Something I noticed recently
The same people who quickly bemoan “everyone wants a label now” seen to be the same people who say “all kids do this like that”.
Something I noticed recently
The same people who quickly bemoan “everyone wants a label now” seen to be the same people who say “all kids do this like that”.
I guess I don’t see the need to os switch on the steam deck. Unless playing and switching is what you want to do.
If what you want is gnome, there are easier ways than a whole new OS.
Steam Deck with the ability to run Fedora workstation (I love Gnome)
Don’t be too focussed on needing to run Fedora for access to Gnome. The OS on the deck (Arch in this case) has the ability to run Gnome. It’ll just be getting it working “right” that’ll be a pain. I would have thought some people are already on it (even if just for a laugh). A cursory web search says it does work with some odd input issues.
That is the beauty of (and often the complexity of) the Linux ecosphere. You can change one thing, Fedora to Arch, and the other things “should” still work.
Who’s to bet a load of shares get bought up, then suddenly this announcement is rescinded?
When America gets sick, the whole world coughs.
Sadly we’re all in the inside of this one
Emotionally pressuring you to step back from education.
There are plenty of people outside looking in, that would call this abuse.
They want an efficient government not wasting time and resources on unnecessary things …
They get a government crying over the name of a body of water.
If self-assisted euthanasia (SAE) has risen from 0% to 20% of all deaths. Then “other” methods of death must have dropped equal to 20%. If that collection of “other”, is drawn-out cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s etc. then I see this as working. If those conditions have not seen a comparative reduction, and all we’ve done is replace suicide with SAE then I think this hasn’t worked as intended.
I don’t see the flow as a problem. But if you do see the flow as a problem I can see reasons a right leaning government would be the way you’d vote.
I also see why “cheap brown Labour” is a reason to allow immigration. So that one swings both ways enough I didn’t include it.
Young people were especially worried about:
Aaah yes, that classical list of things that a fiscally right party would solve … </sarcasm>
I live in the valleys of south Wales. Walk through old coal mining areas and you’ll occasionally find lumps of it on the ground.
Depends on the “they”…
But generally, back in the day data storage, memory and processing power were expensive. Multiple factors more expensive than they are now. Storing a year with two digits instead of four was a saving worth making. Over time, some people just kept doing what they had been doing. Some people just learned from mentors to do it that way, and kept doing it.
It was somewhat expected that systems would improve and over time that saving wouldn’t be needed. Which was true. By the year 2000 “modern” systems didn’t need to make that saving. But there was a lot of old code and systems that were still running just fine, that hadn’t been updated to modern code/hardware. it became a bit of a rush job at the end to make the same upgrade.
There is a similar issue coming up in the year 2038. A lot of computing platforms store dates as the number of seconds since the beginning of 1970-01-01 UTC. As I type this comment there have been 1,710,757,161 seconds since that date. It’s a simple way to store time/date in a way that can be converted back to a human readable format quite easily. I’ve written a lot of code which does exactly this. I’ve also written lot of code and data storage systems that store this number as a 32bit integer. Without drilling down into what that means, the limit of that data storage type will be a count of 4,294,967,296. That means at 2038-01-19 03:14:07 UTC, some of my old code will break, because it wont be able to properly store the dates.
I no longer work for that employer, I no longer maintain that code. Back when I wrote that code, a 32bit integer made sense. If I wrote new code now, I would use a different data type that would last longer. If my old code is still in use then someone is going to have to update it. Because of the way business, software and humans work. I don’t expect anyone will patch that code until sometime around the year 2037.
Lots of people are talking about this in terms of money… And we do live in a strongly capitalist society.
UBI or similar could be useful.
But… Money was created to find a way to compare one workers “value” to real world goods. When the worker doesn’t need goods (no AI needs 4 chickens and a bushel of grain a week) the workers value doesn’t need to be compared. There is less foundational value in money.
We could move away from net worth measured in hoarding money, and start taking about attending currencies such as social worth. Someones worth could be earned in being useful/helpful to society and we as a society could choose to give more resource to that person. Just an example, but a line of thought to go down
A totally separate area for discussion. I believe (most) people have a general need for purpose. Without “work” as we know it, lots of people could find themselves devoid of purpose. I have a feeling some of the ills of today’s world are because people are not finding social purpose in the work we do. Who really deeply cares about being the middle manager of a packaging company? I believe some of today’s mental health plagues are linked to this.
Remove even more “work” and do people find purpose in other things? Does that help or hinder?
Lots of people think with UBI we’ll all turn to art and culture. But frankly there’s only so much art each one of us can look at in a lifetime. What happens when too many people are sitting making boobs in clay? Do sculptures loose their artistic and cultural value? Is art and culture alone, enough to provide the whole of society with purpose?
Which is the greater of two evils? People being required to slog through monotonous work, or people having nothing to do at all?
So much chocolate weighed through the scales as “fresh veg potatoes”
These are hookers… just expensive ones
Blast freezer. It’s about as close as we’ll get any time soon. Not an affiliate or anything, just googled and found this bugger (about microwave sized).
That’s just how the world works.
And that’s kind of the discussion here.
Some people are annoyed at the Linux Devs because “fuck it, everyone breaks the law and it doesn’t matter”. Some people are annoyed at Nvidia because they’d like to uphold or social contracts.
In don’t think it’s naive to want to live in a world and support a society that supports the law. I do think we have bigger issues that people are happy with this behaviour and are actively defending it.
If your livelihood depends on a company breaking the law, you’ve got other issues.
Nvidia could choose to follow the law, their customers could choose to support them in that.
Part of the reason you can’t replace Nvidia, is because they get ahead by breaking the law. This makes it harder to compete with them.
Now you’re stuck with only Nvidia, and welcome to monopoly hell. A bit exaggerated I know, but it’s his it happens.
So… Let me check I get this right on the timeline.
America Europe Ukraine meet, agree to a 30 day ceasefire. Agree this tests if Russia is serious about ending the war. Putin gobbs off, surrender or die.
Categorical that Russia is not serious about ending the war.
Next steps boys