Thanks for the warning 🙂 Sometimes I still think I have as much spare time as 10 years ago 😉
Thanks for the warning 🙂 Sometimes I still think I have as much spare time as 10 years ago 😉
This got mee googling Nextcloud and I think I’m going to give it a try 😱
I agree totally and on top of that, I also bake:
I’m still on Twitter (X) and I don’t have a problem with seeing Netflix-ads in my feed. I somewhat have a problem with a product like Twitter being bought by one person. If that could have been prevented in the first place, a tweet from one person would not jeopardize the monetization or engagement of that platform.
When Twitter was Twitter the same concerns were outed. Now X is Twitter minus 80% of its employees. From an economic standpoint it seems that investing in moderation doesn’t give you less concerns and complaints from the outside regarding disinformation, more extreme content, … . The advertisers have the most impact, I think. Together with the users that will look for an alternative.
Oh, luckily I’ve never experienced problems. I just wanted to point out that the appeal of Firefox for me was the appeal of being able to tinker with it and create my own custom experience. But not being able to, with confidence, verify the safety of plug-ins that I used or things that I tried out, I just stopped doing these things. And because I stopped tinkering with the browser, I used Firefox less and less. I had the same feeling with using custom ROMs for Android phones. So definitely not anything wrong with Firefox. It’s not Firefox that changed, I changed.
In my younger days I used Firefox as me default browser on Windows. It was fun to tinker with. The add-ons were especially interesting. Things like greasemonkey let you lay over a custom script over the websites you visited. But when I started to concern myself about the security of all this tinkering, I stopped with running script that a very sympathetic Russian kid had created. So at that time I switched to Google Chrome and now I’m using Edge Chromium.
Thanks for the effort you put in this response. Is it a good summary when I say that Belgium in population and area can be compared with a metropolitan area of any major city in the USA? And best should be compared as such?
I’m very much surprised with the migration figures being as high as you mention. Europe is surrounded with countries in war in Eastern-Europe, Middle-East and Africa. And many of our migrants are refugees.
All the migration towards USA is mainly from south of the USA, correct? There’s no war going on over there, so do these migrants also poor living conditions and are mostly fortune seekers? Or are their lives in danger from the government in these countries?
Thank for bringing this up. I’m currently using a Samsung Galaxy S10e. I mostly use the smartphone from my pocket:
So as long as the basic version of the SG s-series is sold in the above dimensions, I’m not worried 🤞
Living in Belgium, I’m happy with the social security that’s available here and the chances for a good education, etc. But I’m confused as to why this all isn’t available for everyone in the USA. The USA is a world leader in so many domains so I would assume that this would benefit its inhabitants first.
Reading the article, it seems like the configuration of the fstab-file needs to be done at creating the bootable usb-stick? Or can it also be modified afterwards?
I started several years ago with the YouTube Premium family plan. It gave me:
My kids are fine with it. It saves me and them a Spotify subscription. Having YouTube Originals disappear somewhat, lessened the value for me. Once the kids are not under my roof anymore, I’ll have to rethink this subscription plan. But that will be in eight years, or so. In that time so much will change, it’s not even worth thinking about it.
I’m an Ubuntu-user. My wife and myself have a Windows laptop from work and my kids also from school. Not to have to buy another laptop for personal use I made an Ubuntu-usb-stick to boot from any of these four available laptops. I’m not a power user. I need some office-apps, web-browser, … . And gaming is done via Gforce-Now cloud gaming. If that makes me a noob 🙂 I mostly don’t have the time anymore to tinker with all this anymore. Been there, done that.
I used to play around with a lot of internet browsers and executed on top of that scripts in greasemonkey, add-ons, plug-ins, … . But the trustworthiness of these things were not clear for me anymore. So now I’m at using Edge Chromium. Better the devil you know 🙂
I’m not waiting to see Twitter fail. I’m just hoping that the federated alternatives for Twitter and Reddit will get more mainstream. And I must say that I’m happy with the way things are evolving at Mastodon and Lemmy.
Limp Bizkit
It was a local festival Pukkelpop in the year 2000. First of all, if you see the line-up, you’ll never get these artists together nowadays. But it was day 2 and Limp Bizkit was preparing everyone for Cypress Hill. Only Limp Bizkit was so energetic and got the whole crowd in that same energy. By the time it was Cypress Hills turn, the crowd had to decompress. Cypress Hill didn’t get the crowd in the right atmosphere until they said ‘Limp Bizkit were amazing!’ and the crowd cheered ‘Yeah!’ and Cypress Hills from that moment on got the crowd going.