Yeah, is a Pico… $5
Yeah, is a Pico… $5
This is already happening with smart phones.
Here I am on my phone. I do not desire this format. And nothing you have posted suggests that anyone wants this format.
All it shows is device, not preference.
Anytime something is recorded wide screen my wish is that it remains in that format, regardless of platform I am on.
If I’m on my phone it takes less than half a second to rotate my screen and view as intended, on my desktop I can’t do that.
Also in this case quite a bit of the original was lost, seeing the YouTube version is much better.
Still using the buds I got with my galaxy S4. They’ve outlasted 4 sets of BT buds.
LoL… Really?
1 number apart, but considerably different. Sure.
Difference between x5 and x7 maybe. To pass x6 a device must be submerged to a depth of 1m for 30 minutes.
IPx7 is for a device intended to operate permanently submerged. So not a phone.
That fact your picking the difference shows you don’t know the difference.
IP67 is just a marketing gimmick. I’d be impressed if a phone with this rating would endure 12 months submerged and still function. Who needs this anyway?
Galaxy S5 was IP67 with a headphone socket, removable battery and dedicated microSD card slot. Others have also existed. Taking like adding a headphone socket costs more than 5 cents is stupid.
I’m a Bluetooth buds convert now, but I’d still like the choice.
Have had this issue myself asking with other DD card related issues.
I can’t understand why the pi foundation persist with using SD as the only physically practical storage option.
They’re looking post the point of needing a way to snap on reliable EMMC storage, as a default, in a way that doesn’t leave a cable or something permanently plugged into a USB port.
Sure, USB is a fine option, but I hate that it’s only an option and not a designed default.
Most of us only need 8GB or so for the OS, 8GB or good quality durable EMMC should hardly cost anything.
Other tiny computers and even economy notebooks and Chromebooks already use this.
So you’d need 10,000 of them to generate 1 watt.
Sounds useless.
Don’t know why I could not see this repply until today. It’s been ascertained that chirp is not in the repo for Raspian Linux, so indeed that option never worked.
What PC game broke your OS? That’s mad.
And medical. Suppliers if CT, MRI and X-Ray gear are notorious for wanting to sell new gear and not providing software updates to work on new operating systems.
The same reason there are 98 characters in your message.
edit… Incase you were serious… how else would you represent less than 1%?
My first attempt was apt-get install. I’m fairly comfortable with Linux as a server (basic lamp setup) though I make no claims if being an expert.
It’s clearly not in the default repos for Raspian (at least not when I tried), and that could be half my issue, my hardware while popular is not x86 or x86-64.
I’m no bash wizard, but I grew up with computers through the 80’s and am comfortable with using a cli, doesn’t bother me at all.
My OP got messed up with the Lemmy app I’m using and thus a large chunk went missing.
I’m actually using Raspian on a raspberry pi, and I don’t think there is a binary for armhf available through the more typical means.
For everything else I just apt-get install xxx.
I’ll revisit later.
I appreciate the effort in your post.
Neither do I. If the errors made sense or the tutorials were more current I suspect I’d have no issue.
Great, you can accomplish the bare essentials with Linux.
Now how do I install a program called chirp for programming 2 way radios?
Searched for a week and gave up as each set of instructions lead down a broken, redundant dependency rabbit hole with no solution in sight, Flatpack this, snap that, no explanation or even a searchable clue that could begin me a solution.
In windows I just unzip the nightly build to a directory of my choice, run the executable and it works.
Sure… Not everyone knows or needs to know about these edge case applications, but point stands, it works in windows, and everyone encounters an edge case sooner or later.
I’m keen to ditch the Microsoft hole, and I have no issue with making an effort to learn, but I can’t afford to or my life in hold for hours or days at a time in order to accomplish things that already work in seconds.
I think my simple issue here is… I’m not incompetent. I can comfortably navigate a fine system in a shell, can mount and unmount, can tar -xvzf a tarball, can do most things up to writing a shell script from scratch (could cobble something
The process varies from country to country. Let me know where you’re from and I’ll try to point you in the right direction.
Sure, give it a go. The bands and the learning you get access to as a ham are a valuable tool.
But don’t be that kind that gets a licence just for ‘prepping’.
Having the gear without being proficient in it’s use or having someone to talk to is pretty useless.
Sad thing is there is no way to securely communicate via ham radio.
But I’d be fully open to going pirate!
And with regard to unlocked bootloaders, I think it’s the manufactures wanting to lock away choice and options that is the issue more than the government.