opposition party? these motherfuckers may as well be on the same goddamn team.
opposition party? these motherfuckers may as well be on the same goddamn team.
updated links above and will take note in the future. thanks!
this is why Dems can never be an effective opposition party to right wing extremism
The Alt Right Playbook: You Go High, We Go Low (InnuendoStudios, YouTube)
painfully relevant and insightful even 6 years later.
Dems are rule following conformists who would rather keep the wheels of governance spinning no matter what, because they incorrectly believe that the “democracy machine” can only ever produce “more and better democracy”.
from Merrick Garland being denied confirmation, to Al Green at the state of the union, Dems fundamentally don’t grasp when it’s necessary to break the rules to achieve goals
they don’t understand, The Rules Serve Us, We Do Not Serve Them (Parkrose Permaculture, YouTube)
it’s not enough for their stock valuations to decline, we need to see their actual wealth (assets, private property) redistributed to the 99 percent.
in other words, control over the means of production needs to be taken from them. at minimum, reestablishment of top marginal tax rates and inheritance taxes.
they have demonstrated they cannot be responsible with the productive powers of our country. time to make the bosses pay.
Until Debt Tear Us Apart relevant economic analysis. collapse has many facets, and the “wealth pump” described by Graeber and the author of this article, is perhaps the most imminent threat. even resource depletion and climate perma-crises are relatively slow moving compared to the velocity at which resources have been gobbled up by the wealthiest ‘elites’, threatening all of humanity.
we all need to get serious about redistribution of wealth.
society as we know it may come crashing down, but there are mechanisms (taxes is a big one) to slowing down the free fall to a slightly more humane controlled descent.
it’s so much more than stocks. stocks are mostly vibes and short term get rich schemes for already wealthy people. they’re Pokemon cards for the finance class, creating almost nothing tangibly beneficial to society. hype and FUD in an endless cycle.
you can’t eat stocks. you can’t warm your house with stocks. you can’t manufacture solar panels with stocks.
real wealth, the serious fuck you Big Money, depends on the ownership and distribution of real resources: real estate, agricultural land, factories, pipelines, commerical buildings, capital infrastructure. these are what the ultra wealthy buy up during recessions and then charge rents and leases for everyone else to pay, forever. forget about owning land or a home, your kids can’t compete with someone paying cash on a 600k house or snatching up entire portfolios of hundreds of rentals in a single purchase.
bailouts and blank checks given out as PPP loans to “business owners” during Covid redistributed wealth from the taxpayers (government) into the hands of the wealthiest people in the world. they can then convert their Pokemon collections into real wealth generating resources. government bailouts to corporations become an engine for not just making the rich richer but the types of assets they then acquire using that money cements them at the top of the wealth generation food chain forever.
Trump 2.0 is engineering another massive redistribution, even bigger and more focused on real estate than before. he made his fake reputation on real estate. loyalist oligarchs who bank rolled dark maga will be handsomely rewarded with the newly emptied government office buildings and public lands.
and your kids and grandkids will be homeless.
by foggy@lemmy.world
If I keep posting this every time there are egg related political news stories, maybe it’ll come true?
I put together a little short story about how I would like to see Donald Trump meet his demise. Drowning in eggs:
The Eggsecution.
The once-proud leader, now stripped of title and dignity, stands in the center of the barren, concrete abyss. The abandoned Olympic swimming pool—thirty feet deep, dry as bone—has become their final stage. Above, the gathered masses stretch in every direction, a writhing sea of anticipation.
They do not jeer. They do not boo.
They simply chant.
“Eggs. Eggs. Eggs.”
It starts as a murmur, a low thrum of human voices vibrating in unison. Then it grows, swelling into a deafening roar that rattles windows, that shudders in the bones of every person present. A chant as ancient as it is absurd, a single-minded invocation of punishment.
The first egg arcs high overhead, tracing a lazy curve before splattering against the fallen leader’s shoulder. The yolk bursts, oozing down his baggy, ugly, now-useless suit. A streak of yellow, the first of many.
