Pepper’s ghost cat, even.
Pepper’s ghost cat, even.
What the actual fuck did I just read?
“I’m not a transphobe, but more people realising they’re trans is a psyop by h o s t i l e g o v e r n m e n t s and trans people should sit quietly in the corner if they don’t want to get hatecrimed.”
I think that still is actually from this video of a switch opening. Sound on, it’s real neat.
It’s one of my favourite video essays -full stop-, and that’s honestly a pretty high bar.
Great followup too, even if it’s predictably infuriating and bleak.
Don’t worry, I’m sure there’s followup legislation in the works to limit disastrous climate events to a 4-day duration.
(This is still better than anything my country will do, of course.)
Fuck yeah anomalocaris
I was just playing Powder a few weeks ago! My friend and I used to play on a work laptop during slow periods, and I got nostalgic for it.
Had some good fun with unidentified ring of polymorph, don’t remember that from 2010.
Worm 1 [Healthy] Age 2 quadrums (32000) of Russia Consuming nutrient paste
Worm 2 [Healthy] Age 1 (41700) of Russia Consuming nutrient paste
…how are trains obsolete to anybody?
Hundred of billions of tonnes of freight are moved by rail each year globally, and people travel hundreds of billions of kilometers by rail.