So… Any Richard Bachman?
So… Any Richard Bachman?
Hard and soft tacos? How accommodating.
What you are looking for is a “Bed shaker”. These are often used by the deaf to wake up. A relatively cheap phone-connected one can be found here but it’s iphone only. This one works with Android. Both use proprietary apps. The website linked was just at the top of a Google search, you can find stuff like this on Amazon as well.
Was it Pyrzqxgl, by chance? Even if not, it’s probably on the list I got it from.
They start the count at #3. Don’t want anybody to get any ideas…
If you are going to pose the question to a more academic circle I’d advise specificity. “When was the word ‘squash’ first used to denote a beverage?” is a good question, or even “How did squash turn from an alcoholic drink to the nonalcoholic drink base we know of today?”; My uneducated guess is the temperance movement may have had a hand in that.
I’m afraid prepared foods and drinks don’t always have the sort of etymological provenance you seem to be seeking. When was the verb squash first used as a noun to denote a drink? A quick search of Google Books shows the earliest literature mentioning squash is The Adventures of Cooroo, a Native of the Pellew Islands from 1805. From a glance it appears to be known as an alcoholic drink at the time, and is mentioned without explanation so it was part of the popular lexicon and could have been used for years before that.
From there it morphed into your aforementioned “lemon squash” in the late 1800s, which seemed to be a nonalcoholic drink made from crushed lemons and soda water. By at least 1897 recipes for squash mentioned “essences” of lime- and lemon- squash so it is easy to see that transitioning to the sweet flavored syrup by 1938 when Ribena first produced your Blackcurrant Squash.
It becomes even more murky when you search for cordial, which appears much earlier and also denoting an alcoholic drink(Although cordial seems to have first had a more medical use).
From etymonline:
“to crush, squeeze,” early 14c., squachen, from Old French esquacher, variant of esquasser, escasser, escachier “to crush, shatter, destroy, break,” from Vulgar Latin *exquassare, from Latin ex “out” (see ex-) + quassare “to shatter” (see quash “to crush”).
Squash was originally a drink made from crushed fruit and must have turned into a concentrate somewhere down the line.
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That episode is 27 years old.
But you must! How else would they know to shopsaf sosalarbdlmgre sofasdpsd dsflasos sdfasd afsdfasops?
I didn’t mention the sticks and you got me mid-edit. Fine, you can eat the sticks but you gotta chew real hard. You don’t want slivers…
1400-1600 calories, only 180% of daily sodium requirement… If you had a light breakfast and it’s the only other thing you eat that day it’s not that bad. You might want to get some more fiber (Not the stick though), and a multivitamin wouldn’t hurt.
Why not both?
I dunno, wore a mask in public during the worst of it and used hand sanitizer regularly? I think it helped more that I’m a homebody with no friends.
I would have said the same. 3 and a half years working retail during the pandemic and last week was the week it knocked me on my ass. Be careful.
The parental trick is to get one sibling to pour and the other to choose.
My turkey carpaccio is ok then.