clear, we do not support or condone vigilante justice. However, people have a constitutional right to a strong legal defense, and access to that defense should not be reserved only for the wealthy or those who fit a particular narrative. Our role is to give individuals and their communities the opportunity to fundraise for that defense, because true justice is served when everyone has equal access to a fair trial — regardless of the verdict.”

  • Someone who knows enough about language to be a commissioned grammar cop should also know that “Liberals” ≠ the Left.

    Liberals aren’t the ones decrying th hypocrisy of bad actors. That’s the Left.

    An example of typical liberals is the .world admins and mods making it forbidden to discuss jury nullification and removing factual and relevant criticism of Dem leadership, labeling it “misinformation”.

      3 months ago

      First of all, grammar police ≠ political scientist. Secondly, you probably meant “…decrying the hypocrisy of ‘good faith actors’…”, and quite frankly I don’t care who’s doing the decrying. It’s shifting the goalpost to fit one’s agenda, and if i had to extend that argument to “The Left”, i would.

      Furthermore, removal of discussions on jury nullification does not signify the actualisation of any political agenda (jury nullification is a democratic process in and of itself, so it would not serve the mods well if they WERE indeed furthering an agenda). The actions of the mods can simply be viewed as damage control if not anything else.