Cool KDE Plasma trick: [Meta] + [v]

You know how you can use [Ctrl] + [v] to paste in place the last thing you copied to the clipboard, right?

A cool and productive-enhancing variant of that available in #KDE 's #Plasma desktop is that, when copying and pasting a lot of different things, you can hold down the [Meta] (“Windows”) key and hit [v], and a list of all the elements available on the clipboard will pop up so you can choose what to paste next.


  • *The* Paul BrownOP
    11 year ago

    @bart @kde

    It is one of those Plasma things, isn’t it? So much stuff can be configured and tweaked that it is often hard to find where it is you can do the configuring.

    • PureTryOut
      11 year ago

      @Bro666 @kde Definitely. In this case I expected it in the shortcuts KCM in system settings but it’s just not there. It probably should be though.

      • *The* Paul BrownOP
        1 year ago

        @bart @kde

        It’s a bit of a tough call. The “standard” clipboard is a widget, it does seem to be an integral part of Plasma, but the limits between what is Plasma and what is not are a bit hazy.

        My guess is that, back in the day, the clipboard was an “independent” widget and this is a leftover from that.

        But, you are right: the configure option for the notifications widget opens Plasma Settings, as does the network widget. It does not make much sense that the clipboard be different.