Ich geh mir erstmal n Kaffee hohlen und dann sehen wir weiter…
Ever wondered why ${insert_proprietary_software_here} takes so long to boot?
Tja, dass müssen wir wohl leider bei der Sprachpolizei melden.
The mods are working ‘for their community’. It’s just that that’s happening on a profit companys platform.
Having USB-C PD on a Shaver would be nice, but also costly as it would require the Shaver to ‘ask’ the power supply for power. And they probably gonna save a penny there.
deleted by creator
The fact that the platform is used by right wing extremists and for gay furry porn is kinda remarkable.
Vielleicht gehen die Leute mit der Skinny-Jogginghose damit ja gerade zum Joggen?
Ihr glaubt gar nicht, was hier los war, als irgendjemand aus meiner Zehntausend-Einwohner-Stadt bei irgendeiner dieser Carstingshows bei RTL teilgenommen hat.
Depending on how radioactive the battery in your pocket is, that’s not hard.
Rechen hab ich im Garten. Datenverarbeitungsgerät muss das heißen!
The song does not call anyone a faggot, it’s quoting an (probably) hypothetical person thoughts.
(Sorry for spelling it out - but I am convinced not using an evil word does only make the word an even stronger weapon)
It does not say you can’t do it, it just says it’s prohibited. It wants you to be aware you are rebellious.
There also is B0, which is exactly 1 by the root of 2 meters.
I read a comment suggesting that you (yes, you!) would probably do a better job managing Twitter.
nachrichtenleicht.de - schon die URL hat zu viele Buchstaben.
Also, copper cables capable of transmitting high data rates aren’t easily manufactured either. Think of shielding, twisted pairs of wires, etc. And they don’t even contain a lot of copper.
But what do you do if you have to fix ‘the internet’?!
Oh mein Gott, muss ich die BILD jetzt etwa wieder selber lesen?