Another egg. Then another.
Then dozens.
The first impacts make them flinch, stagger—hands raised in a futile shield. But soon there are too many to dodge, too many to deflect. They curl inward as the sky rains viscous judgment. The chant never stops.
“Eggs. Eggs. Eggs.”
Shells crack. Yolk drips. The scent of sulfur and shame thickens in the stagnant air. It coats their skin, their hair, their pride, turning them into something less than human. Something… egg-like.
At the top of the pit, a child—no older than seven—steps forward. They hold their egg with both hands, cradling it like something precious. Reverent. With a deliberate motion, they lob it downward. It strikes the leader square on the forehead, exploding with an almost musical plap. The crowd erupts into a fresh crescendo of cheers, but the chant never falters.
“Eggs. Eggs. Eggs.”
No escape. No reprieve. The pit is smooth concrete, slick now with raw egg and humiliation. They can do nothing but stand there, endure, become part of the ritual.
Somewhere in the throng, a vendor hawks boiled eggs. Another sells cartons to the unprepared. A man in a chicken suit waves encouragingly at the crowd.
The night wears on, but the spectacle does not end.
It cannot end.
Not until the last egg is thrown. Not until the last voice is hoarse.
Not until the world is rid of this one, failed leader, broken not by swords or exile, but by the inescapable weight of public yolk and scorn.
“Eggs. Eggs. Eggs.”
agree completely. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about why this simple defiance is so difficult for some people. I figure it’s because they fear social consequences (what will people think of me as a rule breaker?!) or they fear economic consequences (I could lose my job and ability to support my family!).
what’s interesting is that the solution to both reasons/excuses is having a strong social support network and solidarity with others who would help you when you stumble. modern individualism and desperation has made people so isolated and fearful of being mis-perceived and has made us less powerful to stand up for what we (collectively) know is the right thing to do.
if someone in my circle gets fired or shamed because they said “No” to a fascist, theyre going to get a lot of help if they need it. and i make sure to tell them that.
welcome! it ain’t perfect here, but at least it’s decentralized and harder to manipulate in favor of the oligarchs.
Will policymakers continue to ignore the signs and force the planet to face the devastating consequences?
yes. yes they will.
my only hope is rapid socioeconomic collapse caused by short-sighted fascist mismanagement, leading to spiraling declines in life expectancy (and therefore drastically lower global population and consumption levels). that’s probably overly optimistic though.
first time hearing about this, any more details you can provide or link to a news release? is this Ubiik?
saving this for later, thanks
the Cold War was a free printing money machine for 50 years. creating a new one against China makes sense if you’re an oligarch whose wealth rides upon govt contracts and endless military industrial expansionism.
and it kinda explains why Putin is manipulating Trump to make him believe they’ll choose the US over China in a game of saber rattling. Russia is positioning itself to be the tie-breaker so it can play both sides against one another in lucrative energy/arms deals. maybe they’ll even get some real estate out of it.
the 2016 and 2020 coverage of Bernie Sanders and their pushing of centrist anti-progressive agendas in the editorials was enough for me to unsubscribe forever. after what they’ve done in recent years, there’s no way I’ll ever trust them to represent working class interests.
here’s an example just a couple weeks ago of them laundering Republican party talking points into man on the street style “people are saying” interviews about how 'aktually I’m black and I’m glad DEI is being ended.’ receipts showing stealth edits made to cover their tracks in the linked article.
certain, specific humans, have a great deal more culpability than others.
less useful blaming billions when a couple dozen people engineered the choices for the rest of us, especially on climate.
the biggest problem opposition groups have nowadays is targeting the wrong people to oppose. I know who my enemies are and it’s not so self defeatingly simplistic as humans = bad.
Bernie was the compromise. now it’s Luigi time.
I think they meant to say interbreed, ie, sapiens and neanders fucked each other. vast majority of humans living today have neanderthal DNA in them.