make your billions by buying lots of small, but super profitable investments.
make your billions by buying lots of small, but super profitable investments.
as a queer brown man; i don’t want to be anywhere at all.
why 1949 and where?
fwiw: gay nightlife in san francisco was at its zenith in the 50’s & 60’s .
the san francisco we have today is a tiny dim more conservative ember of what it was back then.
it’s everywhere american conservatives have a relationship and right now it’s strongest in africa
Do something that you can immediately enjoy and it’s sufficiently distracting for you to give you a moment to completely forget about it
Israeli intelligence knew and did nothing at the behest of their masters
Living in Texas had taught me that, if Texas wants it, it is therefore bad.
The fediverse has so little content that it makes it hard to imagine anyone paying for something that gives you less content and participation than any unregistered lurker gets from something like reddit for free
r/topsandbottoms and r/pecsandpecbouncing are the biggest subs that keep me on reddit.
when it gets stuck on something like that, it’s because of a hardware related change; did you update or modify your bios recently or change hardware drivers?
that content keeps me coming back as an unregistered lurker and for much longer than all of the fediverse instances combined.
What’s the difference between a fascist and an “anarchist” who does everything they can to kneecap the only viable left leaning political party in the US?
what’s the difference between a cuckold and someone who votes for racist, homophobic, classicist establishment politicians no matter what; there is no difference.
i’ve lost track of the number of times this has happened to me since joining the fediverse and part of me wishes i had stayed on reddit to remain ignorant of the of ignorant liberal masses.
the “no politics” crowd is speaking from a place of intense privilege and i know this because politics and fucked my life and seeing people support politicians who are responsible for those politics is maddening.
look at the responses in other fediverse instances; the no piracy, no politics, no fun crowd is the majority
i lol’ed when i got to this line because you perfectly described the circumstances describing nixon’s resignation (excluding the execution).