Thanks for the vocab lesson, new word unlocked
Thanks for the vocab lesson, new word unlocked
This little dude is going to keep on rollin’
There are so many things that add up over time. I wouldn’t say I hate them just yet, but I‘be stopped buying their products. The way they go about their business just rubs me the wrong way. If the only way to try to communicate that is disengaging from any of their offerings, be it games or the new switch. Yea, I’m out.
I will be so sad when my current car no longer works! 03 Tacoma with 256k on the old girl
Thank you so much, bud! Sorry it’s a late reply, my Lemmy app was on the fritz, but I really appreciate your kind words. The good news is she’s doing much better for now, and we have the info on when we should think about letting go.
Thank you! I really appreciate your empathy at this time.
I didn’t even know this might be an option! Thank you! I‘m going to look right now into if we have someone who offers this service. I‘d would love her to just take her final nap at home, in a place she’s comfy and knows. Again, I really appreciate you.
I really appreciate you. This is one of the hardest days in recent memory, but this baby deserves to go before it gets even worse. I think I’m leaning towards having one more weekend with her, then making that hard call. I really appreciate your empathy, and the last thing I want is to make her hold on and deal with pain on my account. Love to you as well.
Thank you so much, friend. You‘ve really got a good point, I‘d rather just save her the pain than delay for myself. I have a feeling I will take this weekend with my sweet girl then go ahead and let her go. She deserves that much. I’m truly sorry you went through this recently yourself. Much love, and thanks for responding.
I don’t think she‘s in pain just yet, but she sure isn’t going to get better. We‘ve been coming down the mountain for a bit. The worst part is that does let me know what I need to know. I‘d rather avoid the pain, and let her go before she suffers. Thank you for your kind response. I‘ve really appreciated the support at this time. I Hope you‘re well, friend.
Thank you, friend. I think my heart knows the answer, it’s just time to face it. We are going to go ahead and do the x-ray at the first available opportunity, but also go ahead and start the conversation about the end, if not just go ahead and make the call. I‘ve never had to make this decision and I must admit it’s hard, even though I know it’s right. I really appreciate your thoughts.
I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your kindness. Thank you so much. I’m crying hard after reading that, but you’re right. This girl has been strong so long, it’s time to return the favor. We are going to go ahead and get her x-rays on Tuesday (earliest they can do) and enjoy our time fully till then, barring any unforeseen changes. You‘ve really touched me with your words. I think it’s about that time, as hard as that may be.
You‘re right, thank you for your response. We take her for the X-ray Tuesday, and I will begin the discussion about end of life treatment. I appreciate your input. I think I just needed some support to start this step more than anything. Be well.
Thank you for your kind response. I sincerely appreciate it. The blood work literally just came back and was mostly ok, but my baby just isn’t enjoying life the same. I think I‘ll wait for the x-ray but go ahead and bring the transition up with the vet. Much love to you.
I got instantly permabanned from r/comics just for saying it felt fishy how quick they gained upvotes. Which it was
I always wanted a nice snappy title for this kind of weird trash, bad take roleplay is pretty good
There are dozens of us! Dozens!
I would also like an answer to this, then again, the bowl cut is back, just pop one on and cut anything showing, you‘ll be stylin‘