It’s called change edition and it in the extra menu
It’s called change edition and it in the extra menu
nicotine+ has an option to bind to an interface
24 TiB total excluding ones with unavailable magnets
You can use hardware acceleration with nvidia cards and ffmpeg with a 980 or better (YUV420), more info here
What specs? I don’t have time to watch a 40 min video right now
Could you try an older endeavour os image?
This sounds very much like a driver/firmware/hardware issue
Try Transmission, it looks more akin to other mac apps as well
Idk what the issue is on macs as QT should work on macs just fine, maybe issues with libtorrent?
I use grab-site (unmaintained) for full site archival and wget -p -k
for simple non-javascript single pages
I’ve heard good things about HTTrack, SingleFile and Archivebox but don’t have any experience with them.
Archivebox looks the most modern and intuitive but is hosted on docker
I don’t understand whst are they accomplishing here? Tachiyomi doesn’t host any of the comics themself and making an app to get images off of websites can’t be illegal, right?
Are they gonna use the same arguments here that were used for The Pirate Bay?
Site seems to be down or at least extremely slow right now so linking to an archive.org capture
Open signups happen frequently but you have to be quick to catch them
Opentrackers.org and r/opensignups (or r/trackersignups) are good to check once in a while
MyAnonaMouse has open applications twice a week and the test is very easy
Extremely interested in this as well, i might need to start learning android development now ;)
In the FAQ section of the linked rutracker page mentions AVX2 processor features which yours might not have and recommends to use an older release
Seems like CZ is open as well, ANT and PHD arent
Tuning for 4.3.9-4.5.2 on 1gbps libtorrent 1.2
Unlimited on all, rate limit µTP and LAN
Peer connection protocol: TCP
Global max: off
Max num per torrent: off
Global max number upload slots: off
Max number of upload slots: off
Interface: Bind your interface to prevent leaks
File Pool Size: 5000
Outstanding Mem: 128
Disk Cache: 1024 (or -1 if you feel ballsy, 0 if you experience memory leaks)
Disk cache expiry: 60
Disk IO Type: Default
Disk IO Read Mode: Enable OS Cache
Disk IO Write Mode: Enable OS Cache
Coalesce reads and writes: OFF
Use piece extent affinity: ON
Send Upload Piece Suggestions: ON
Send Buffer Watermark: 5120
Send Buffer Low Watermark: 512
Send buffer watermark factor: Between 200-250, adjust as needed
Outgoing connections per second: 50
Socket Backlog: 1000
Peer TOS: 128
utp-tcp mixed mode algo: Prefer TCP
Support IDN: ON
Allow Multiple Connections from the same IP address: ON
Validate HTTPS: OFF
SSRF Mitigation: ON
Upload Slots Behaviour: Fixed Slots
Upload choking alogrithm: Fastest Upload
Always announce to all tiers: ON
Max concurrent HTTP Announces: 50-75 (only increase if experiencing announce issues with very high amount of torrents loaded in client)
Peer turnover disconnect Percentage: 0
Peer turnover threshold percentage: 90
Peer turnover disconnect interval: 30
Max outstanding requests to a single peer: Leave as is
I personally left “Validate HTTPS” enabled since i haven’t researched what security risks might come from disabling https
Found a 720p version on torrentcore and 1080p on rutracker, idk if there are seeders
I use kenmei.co for manga tracking. Supports a bunch of sites but not all of them and depending on the site the updates can be quite delayed.
I really need to start downloading manga as well. I find it to be the most ephemeral type of content with all the takedowns, groups stopping scanlations or frequent site issues
I archive blog posts mostly. Nice to have them more than bookmarked and i’ve had many smaller blog just vanish over the years.
Sometimes i use grab-site for full domain captures and a simple wget -p -k for less demanding sites.