My works used windows only industrial software. I have tried it in wine but there are to many companion apps and the accompanying licensing issues.
My works used windows only industrial software. I have tried it in wine but there are to many companion apps and the accompanying licensing issues.
I palayed half life Alex on the Vive when it came out on popos. That said I tried to play it again about 18month later and it was broken; would launch but not load properly. Beat saber has worked for me very consistently, mods are hard to get going but it’s possible.
Not sure that’s 100% true anymore. It’s not uncommon for people to go years without interacting with a windows PC, most will just use their mobile instead. When I say interacting I am not talking about using a self check at a grocery store running an app in kiosk mode, I mean startup, shutdown, update, install apps and use them.
I friend asked me for a laptop last year and had not used one for 8 years since his previous job. Even then his previous job was as a traidy and he only used it for generating invoices. I am sure their would be an app/service for that now.
Windows is in decline mainly because desktop and laptops are irrelevant for large swaths of the general population.
Provided the OS does not get in the way of what people are trying to accomplish (mainly accessing the web browser) it does not matter anymore.
Most people normal people now days need a web browser and LibreOffice (or google docs variant). Pair that with Bazzite or other “ready to go” OS that comes pre installed with multimedia codecs, navidia drivers, a mobile like app store, a mobile like DE and it can be that simple.
That was a good read, thanks.
+1 bazzite as well. It comes with waydroid for android apps, its Linux (so WSL covered), it does have a gaming focus, it has various Virtualization tools (toolbox, box-buddy) but you can get other options depending on what you actually want.
Don’t like it you can rebase to one of the other ostree based images from uBlue or fedora with about one command and a reboot.
Sorry to hear that. My 1080 works just fine and I use it daily, but that’s using the legacy navidia drivers. I assumed the newer cards with the newer driver would be in a better state. What card do you have?
Sorry for the delay, two kids with gastro :$
I cheeted, I used my partners Win11 desktop, installed the XBox accessorys app, update completed in about 4 minutes. I have had success with windows based firmware update tools using wine in the past; with a lot of troubleahooting. Her PC is 2 meters from me and it was done in 4 mintes… Yes I feel dirty, but it’s a one-off firmware update. Pick your battles.
I am Australian. Yes, “suggested apps” masquerading as installed apps. Most if them shitty micro transaction games and adobe software. This is not preloaded software, I used to fresh install Windows on all my systems to get rid of that crud.
The final straw was when win10 started putting ads in the start menu. The start menu is so broken and bloated…
Cool, thought for a long time there it was just an artistic liberty; but this is much cooler.
Hi Astrophysics,
I always wondered why they draw black holes like they do in that the accretion looks like it’s drawn in two planes. I would have thought it would have looked a bit more like a saturns rings? Or is it exactly like saturns rings but we see the whole ring bent round the top because a black hole bends the light around so we can see it? Or is it something else entirely that they are trying to depict here?
I would also accept dath maul chopping up zombies then getting a pint at the winchester. 😁👍
Sounds like circumcision propaganda to me.
How many goes have that had with the hulk and spider man movies?
Take a deep breath and look for the text that follows “password:” Self defeat is sell fufilling! Think of it as ASCII wheres Wally.
I got my CNC router working via wine about 2 years ago. Was very happy when it not only worked but worked well. Thought I was going to need to setup a dedicated windows PC for it but I can just use my workshop/tinkering laptop.
People are lazy as fuck. Provided it plays their games they don’t give a shit about features updates, patches, bug fixes etc.
They probably have no ideal what version of windows is even installed on their machine.
I’ve done it. I agree it can be done very easily. But is relying on all new users entering the right question into google and google returning a correct answer for their distro that is not 7 years out of date the best strategy in the long run?
Any distro that does not offer a option during install or on first boot to just install this stuff with a promt is not new user friendly.
Yeah, I have not really been liking the direction a lot if headset manufactures are going. I am never going to give meta money if I have a choice.