Cool KDE Plasma trick: [Meta] + [v]

You know how you can use [Ctrl] + [v] to paste in place the last thing you copied to the clipboard, right?

A cool and productive-enhancing variant of that available in #KDE 's #Plasma desktop is that, when copying and pasting a lot of different things, you can hold down the [Meta] (“Windows”) key and hit [v], and a list of all the elements available on the clipboard will pop up so you can choose what to paste next.


  • *The* Paul BrownOP
    1 year ago

    @bart @kde

    It’s a bit of a tough call. The “standard” clipboard is a widget, it does seem to be an integral part of Plasma, but the limits between what is Plasma and what is not are a bit hazy.

    My guess is that, back in the day, the clipboard was an “independent” widget and this is a leftover from that.

    But, you are right: the configure option for the notifications widget opens Plasma Settings, as does the network widget. It does not make much sense that the clipboard be different.