Could’ve done your research before buying. Companies aren’t held to standards bc people are uninformed buyers.
Could’ve done your research before buying. Companies aren’t held to standards bc people are uninformed buyers.
Where the sweat and stupid blurs is just so apt. Nicely done.
Wow. You have some really cool quick-improvenent ideas alongside major improvements. OCR would have applications in so many other situations too!
It definitely sounds like you will be under-appreciated under the new owners, you have so much skill and knowledge that are kinda going to waste with them.
But based on your other comments here, you know this too. Best wishes and good luck in your search.
I feel you so much on this. Bet your work was really cool.
What cool FOSS things would you do first if this take-over company allowed you to?
Mr. Hutz we won!
This point comes up a lot, but how does Photoshop survive? If chrome were split, Im sure they would find ways to make it work.
Corporate licensing would probably be the #1 way they could survive easily. The general public sees alternatives as “junk” to the main thing when it comes to tech. This, imo, is why Firefox is near death.
Now idk if the licensing route would be better or worse for us.
Your assumptions are poor. People sometimes ask because they are looking for advice from others. “What’s your take on this”, etc.
Plus, them asking lets others know something is possible they hadnt even thought to search for.
Nothing wrong with asking questions on sites centered around user discussions.
Donwvote and don’t answer if you think they are asking in bad faith.
Just wanted to say thank you for writing this. Very cool take, that was so well written to get us on board for how and why “that old junk” has personality that is being lost.
Does route calculation happen on device or on Google servers? Is it cheaper for Google to not show alternate routes?
That movie couldve been so much more…
I also had screen tearing issues immediately on startup into the mint installer. Had to run the installer in safe mode to get mint going. Once mint was fully installed and rebooted to my desktop for the first time, had the same screen issues as I did with the installer not in safe mode. So mint only worked during install and only in safe mode.
Maybe our issues are similar (I’m Nvidia 1080 card), but I was never able to fix mine.
Some good ideas here. Probably go with a word limit in your last bullet instead of the 5 minutes
We have a store called Best Buy.
It’s just so exhausting, right? Im with you 100% on this.
Suppose we survive Trump, 60-40 ish. Who comes next? Is every future election going to be a fight to keep democracy?
How’s that strategy working out for you? For us?
Unfortunately “don’t give them money” doesn’t work. Bc commerce is global due to internet. There will always be uninformed buyers in every product space. And always buyers who don’t care.
My solution, posts like this. We should be informing others of these practices and discussing ways to bypass, repair, or disable blocks and unintended behavior on the products and services we purchase.
It feels like none of the replies to you actually read your comment. I appreciate you taking the time to offer up possible explanations with examples. Thank you!
About a month ago i asked gpt to draw ascii art of a butterfly. This was before the google poem story broke. The response was a simple
/ \
But i was imagining ascii art in glorious bbs days of the 90s. So, i asked it to draw a more complex butterfly.
The second attempt gpt drew the top half of a complex butterfly perfectly as i imagined. But as it was drawing the torso, it just kept drawing, and drawing. Like a minute straight it was drawing torso. The longest torso ever… with no end in sight.
I felt a little funny letting it go on like that, so i pressed the stop button as it seemed irresponsible to just let it keep going.
I wonder what information that butterfly might’ve ended on if i let it continue…
And circus!
Wow, there’s a lot of cool writing going on there. Im not a comic book nerd, but gotta say I do wish they could do one comic movie with this level of depth and character development.
But I guess this is a case of the book is always better.
Lol, you aren’t wrong there.
You (and everyone) are getting dumber because as convenience increases, intelligence decreases.