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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: August 21st, 2024


  • I certainly remember when lenovo pushed a keyboard firmware update so bad that it physically damaged a part on thousands of legion laptops and then refused to own up to it. Fuckers. Never again.

    *ok I half remembered, I don’t actually know that a part was physically damaged but the only permanent fix involves soldering so close enough

  • I work at the Target warehouse that supplies the northwest, should be interesting to see if this actually noticeably changes our daily product volume. Gonna hazard a guess at no probably not. I should have some idea within 24 hours thanks to just in time logistics but seasonal product could fuzz the numbers a bit.

    Works for me though, I’m mostly here for the tuition benefit and I don’t lose benefits eligibility unless I dip below 20/hr/week average which I can’t imagine happening.

    Update: Maybe, actually. Today was the lowest volume so far this week but we’re just sorta back to the volume we were running last week. We’ll see if it sticks.

    Update 2: lol, today’s volume is even higher than last week. It’s just volatile right now I guess, no discernible impact.

  • Work doesn’t stop being work because it’s artistic.

    If you violate your visa you can get deported, that’s pretty normal globally and does involve an arrest. It’s only exceptional because of the inhumane conditions of detention facilities in the US and because she was arrested immediately instead of being denied entry or educated on the restrictions of the visa. If she presumably told CBP she was intending to violate the visa waiver she probably thought it was acceptable for some reason.

    “Why yes customs agent, I am intending to perform work in exchange for money while in the US on a tourism entry permit” -Privileged and naive white tourist used to the Schengen area about to dive face first into a poisoned spike pit that was meant to catch brown people

    The problem is the spike pit, not really the person diving into it making headlines because they happen to be a white woman.

  • Eat a bagel or something jesus christ. Nobody is forcing you to buy eggs.

    Boohoo the omnis have to consider switching to a different breakfast for a few months, this is just like mass starvation. They don’t sell 5000 other things at the grocery store, eggs are the only staple food and now we have to spend 90% of our daily income on them.

    Your preferred breakfast being a bit more expensive while other things that were already cheaper are still cheaper is not comparable to a french peasant being unable to pay for their only staple food. Get a grip.