That album is killer.
That album is killer.
Thanks for writing this. Amazing post.
I upvoted your comment but man I wouldn’t even take a freebie from Oracle. Just an absolutely rotten company and Larry Ellison is one of the worst humans on the planet.
Rc Pro Am was pretty great.
I’m 3 time zones away from my server and it hasn’t crashed yet after being gone for 3 days. I’m very proud of it.
An acquaintance helped close a deal for a stadium naming rights. It had been a multi year process, the negotiations were crazy, the company deliberated forever trying to decide if this was the best way to increase brand recognition and man that shits expensive.
So like a shit head that thinks he’s funny I started calling the stadium by its sponsor like 3 sponsors ago when I was around them. You could see the anxiety spike when I did it.
Your comment made me think of that. It’s hilarious. They would have had a fucking breakdown if they had heard someone say that out loud.
Anyone tried it?
With the sheer size of the military, the people at the top eventually become senior executives types, more in charge of portfolios than soldiers per se.
So a soldier that high might be in charge of procurement of equipment for a whole country or region, or a couple of them could be in charge of the largest military units designed to fight.
2ID, the military unit covering all of South Korea and expected to fight if conflict with North Korea arose, has a two star boss and three one stars under him.
Brigadier general is a one star.
That reminds me I need to donate to them.
Congrats buddy. Right on.
It looks great but man I hate subscriptions and $80 for a lifetime license is absurd.
Wonderful post. Thanks for taking the time to write it.
Great comment. Thanks for posting it.
Raspberry Pi
I don’t have time to respond, but exploring the capabilities of any of those things would be a great place to start.
Mad Max was way better than it had any right to be.
Yes please. Right on.
I just sent em $10. Thanks for posting the link.
SSL Certs were so god awful before certbot that it’s hard to explain now that it’s so easy and free.
All these kids are the exact same kids with the exact same problems as the ones I knew growing up, but the parents have more money and therefore more tools to help support their kids. The only real difference is the trauma of being broke as fuck isn’t there but it’s replaced with the pressure of expectations. When I was a kid if I had gotten a job as a mail delivery person, that would have been seen as a total success on my part. Life long stable job with a retirement at the end. I fucking won the game of life. For rich kids, that would be seen as an abject failure.
It’s not that they don’t have empathy. It’s that their entire community is economically high performers. Everyone they meet in their lives fucking won the game of capitalism. The only "not wealthy’ humans they run into wait on them or teach them. In their minds, how hard can it be? They know all these normal looking people and they’re all rich as fuck so how hard can it be?
Because that’s the mind fuck. Rich people aren’t better than you. Some shit went their way and that’s the difference. Elite earners don’t work harder than janitors. And so rich kids grow up in that world and it’s just normalized. It’s not a lack of empathy, it’s that they internalize it as “normal”.
Then a middle class kid runs into them and sees them as lacking in empathy.
You’re right though. It is more luxurious. They live in a world where they know the money ain’t going away, but my trauma finds a way of breaking thru sometimes. My kids both know how to make beans and rice and can shop and cook for themselves for a week for under $20.