This is the correct answer if privacy is your priority. They’re not particularly cheap, however.
This is the correct answer if privacy is your priority. They’re not particularly cheap, however.
And how’re we supposed to learn when y’all keep dumbing shit down?
I’ve done the same! It’s impossible to buy dumb TVs nowadays, but you can always prevent them from connecting to the network.
Chuck 'em in the garbage and get something that doesn’t break when you insist on privacy.
I get more of a Mussolini vibe, personally.
In my opinion! But, I’m going to be honest with you; if I have my way, I’m buying cheddarwurst over hot dogs of any variety every time. Once I discovered it was possible to buy dogs infused with cheese, I’ve never seen any reason to do anything else :-)
I agree that normal dogs are excellent starchy-meal augmenters.
Fair enough.
Thank you for the detailed response! I’m going to give it a try! This will be a step up from OpenWRT on a cheap router, I’ll bet!
If it is of interest, I actually decided to try Threema as a result of folks recommending it in this thread and like it a lot! Similar functionality to Olvid, but faster & more responsive.
She might prefer one that pulls out.
Can a device like this act as my router?
I’ve been using Olvid for the past year or so. Works great!
I know it’s just memes, but, if anyone is interested in more perspective on this, I heartily recommend the book Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee. It tells the history of the latter parts of the Indian Wars using primary sources (and Native American sources, wherever possible). The result is the story of American expansion from the Native perspective and, while depressing, is also really important to understand.
Make sure to get 100% beef hot dogs for a less disappointing experience.
Unraid is a great option for anyone, but beginners in particular. It does, however, cost money and isn’t open source.
Sorry, the video takes too long to get to the subject it claims to be about.
Just Cause 3 is a great one.
In fact, reality is not apparently basically rational. Why does anything exist at all? Surely, the trivial solution would be a simpler state of affairs. Why is existence not nothing forever? Why there exists anything instead of nothing (let alone you and me, in particular) does not stand to reason.