I don’t think they make money. It’s an open source project where people donate their time as far as I know.
EDIT: I forgot to mention you can donate to the project. Something has to pay for web hosting, I guess.
I don’t think they make money. It’s an open source project where people donate their time as far as I know.
EDIT: I forgot to mention you can donate to the project. Something has to pay for web hosting, I guess.
I built a new PC two months ago and it’s the first time I didn’t get Office. Libre Office has everything I need and it’s free.
You can turn that off in Group Policy if you have the Pro version of Windows.
I can understand this. This is a server hosted by an individual who doesn’t want the potential legal headaches that may arise. Everyone is free to make another account on another instance, or create their own instance.
You can always host your own instance. Then you can choose what is blocked and what isn’t.
Yeah, I built my new PC around 2 months ago. Maybe they are cheaper elsewhere but here in Australia they are very expensive. :(
256TB? That’s huge! How about an affordable 8TB SSD though? I ended up going with a HDD as a secondary drive because it was like a quarter of the price of high capacity SSDs.
And so it begins
I can spend 17 minutes driving to work, or 1.5 hours catching buses. Easy choice for me.
I don’t see it that way. There are separate options to Favourite or Bookmark a post. To me Bookmarking something is so you can refer to it later, although nothing is stopping you using Favourites that way.
They are very expensive and not everyone has a garage where they can charge them. I can only park on the street so I would have to go to a charging point and sit in my car for the whole time it charges. Not as convenient as pumping petrol into my car for 2 minutes.
Just came to the comments page and it said “You must log in or register to comment.” I was already signed in 💀
Dark Reader is one of my must haves. Turns dark mode on for every site. If a particular site already has its own native dark mode you can turn the extension off for just that site. Not perfect in all cases but works beautifully for most pages you view.
EDIT: Tap To Tab is really good if you are using a laptop without a mouse. Just double tap the trackpad to open a link in a new tab.
Omg, I went to twitter.com and it requires a login now. That’s the end of that, I guess. Most people aren’t going to sign up to see a random sentence written by some person that was linked to by some random website.
They said bad movie, not cinematic masterpiece.
Waterworld. It’s so terrible but at the same time I love it.
Another Australian here. Our water is safe to drink out of the tap. I drink tap water daily and have so all my life.
That’s a very specific sub-genre.
You could set your browser to clear all cookies when you close it. That does mean you have to keep logging into sites every time you open the browser again, but with a password manager that’s not really a problem.