It’s a failed attempt at minimizing. Lots of people reply like that.
It’s a failed attempt at minimizing. Lots of people reply like that.
You get some kind of bonus if you wear your classes preferred armor type iirc.
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
That’s how easy updating is on (Debian flavors)Linux.
Mississippi always has toilet paper stuck to its shoe.
Fall from grace my ass. People are just now noticing that everything America has ever been is a cardboard set piece used to hide the piles of garbage in the background. This country has never been anything more than a lie.
Kevin Rose has always given me young tech sociopath vibes.
This pisses me off. I can’t make the world a better place. We can’t make it a better place. We are the very reason it’s as bad as it is! Squirrels aren’t out there with ponzi schemes. Toads aren’t building machines that destroy natural resources. Scorpions aren’t committing genocide in the name of a made up God so they can take land from other scorpions. We are the only thing on this planet that does not fit into the systems that exist. I know that kind of statement bothers people because you believe yourselves to be good because your aren’t X, but everything you and I do causes suffering. Everything.
Oh I remember. Ahead of its time. RIP.
This man cannot be knocked over.
Oh to be young and still idealistic…
The end scares most people so much that logic gets thrown out the window.
My dream has been to have a phone that works like a phone until I get home and plug in a monitor and kbm then it’s a full fledged PC. Think Dex but not shitty Samsung Android. While I’m dreaming while docked it could also utilize a desktop grade GPU.
The 50s happened.
No I’ve recognized the virus-like existence of humans for the bulk of my 43 years. We have the capacity to do better, but don’t and that’s what makes us so fucking awful.
No one thinks they’re a bad person, but bad people exist.
This is from House.
What’s the best way forward then?
You can’t have change without sacrifice.
I quit eating meat because I care about animals, I limit my driving to as little as possible to lessen my impact, I use open source software exclusively, I only buy repairable tech… I’m doing what I can to lessen the suffering I, an individual, inflicts and it’s made no difference. Animals still being killed, Earth still dying, corpos still raking in record profits, people still losing their homes, jobs, lives… I understand the need to feel like you and your choices matter. That’s how people cope with all this. I’m m not like that. I see things as they are and not as I hope they might be one day if we can just not shop at Target.
We only have power when a large enough group of us does something. Anything else is publicity.
Ah yes… Lords of land… The greatest of leeches.