Just some very basic moaning about tankies and pro-luigi memes, I don’t remember too well
After a year of absence, I’ll give this instance another shot, things have gone better than I expected.
Just some very basic moaning about tankies and pro-luigi memes, I don’t remember too well
Eh. to some degree, enshittification is going to happen as more people come in, because more people = more shitty people. If we want to have the good niche communities that are IMO the only excellent thing about reddit, we’ll have to put up with the fact that that also means a bunch of annoying people use the service.
At least Lemmy has far, far better tools for dealing with them.
Have you considered reddit? I hear it’s a great platform for people without any sense of humour.
It makes perfect sense if you’re a person who thinks they’re the absolute center of the world and you judge every other person’s actions by how they impact you personally, I suppose.
They were voted in by Americans, and nobody has made any significant moves to impede them. It is not a small group, it is the USA in any sense we normally mean the term when referring to the actions of its government.
You got nothing but down votes cause you know I’m right. Denial is a hell of a drug.
I down voted and didn’t bother replying because your comment was too plainly stupid to merit followup, you absolute tool. Not only are there plenty of great songs from the 80s that aren’t about sex and drugs, but you also just proved my point by picking a specific sub genre and acting like it represents all of music.
I hadn’t read it as “theirs”, I assume they heard it somewhere and are repeating it just as I plan to do.
Best analogy I’ve seen so far, thanks so much.
IMO it’s a mixed blessing and curse. A lot of them are uninteresting, but the top comments are usually good for a quick laugh.
Very little
I think that depends quite a bit on what you listen to.
This raises kids with cool music tastes. My 14yo might be a bigger fan of 2000s indie rock than I am, and I was, y’know, both a fan of and the target demographic of that music when it was being made.
It’s not that I do my best work 8 hours before the deadline, it’s that I do my only work 8 hours before the deadline…
that feeling when your meds kick in for the first time and you realize all these other fucking assholes have been living like this their whole lives and never told you.
Yes, although it should be noted that one of the trickier parts of ADHD is most people have at least some traits of it, especially when they’re younger. It’s why our memes are so relatable.
Still get checked if you’re thinking it.
Hmm could someone remind me who bleeds if you cut a liberal?
All kinds of ways, but I think a good few recipes to check out are:
I can find a recipe similar to mine for any of these if you like
These days, we tend to sit down on Sunday evening and plan out our meals for the week, then go shopping on Monday. We go to the farmer’s market Saturday and plan our meals around what vegetables we could buy locally.
I don’t consider very many things essential. Maybe dry beans, rice (sub millet, quinoa, or other cookable grain as needed), lentils, flour, and salt? Without those I’d have troubles surviving, with an adequate supply of those I could live for months, it’d take a while to even get sick of all the things you can make with it. I’m willing to cut pretty much anything I need to out of my diet if it’s not available and honestly I think the obsession with having all foods available at all seasons is weird.
“The local grocery store is run by a neo Nazi, but they’re worried about going out of business so if I shop there I’m costing them money!”
Welcome aboard, the place is comfy and only really needs user numbers at this point.
Likewise, third date and all. Married twenty years now, no signs of stopping. To each their own, but i agree, it always seemed weird to me to wait on something so central to a relationship