I think you’re right, but I have hope. I believe in us lemmings, lol.
I think you’re right, but I have hope. I believe in us lemmings, lol.
Using reddit makes me feel bad. It’s full of such inflammatory rage bate. Even in the niche communities I was part of, there were multiple posts every day just stirring the pot. Lemmy right now reminds me of reddit in its early days, back when people were trying to have actual, meaningful discussions.
After the api-gate, I had a moment where I asked myself “what things have I actually learned on reddit that I otherwise wouldn’t have learned?” And the answer was nothing. Actual, helpful, insightful discussions just don’t get attention over there anymore. I get way more mileage out of my RSS feed than reddit.
I’ve found the tone here on Lemmy to be more positive and more informative. Don’t change, y’all.
I started self hosting my own RSS feed a few years ago, and I couldn’t live without it. It’s the best way to get timely info.
And then you can be the first one to post it on lemmy.
They’re asking their users to leave. Its about time we oblige them.
I feel like I found a new reason to avoid amazon every time I looked for a product not being sold under some random fake brand name. I cancelled prime over a year ago and started shopping elsewhere. It costs more, but the quality of just about anything is higher.
I avoid amazon for the same reason I avoid walmart: everything is a simulacrum of an actual product. Somehow, amazon is even worse than walmart.
So yeah, boycott amazon and shop at places selling actual products.
Ex mormon here, and I had the same reaction. The shit that went on in that church is absolutely insane in retrospect. Like, it seemed “normal” at the time, but now looking back as an adult its all a bunch of “what the fuck” moments.
Like that one time I was a 15 year old kid, getting asked by a church elder if I looked at porn as a “purity test”. I have no idea how mormonism is even legal.
Same here. I figured it was a matter of time before reddit was entirely ruined after the api change and IPO. I stuck around for the niche communities, but they’ve all been overrun by bots.
RIP in pizza, reddit.
This is an interesting question for me. I used to be solidly in the “no” camp but became part of the “yes” camp due to some things I’ve experienced in life.
Life is strange. Maybe it’s nothing more than what is happening in our brain. Maybe it’s more than that. I choose to believe the latter, but I’m open to having my belief challenged if (when?) scientific study provides a better answer than what we have now.
Starsiege. No, not tribes. Starsiege, third game in the earthsiege series. Tribes was actually a spin off in the same universe that got much more popular (with good reason, tribes was awesome).
Starsiege was a pc game that came in a bigass box, complete with multiple books filled with lore from the game’s universe. It wasn’t as well received as mech warrior (another mech sim), so it didn’t have a big community. But those of us that played it loved it to death. I think you can still get the game running if you don’t mind fucking with a bunch of sketchy third party patches.
I was so excited to play the SC2 campaign when the game came out. Starcraft and Brood War was my life for years.
I was so disappointed by SC2 that, to this day, I haven’t even read the wikipedia summary of the expansion campaigns. Never bought either of them. I stopped playing around the time they introduced paid maps (in 2010 or something). Playing competitive was good, but UMS was botched just as bad as the campaign when the game was new. That was my most anticipated thing after the campaign. Even now people mostly only play the same 3 UMS maps.
The original game still holds up too. We got robbed of a good sequel. And don’t even get me started about diablo 3 lol. RIP blizzard.
Edit: did some googling and it turns out they announced, but did not implement paid maps in 2009. Map micro translation did eventually get implemented though.
Lots of good answers in this thread. Thank you for wording this in a way that allows me to post more than one answer, lol. I’ll name a few I didn’t see reading through here:
Closet Witch
Cellar Darling
After Forever
Just to name a handful off the top of my head.