Yea. This isn’t being started on the left. It’s being emulated.
Yea. This isn’t being started on the left. It’s being emulated.
Considering how fast I died by rats in the original, I’m fucked.
Although, I’m not sure how he’s going to swing it in the opposite direction when no one trusts he isn’t going to flip-flop just days later.
I finally left Google a month or so ago and its amazing how little I miss it.
This is a great way to create people who have nothing to lose. Bonus, these were already people who were activists and doing something. Kicking the hornets nest might be an apt comparison.
Not any, but you’re right, it can be applied to quite a few products unfortunately.
My mom’s pastor was accused of being sexual towards a woman. The whole thing sounded a bit sketch, so I’m not entirely convinced he did anything. But given the reputation of religious leaders inalso wouldnt be surprised.
My mom defended him by saying he “showed his chaplains ID for the police department.” As if him being thr chaplain that goes in and attempts to convert inmates makes him a good person. It sounded more like a flex, like he was saying “try pursuing this, I have friends in high places.”
For MAGA? I don’t think there is a number.
Because it allows people’s data to be sold off. In other words, we’re the product.
Star Wars Galaxies I would leave my character dancing in a cantina and come back to thousands of tips in credits.
Bloodletting is making a comeback!
That really depends on where you were born and what status you were born into. You could be born into a lot of places today that you would starve or live under miserable conditions.
The shitty part is it won’t just be us. Animals who had nothing to do with our shit will likely die right along with us.
Okay, it just sucks to swap again so fast. It’s not that deep.
Edit: love the downvote for saying your line back to you.
That’s true, but it does “target” areas harder. Typically low income since there is little choice to go out into the world and MAGA.
This really sucks. I JUST swapped over to Mozilla about a week ago.
Newpipe also let’s you make Playlist and subs.
Because we have a giant backlog of steam sales.